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I love to read, mostly science-fiction back when I was a kid and even through my late twenties. Now I dedicate most of my time to reading the Bible and Christian books (doctrine, theology, practical living and so on). I also enjoy reading children's stories, and two of my favorite books are "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery and "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis.

I also like to write. When I was a teenager and when I was studying at the university I liked to write short-stories, and I was able to collect all of my poetry in three volumes, from my early "experiments" to my more "mature" (if I may say so) works, which you can download by clicking the links below (the four books are in Spanish, although some of them contain some poems originally written in English and Hebrew).

PDF icon Antes del nuevo sueño
PDF icon Poemas
PDF icon Poemas para Anel (Sorry, I haven't registered this one, so hopefully it'll be available soon)
PDF iconSueños (This one is new, still unregistered too)

Another activity I enjoy is drawing and painting, although I don't do it as regularly now. I like to draw still-natures and landscapes. My favorite technique is pastel, due to its versatility and the way you can quickly sketch and compose a scene to later add detail with so rich textures and colors.

Lately I've tried to do some things using my computer and my digital still camera. The first "video" I made (more like a slideshow really) was a gift for my best friend Chu-Chu (love ya!) when she left the company to go somewhere else to work. She wanted this to be a special occasion, so she planned everything so this day would fall on her birthday. The year before I gave her one of my paintings, so I really didn't know what else to give her this time, until it occurred to me she'd love to see pictures of her friends and co-workers when we used to hang out together or at parties. She said she was so moved when she saw the video that it brought tears to her eyes (this is something seldom happens). My second try at "video-making" was a slideshow of my life (yes I know this sounds too selfish, but hey, I really didn't have that much pictures of my friends or relatives at parties or from our travels together).
And well, from this you might assume that I also like photography, but I don't have a good eye for composition or even to shot a good scene when I see it, but I try to from time to time ;-). I guess this is because I don't really feel the lens to be a part of me, but you'll see that in the "Pictures" section of this website.