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World Trade Center

The World Trade Center, in New York; twin towers in Manhatten, was built in 1973, and was the highest sky scrscappers in the world. It was 110 stories and over 1,400 feet (400 m) tall. On Tuesday, 11 September 2001, the most serious attacks in history, happened. Two hijacked, jumbo jets headed for the Trade Centers and hit them near the upper level of the buildings at around 8:45 am., 15 minutes apart from each building. The towers collapsed at 10:07 am, and the other at 10:27 am., and killed over 4,500 people. The buildings used to hold 50,000 people.

World Trade Center History

World Trade center- photos

World Trade Center Memorial - movie

Ground Zero

The New, New York World Trade Center 2012

The World Trade Center 2013, and New York City

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