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My name is Raul Sierra, I was born in Toluca, a small city 75Km West of Mexico City. I'm 32 years old, 1.85 meters tall, weigh 65 kilograms, I have dark brown eyes and black straight hair. As a boy and even in my twenties I used to be skinny, but lately I've began gainning some weight, so at last my grandmother tells me I'm chubby and would probably pinch my cheeks if she could stand taller. As a kid my mom would urge me to eat more and I used to feel stuffed just after eating half my meals, but now that I get to go home each other weekend, I ask her to feed me at all time, so she gets mad and yells at me "Stop eating! I don't have anything else in the fridge!"

It's strange how people describe me when they meet me for the first time. Most of them use the following adjectives:
  • Cautious
  • Intelligent
  • Profound
  • Studious
  • Serious
  • Intellectual
  • Friendly
  • Peaceful
  • Patient
  • Funny
  • Loner
  • Easy to get along with

Toluca is one of the highest places in Mexico, at 2,680 meters above sea level. The weather is strange and unpredictable to say the least: sometimes the sky is clear in the morning and at noon the dry heat is unbearable; then, in the evening, dark and dense clouds cover the sky and it starts raining, sometimes just a little and a few others it's like a big thunderstorm or probably hail, or it can be the all the way around. The fact is you never know whether to carry a winter jacket, or an umbrella, or shorts and a T-shirt. Weather's so crazy I remember the volcano, commonly refered to as "El Nevado de Toluca", being completely covered in snow in the summer, and clean in winter. I remember it snowed back in the 90's, and that was the first and last time in my life I saw snowflakes.

Here you can see my resume.

On July 18 2006 I moved again, this time farther from home, to a city named Aguascalientes (literally "Hot Springs") 350 Kms North-East of Queretaro. I started working at Softtek, one of the biggest IT companies in Mexico. I was lucky to find an apartment downtown.