Chapter Three: I'd Die

***-Chapter Three- "I'd die"*** ~My P.O.V.~

I must have fallen asleep after Zac left. When I woke up Taylor was coming out of the bathroom, his hair wet, his body only covered by a towel. I never wanted him more. He was at our dresser getting his boxers so I snuck out of bed and behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his back. "Well it's about time you got up." He said as he turned around and pulled me close to him.
"I guess I was more tired than I thought." I said as I held on to him tight and kissed his chest.
"Well how tired are you now?" He asked gently pushing me towards our bed. I laid down and looked up at him.
"Not at all." No other words were spoken. He dropped his towel and crawled to meet me on the bed. I kissed him passionately as his hands roamed under my nightie. He slipped it off with one quick motion of his hands as my hands snaked around his waist to stroke him. He kissed and sucked my neck and breasts as his hand took off my underwear. I stopped stroking him ans he spread my legs and went down on me. I sighed deeply as his tongue entere me, slowly at first then quicker. I moved my hips to meet his tongue. I couldn't take it anymore and I pulled him back to my chest as I climaxed. He kissed me softly. "God I love you." He gave me a sly smile.
"I love you too." He said as he again kissed my neck and breasts. I needed him--NOW. But Tsylor enjoyed our foreplay so I let him continue to drive me crazy with his tongue, hands, and ever so gentle touches. Finally I just couldn't take it anymore and I lifted him to me. He entered me easily and we both let out a moan of satisfaction. He kissed my neck as he moved slowly. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and he responded instantly by enteringme faster. Involuntary gasps were escaping the back of my throat as I closed my eyes and let him take me. Soon my gasps turned into moans.
"Oh yes, oh Taylor, God yes." I crooned quietly. Well ok, not so quietly but I wasn't screaming yet. Not until he started to hold his thrusts longer than I could stand. Then, like always, before I came he pulled himself out and went down on me again. My high pitched whimpers became so loud that Taylor shoved the palm of his hand into my open mouth. As I started to come he entered me quickly and kissed me passionately. He thrusted me only a couple more times before we both came. He kissed my face, neck and chest as he got off me. He laid down on his back and pulled me to him. I kissed his sweaty chest as I pulled the equally wet sheets over us. He held me close around the waist and ran his fingers through my hair. I propped myself up on my elbow and looked into his ice-blue, yet loving eyes. "Taylor?"
"I just wanted you to know that you are the love of my life. And I never want to let you go. You mean the world to me." His eyes softened into a look of pure, untainted love.
"Hon, where'd that come from?" He asked as he held me tighter.
"I don't know, I just needed you to know that there's no one that I'd rather be with." He smiled and kissed me.
"You mean the world to me too. I'd die if you ever left me." The guilt hit me like a fucking train. I sat there in silence for awhile contemplating on whether or not I should tell him. "Amy, babe? Is ther something wrong?"
I looked up at him and decided against telling him. "No, nothing's wrong. I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you." Taylor hugged me tight and we fell asleep shortly after that.

~Zac's P.O.V.~

I sat awake in bed holding Care close to me, thinking about what Amy and I talked about and I just couldn't figure it out. How did we get stuck in this? How could I fall in love with Amy, my brother's FIANCE, when I had wonderful, gorgeous Care next to me? As I laid there thinking about all of this I heard Amy and Taylor making love again. Their moaning and her whimpering ripped my heart apart more than it already was. I couldn't stand it. I closed my eyes, pulled Care closer to me and tried my hardest to fall asleep. Eventually I succeeded.

~Beth's P.O.V.~

Isaac and I were sitting on the front porch watching the stars and I just had to ask him what had been on my mind for awhile. "Isaac, hon, have you noticed anything weird about Amy lately?"
He looked over at me kinda confused and I figured he hadn't. "You mean besides her being pregnant?" I nodded. "Kinda like how she's distanced herself from all of us?" I nodded again.
"Yeah, I wonder what's wrong." Isaac shrugged his shoulders. "I'll ask her tomorrow." I said as I laid my head back on his shoulder.
"And I'll talk to Zac." He said out of the blue. I looked over at him--perplexed.
"What? Why?"
"Well...he's been acting just as weird as Amy." He said a-matter-of-factly.
"" I said quietly.
"What?!" Isaac asked, concerned.
"I just realized what happened...they slept together."
"No they didn't." He said deteminley.
"Yes they did, it's so obvious. So now I don't think we should say a damn thing." I said getting up. Isaac reached up and took my hand.
"No, now we have to talk to them. We can't let them do this."
"Listen I've known Amy for a long ass time and I know she won't let this continue for very long. Just let it run it's course."
"No, I can't let her hurt Taylor like that." He said starting to let his anger show. He stood up and I wrapped my arms around him.
"Ok, I'll talk to her but don't talk to Zac, I have a feeling he'd lose it. And we can't let Tay or Care find out. Ok?" I asked looking up at him.
"Ok." He said as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. He then wrapped his arm around my waist and took me inside.

~My P.O.V.~

I woke up and Taylor's arms were still holding me close to his chest. I felt so loved and at home in his arms that I knew that I had to tell Zac it was DEFINETLY over. I couldn't do this anymore. Even though it was going to be harder than hell to leave him. But he had Caroline--he'd be fine. Heartbreak never killed anyone--just look at me. I slowly got out of bed and kissed Taylor on the cheek. He stirred and opened his eyes. "Where are you going?" He asked taking my hand.
"Well nosy," I started, smiling, "I'm going ot take a shower then I was going to take Romeo for a walk." I said leaning down and kissing him softly. "Is that ok with you?"
"Of course. I was planning on going out with Matt for awhile today anyway."
"Oh, ok." I said as I grabbed my Gap jeans, white baby tee and Tay's leather jacket. After I got out of the shower and Tay got in I went in search of Zac. I found him in the Rec room, thankfully alone. "Zac" He looked up startled, then smiled. "Meet me by the river, past the park by that little inlet. I'll be there waiting." I said as I left. I grabbed Romeo's leash and found Dad in the back yard. "Hey dad, I'm taking Romeo for a walk, I'll be back in a little while."
"Ok, be careful." He said. And y'know it was true, all three of us; Care, Beth and I were just as famous as the original Hansons. Everyone knew who we were.
"I will, bye!" I got Romeo and headed towards the river. I decided not to sit on the rock I usually sat on since Romeo couldn't get up there. So I just sat on the lush shoreline and waited for Zac. He showed up about ten minutes later. He looked at the rock and got confused. "Zac, over here." He got a large smile across his face as he walked towards me. "Hey." I said quietly as he sat down. He took my hand and it took all my will power to pull my hand away.
"Oh my God, Amy, what's wrong?" He asked looking deep into my eyes. Those deep chocolate could I resist? Dammit, I had to.
"Zac, after last night with Taylor and waking up in his arms I know where I have to be. And that's with him. I can't be with you anymore."
"But Amy--"
"Please Zac, don't make this any harder than it already is." I said looking down. I couldn't face him. I sensed him looking at me. And I couldn't help it, I looked up into his pleading eyes, begging me not to leave him. "Oh God Zac." I said quietly as I felt my eyes well up with tears. Zac reached up and stroked my cheek.
"Baby don't cry." He whispered as he came closer to me. He kissed my cheek--staying there londer than someone usually would. Then he slowly made his way to my lips. I kissed him back, what can I say? He's irresistable. I kissed him passionately and laid down in the lush grass and pulled him to me. His hands swiftly took off my jacket and my shirt. He gently kissed my neck. I pulled off his shirt and ran my hands down his back. His hands quickly undid my pants and his hand was again in my underwear, his fingers entering me slowly. I moaned softly and he kissed me. What he was doing to me felt so good but all I could think about was Taylor.
"Zac." I said pushing him off me and sitting up. "I CAN'T do this. I just can't. I love Taylor. This baby is his--ours. We belong together. I can't be with you. Please just realize that." I said buttoning my pants and putting my shirt back on.
"God, Amy how can you do this to me?" He asked angrily as he put his shirt back on.
"Oh, so just because I was the one that realized that this couldn't go on and I'm the one that stopped it it's easy for me?!" I snapped back. "Well it's not. It's hard as hell but I had to do it." I said standing up. "Please don't hate me for this." I said quietly.
"Amy..." Zac started, standint up and coming closer to me and putting his hands on my shoulders. "I could never hate you. I l--"
"Don't ever say it Zac." I said as I backed away. "I have to go." I said as I walked through the trees calling Romeo. I got home and instantly ran to my room to call one of my best friends in Mora. She'd be able to help me, or at least she'd listen.
"Hello?" She answered on the second ring.
"Oh my God Shanna I can't handle this anymore!" I cried.
"Amy! Amy! Settle down. What's going on?" She asked concerned.
"I...I..." I stuttered between sobs. "I"
"Yeah Amy, I knew this. What's wrong? What happened?"
I gathered all the strength I had left and managed to choke out, "I slept with Zac."
"Well sleeping never did any harm it's what you do when you're awake that gets you in trouble." She joked. I know she had no clue what was really going on.
"I was awake." I said quietly. The line went dead and I could picture her disappointment. Her sitting there shaking her head, thinking about how stupid I was.
"Well that wasn't too bright." She finally said.
"That's not the worst part." I said starting to cry again.
"Shh...Amy just tell me what's going on." She said softly trying to calm me down.
"God, I don't even know where to start."
"Well when did all this start?" She asked.
"I guess you could say it started on New Years." I started. I continued to tell her everything. The whole Truth or Dare, then the 7 Minutes in Heaven, Sarah, kissing Zac, me and how Taylor and I made up because of my pregnancy.
"WHOA!? Amy you're pregnant?" She exclaimed.
"Yeah, I figured someome would've told you by now."
"No they didn't. I can't believe far along are you?"
"A little over a month." I said smiling.
"Well it's about time you smiled." We laughed.
"Yeah well the thought of my baby can always make me smile. And Taylor's so happy about it. Though I think he'd leave me if he ever found out what I did." I said feeling tears well up once again. "And the absolute worst part it that Zac and I love each other."
"No Amy you can't." Shanna said sternly.
"Don't you think I know that!?" I asked angrily. "That's why I completely broke it off with Zac today. I couldn't handle it. But it was so hard. It riped me apart. That's why I had to call you." I said with staggered breaths.
"I'm sorry. I'm glad you called me."
"Me too."
"Don't worry though, you'll be fine and if not you can call me anytime."
"Thanks Shanna that means a lot. I have to go though, this long distance will cost me a fortune." I laughed.
"Ok, love you."
"Love you too." I hung up the phone carefully and just sat there for a minute.

Chapter Four: "Mass Confusion" HOME!