Talking to Zac

Chapter Two - "Talking To Zac"

~My P.O.V.~
Like always we landed at the Tulsa International Airport and they had their loyal fans waiting for them. How they knew we were coming back, I don't know, but they did. I grabbed my carry-on bags and followed Taylor off. Zac was behind me and I felt his hand brush over my thigh. I looked behind me, saw that no was watching and mouthed "not now Zac." He mouthed back "Later?" I wanted to, I really did but I knew this had to end. I nodded, he smiled and we went home.
"Oh it feels good to be home!" Beth said excitedly as we walked into the kitchen.
"Well, it's good to have you home." Mom said, greeting us all with a hug. When she got to me she whispered "How's my grand-baby?"
"She's just fine." I whispered back.
"Ok guys, let's go unpack." Leesha said excitedly.
"Wait!" Mom called after her. She turned around and walked back towards mom. Mom then pulled her into a big hug and said, "Welcome to the family."
"Thanks for inviting me to join it." Leesha said smiling.
"Come on- let's get your stuff." Taylor said to Alicia, while taking my hand.
"No, Taylor. Let Amy go upstairs to sleep. She's pregnant for God's sake and I'm sure the plane trip wore her out." Mom said. I nodded.
"Oh, ok. I'll be up after we unpack Leesha's stuff." Taylor said, kissing my cheek.
"Ok, honey." I said as I watched him leave. I turned around and the only ones left were me-- and Zac.
"Amy..." he started quietly. I just shook my head and walked upstairs. I hot to my room and changed into my silk nightie. Just as I was falling asleep I heard a faint knock at the door.
"Yeah?" I called as Zac walked in. A smile of satisfaction came across my face as he walked towards me. He sat down next to me and instantly I reached up to bring his lips to mine.
"I love you." he whispered.
"I love you too." I said as I felt his hand creeping up my thigh. "No, Zac" I said, pushing him off me. He gave me a confused and hurt look.
"Why not?" He asked, scooting away from me.
"Zac, Taylor is right downstairs. And so is Care. What if they were to walk in here while we were together? They'd hate us forever and, I'm sorry Zac, but I'm not about to lose my best friend and the father of my baby because of this. Ok? We're just going to have to cool it. I can't deal with the stress and the guilt. It's too hard for me." I broke into tears. "I love you so much but I can't do this. I can't do this to Taylor, Care, you or me. It's not to fair to them or to us. I want to be with you but I NEED to be with Taylor. Please try to understand that." Zac just looked down and shook his head.
"Amy I can't. I love you too much."
"Zac, think about that for awhile. I mean, REALLY thing about that. You love Care. You can't possibly love me more than her. Please, Zac, just give this time. Let the heat and stress settle down, and you'll realize then that this isn't right." I said, reaching my hand to take his. "I'm so sorry." I whispered.
He held my hand tighter and said quietly, "No, Amy. You're right. I'll think about this for awhile."
"And is it happens again-- it's happens, ok? But we can't continue to go on like this. I love you." He came closer and pulled me into a hug.
"I love you too." he pulled away and kissed me softly. But then we both added more passion to that kiss. Soon he was on top of me, his hand under my nightie fondling my right breast. Then I found his other hand in my underwear, his fingers starting to enter me. I sighed but managed to push him off me.
"Zac, I think you should leave now." I said, looking away.
"Ok. Will you meet me somewhere tonight?" He asked hopefully.
"No, I can't. I want to spend the night with Tay." I said, pulling my covers up over me.
"Okay. Goodnight." and he kissed my cheek and went back downstairs.

Chapter Three: "I'd Die" HOME!