Friends Are Like Angels Our friends are like angels,
Who brighten our days. In all kinds of wonderful, Magical ways. Their thoughtfulness comes, As a gift from above. And we feel we're surrounded, By warm, caring love.
Like upside-down rainbows, Their smiles bring the sun. And they fill ho-hum moments, With laughter and fun. Friends are like angels, Without any wings. Blessing our lives,
With the most precious things. Author Unknown * Thanks to Marlene who send this poem to Nette
Here are some of my best furiends I met at the Internet. I`m sure you will enjoy a visit at their places, too.
Puntomaus` Catgang
These four furballs own a very kind person named Puntomaus. I like to watch them every evening at their catcam or to meow via
ICQ with my special friend Apple Pie. Click on one of them to visit his/her own site or click here to visit Puntomaus` Homepage to see the whole site. There are many other interesting resources to visit and meet Twinkle* the new memfur of the family (not in picture)
Terry and Dog
Terry and Dog are our first furriends from Ohio, USA. We got to know them in 1999 when Dog offered his *Secret Santa Paws* emeow exchange. That was such a pretty idea!
Jacky also joined the last *St. Patrick`s Day Purrade* with a lot of other kitties at Dog`s Place. There is always some new stuff to know. So, don`t wait to visit them.
Maggie, Levi and Dusty from Flo`s Cat Page
Levi and Dusty were my last year Secret Santa Paws and send a lot of lovely gifts. We just keep in contact since this time. They and their meowmie Flo are really furry good friends and Nette and I love to visit their site all the time.
Sad news: Our friend Dusty crossed over to Rainbow Bridge on July 7, 2000.
We will miss you so furry much, Dusty! Here is our tribute to him.
Elizabeth and Petal
Elizabeth (left) and Petal (right) are my new furriends from Australia. Aren`t they cute?
Please, visit them at Marlene`s Cat Photos
From our friends
We received a lot of lovely gifts from all of our friends and added a new page to present them. Please, check out.