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Our Angel Friends

Amanda Jean ~ Born still January 15, 1999
Beloved daughter of Mitch & Jenn
Big sister to Elliott
Our Amelia's special friend and birthday buddy

Kenney Drew Jolley, October 2, 1987 at 8 months gestation
Beloved son of Michelle
Cause of death ~ CMV infection

Baby Angel ~ October 2, 1999
Beloved angel of Rich & Tricia
Big brothers Nick & Tyler ~ Baby brother Dylan

A note to my angel...
I know that Heavenly Father needs you to help Him in Heaven.
He needs lots of sweet angels to brighten Heaven's skies.
It has always made me feel better to know that Sheila & John's angel,
Jaden, held your hand and guided you to Heaven with him.
I love you, my sweet Baby Angel.
Love, Mommy

Kelly's Angel Babies
1st ^i^ ~ Miscarried November 2, 1999 at 6 weeks
2nd ^i^ ~ Miscarried March 21, 2001
(detected at 12 weeks, 3 days but determined death at 9 weeks)
I love both of you as much as your brother
and will see you in Heaven.
~Love, Mommy

Hannah Patrice Wilkinson
born sleeping the 3rd of October 1999
She weighed 335 grams (11 ounces) and was 12" long
Beloved daughter of Glenn & Joanne
Little sister of Jesse, Meghann, Jacob, Emma
Rebekah, Rachel & Sarah
Older sister of Samuel
We always think of, remember and treasure our little Hannah Banana

Jacob Ryan Nagel-Boyd
Born still August 15, 1999
Beloved son of John & Rebecca
Big brother of Zachary
Jacob's Home Page

Melissa's Angel Babies
Jacob Peter, miscarried December 1988 at 7 weeks
Jessica Mary, miscarried October 12, 1994 at 10 weeks
Connor James, miscarried May 6, 2001 at 5 weeks
Connor was unplanned & unconfirmed but I KNOW in my mother's heart
that he was with me, however short.
