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A child that loses a parent is an orphan.
A man who loses his wife is a widower.
A woman who loses her husband is a widow.
There is no name for a parent that loses a child,
for there is no word to describe the pain.

~Author Unknown


Hello and welcome to our little spot in cyberspace. We're glad that you've taken some time to peruse our pages. Through these pages you will get to know 6 very special angels. These angels are our precious babies who went to live in Heaven much too soon. Each item on these pages has been picked with much thought and care. We hope you enjoy your visit here.

These pages have been created not only to memorialize our angels, but also to bring the important issues of miscarriage and stillbirth to many people through the internet. These issues are very close to our hearts and we hope that through these pages you many gain some insight into these things.

Please, before leaving, feel free to leave us a message in our guestbook. We'd love to know that you were here and what you think of our pages.

Thank you & stop back again soon!

~Sheila & John


I am your worst nightmare.

I strike mostly at night while you're sleeping.

Most women I prey on never know I'm coming.
And some don't know I've been there until days later.
Not that it matters because there's no way to stop me.
I rob them of their most prized possession.

I steal from all, rich & poor, black & white.
I am a 'Equal Opportunity' destroyer of dreams.

Replace what I have taken from you and I may strike again.
Or I may spare you next time.
Not even I know for sure.

Last year I struck 26,000 American women, all fatally.
Likely I'll do the same this year, as not much has changed.

Just when women least expect it, I will strike out at them.
With devastating consequences for them and their families.

Most times I get away without as much as leaving a fingerprint.
I'm known from my handiwork, though none have seen my 'face'.
Because of that no one's out looking for me, so for now I'm safe.

My victims often refuse to discuss me, or tell others what I did to them.
Their reluctance to talk about what happened helps me in my work.
I like doing my dirty work out of the glare of inquiry.
I like the quiet hours and the anonymity.
I am aptly named because of it.

I am stillbirth.

~Richard K. Olsen

The mention of my child's name may bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring music to my ears.
If you are really my friend, let me hear the beautiful music of her name.
It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul.

~Author Unknown

If you get there before I do
Don't give up on me.
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darling, wait and see
And between now and then
Till I see you again
I'll be loving you
Love, Me

excerpted from "Love, Me" by Collin Raye

A Gift From God

An angel was sent from Heaven above
A special one that would bring much love
God knew that this precious life would be short
So He looked around for a tender heart
He made His choice and the gift was sent.
In what seemed like a moment the angel went
Leaving treasured memories, and a heart full of pain
A void, an abyss, tears flowed like rain
Wait just a moment, I wish you could see
This wonderful thing that has happened to me,
Jesus was waiting. His arms opened wide,
And He and His angels brought me inside
Such a beautiful place that I cannot describe,
A new home for me from the moment I died.
I'll wait for you here, so dry up your tears.
And go bravely on with your life free from fears
Know that God's with you to love and to guide.
He'll never desert you, He's there by your side.
So speak to Him daily from inside your heart
And let Him assure you we're not really apart.

~Author Unknown