"I don't understand how my friends could have been seduced by this man. It's not like he is you or anything", said 'Buffy'.
Spike wasn't going for it. The bot always seemed much less charming when the real Buffy was around.
"Yeah, yeah. Now listen. Willow is the ring leader of the crew over at your house. She's the one we need to get out first. By this point they've all probably heard that you, the real you, has broken free of this cat's
mojo. Try to get Willow outside, alone. She's going to want to come talk to you, cuz she'll think she can put the wammy on you again. Make sure she's alone, then grab her and make off to my crypt. Got it?", Spike instructed.
"Yes sir, I got it. You are the best planner in the world Spike", the bot said.
Spike took off to the secret location where the real Buffy was camping out.


The bot stood outside of Buffy's house for a good hour before she was able to catch Willows attention. Luckily, Willow reacted just as the Buffy, Spike and Giles had hoped. She came out alone, and didn't alert the others. She wanted to snag Buffy all alone, earning a better place in the hierarchy of Mesmotto's harem.
"Buffy, you're back!", she said as she snuck outside.
"Yes I am. I am both back and I am Buffy.", Warren didn't put a in very good dialogue program
"What? - Nevermind, Buffy why did you try to break free?", Willow asked. Buffy's answer had been strange, but Willow thought her behavior over the last few weeks had been stranger. Why would anyone want to break away from Mesmotto's power? It was ecstasy. Buffy had seemed so happy when she was under.
"Willow, I've got news for you. Mesmotto is actually a hypnotist from the netherworld. He has used his power
and irresistible sexual magnetism to enslave you and all of our friends.", the bot announced. She knew Willow would be shocked.
"Duh, I know, I'm the one who freed him remember?", Willow answered. Buffy's head was obviously in the clouds, she thought. Who knows what Giles had to do to her mind to get Mesmotto out of there. No matter this was her chance to score a big hit with the master.
"Buffy, I can make it all better, why don't you just
"Look into my eyes..", Willow began. She had been practicing quite hard.
"You feel yourself relaxing. Relaxing more and more. Breath in and breath out. You're eyes are getting heavier and heavier. You want to sleep Buffy, sleep for me now!", Willow said, using the same quick induction that had been so successful on the people of Sunnydale over the last few weeks.
"Thank you for the offer, but I have to finish my mission before I can rest."
Willow was shocked her induction didn't have even the slightest affect, "What is your mission?", she asked nervously.
"I'm here to kidnap you, and take you back to a secret location. That way Giles can work on un-brainwashing you.", the bot said with a smile.
"Look deeply into my eyes!", Willow tried again.
"It's not gonna work", a voice said, though Willow didn't quite know where that voice came from. Suddenly, with blinding speed, a figure came out of the shadows and violently bludgeoned Buffy. Willow had no idea what was going on, it was all happening to fast.
"How you like me know you hunk of scrap metal?", the figure taunted. It was a woman's voice. The mockery helped Willow figure out it was .... Faith.
Willow was terrified. Had Faith gone mad? Master wanted Buffy as his servant. Not as a corpse. Faith just kept wacking Buffy over the head. Buffy didn't scream, or even gasp. Willow expected to see Buffy gushing with blood. Instead, she gushed with sparks. The Buffy-bot! How could Willow have been so stupid?

"You're even more pathetic than the real B you hunk of junk!", Faith grunted as she delivered the final blow. Willow knew how close she came to being captured and allowing the downfall of the Sunnydale base. She also knew of the role Faith had been taking at the
San Francisco base. She was acting as Mesmotto's first in command. His strong arm. Willow knew her time in charge here was probably over.
"You're welcome", Faith said, looking down at the fried robot. Willow had not yet said thank you.
"I can't believe it was the Buffy-bot!", Willow said.
"Yeah, that was a real shocker. It so weird that they wouldn't send the real Buffy here so you could hypnotize her back into joining us.", mocked Faith.
"That's not fair! I was just minding my own business and she surprised attacked me!", Willow said.
"You were too busy having Anya and the others licking your pussy to see it coming. You should have used the power Mesmotto gave you to protect his interests, not to get yourself off. Do you know how I knew the bot would be here? I did some homework. I put the guy at radio shack under my power. I instructed him to call me if Warren the computer geek came into order any
specialized parts. The guy called yesterday afternoon. I left San Fran immediately. Shit, that reminds me. I have to call in and see if they grabbed the third witch. Those two idiots make you look like Patton.", Faith said.
"What's going to happen now?", Willow asked.
"I'm gonna be bunking with you while I work on recapturing B. The sisters are going to have to get their third on their own."

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