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Lay0uts Grafix by:


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En Mem0ria de/ /Sh0utz/
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<. c0ntact .>

Ok J0e aint my man but hey wh0 cares rye?


. Daily Drama . 0ct0ber 21st, 2001

Hey People welcome to my website the daily drama 0f a n0rmal well 0k abn0rmal W0man....T0day Ive been running ar0und getting all this funeral stuff taken care 0f with my m0m running by the bank...y0u name it we've been there...Go0dness T0night Im g0ing t0 sit d0wn and type my friend J0e a letter I miss him and if y0u see this J0e I still l0ve ya my big R0ck lo0k alike hunny!!!


p.s if yall didnt get that he lo0ks just like da r0ck!!! if y0u smell what da sh0rtii is c0okin!!!!


Sh0rtii rambled @ 9:56 pm Central Time


M0nthly H0es

Sarah Harrellson
West Plains, M0

Wanna-be Thugs

Carl Self
Patrick Rischon
West Plains,M0

Jail Birds

Will Dixon
1106 Missouri Ave.
West Plains, M0

Tell him Sh0rtii sent ya!!!

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This is a c0pyright 0f 2001-05
All Pictures etc. are c0urtesy 0f and Babydollz playh0use.