"Faith, you've gotta understand, it wasn't her fault", Phoebe pleaded on the other end of the phone.
"Who's was it then?", Faith said coldly. She was enjoying making Phoebe sweat this out. She knew the witch was afraid of her.
"It was, well, it wasn't hers"
"You're not saying it was the Master's fault, are you?"
"No, I wouldn't say that, you know I wouldn't. She was just instructed to be overly confident, and things

kind of came out wrong.", Phoebe tried, diplomatically
"I would say so. You better get the remaining third of your sorry sister act in front of the Master by the end of the day. If you don't I going to come over there and show you the power of one, get it?"
"Yeah, I get it"
"Good, now I want Pooh, or what ever her name is, kneeling in front of me, begging to lick me, by midnight. Get it done", Faith said, then hung up.


"Damn.", Phoebe whispered. This wasn't good. She had to find Pru. The chances of Pru coming back to the house were slim now that she knew both her sisters belonged to Mesmotto. What could she do? She had tried talking with Piper about it. That was no help. The same overconfidence problem that got the girls into this mess was keeping Piper from thinking strategically. She just kept saying, there is no hiding from the Master's glory. That may be true, but if Phoebe didn't

get Pru hypnotized by midnight, there would be no hiding from Faith either.

Phoebe turned to the trusty book of shadows. She looked in the family section. She read some stories about the connection between sisters. The book claimed sister witches could sense if the other was in violent danger. It was then their true nature to rush to their sister's aid. Phoebe figure it was worth a chance.


A few hours later, Piper came rushing down stairs.
"Phoebe, Phoebs, are you ok?", she asked. She knew something was wrong, Phoebe had been hurt. Some guy attacked her, Piper knew it. For the first time in a few days she was thinking about something other than Mesmotto.

"I'm OK Piper", Phoebe answered."
"What happened?", Piper asked, still worked up.
"This guy punched me in the mouth.", Phoebe smiled.

"Why? Let's destroy him, why is he just standing there? Who is he", Piper asked all at once.
"The answer to questions one and two are 'because I told him to'. The answer to question three is 'I don't know", Phoebe answered.
"Explain further please"
"I went outside, looked for the first guy I could, then hypnotized him. I told him to get really mad, then punch me in the mouth. This is the first guy I found."

"He doesn't look mad now", Piper noted.
"He isn't. I told him to be relaxed and happy"
"Just out of curiosity, why the hell would you do this?"
"When you thought someone was attacking me, what was the first thing you did?"
"I came to come help you."
"Did Mesmotto tell you too?"
"No, it was like an instinct...ohhhh I see, quite clever.", Admired Piper.

"I thought so. Master is in the kitchen now, waiting for Pru to arrive."
"Master is here, I need to see him!", Piper gushed.
"No Piper, not yet. We need to make sure his surprise goes off without a hitch. I can feel Pru getting closer by the minute, can't you?"
"Yeah, I guess I can"
"What are you going to do with this guy?"
"I'll just wipe his memory clean after this, no biggie"


Minutes later, Pru burst into the house. Her adrenaline was pumping full blast. She hadn't even considered it might be a trap. She was only thinking of Phoebe.
"Oh gawd, Phoebe, what is it? Whose after you?", she panicked.
"No worries Sis, I subdued him. Actually, I'm glad you're here though, I have a little present for you...", Phoebe laughed.
Pru immediately realized what was going on.
Mesmotto came out of the kitchen, standing behind Phoebe. He didn't make a sound, but she knew he was there. Piper's face lit up with joy, and Pru's face paled with fear.
"Pru, I'd like to introduce you to your new Master"
"Hello Prudence", Mesmotto spoke.
Pru had already looked in his direction, so she was unable to look away at this point. She could already see why her sisters had been so enthralled.
"What have you done to my sisters?", she asked.
"I have given them what they wanted, ecstasy beyond their wildest dreams, and a sense of purpose. Don't you want to join them Prudence?"
"I want to save them", she said, remaining tough.
"Do you need to be saved girls?", he asked Piper and Phoebe.
"We have been saved already", they answered, almost in unison.
"Tell me you want to be taken Prudence", Mesmotto said. His power was growing stronger everyday, and he could see that it was having an obvious affect on her.
"I want to be taken", she answered. Easy as pie.
"Good, now look into my eyes", he said.
As soon as Pru heard that phrase, her stomach started to churn. She was getting sick, very sick. Pru threw up. Mesmotto didn't know what was going on.
There wasn't much time to react. The pain in her stomach awakened Pru. She immediately realized what was going on. Using her power, she threw both of her sisters and their dark prince across the room. Piper tried to stop her from running out of the house, but her freezing powers didn't work on witches. Pru had escaped once more. She had somehow gotten herself resistant to hypnosis. Phoebe checked to see if her master was hurt. He wasn't. She began to thank her lucky stars that Faith had gone down to Sunnydale on some secret emergency. She wouldn't want to have to explain to Faith that she had failed once again.

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