Chapter Six

~My P.O.V.~

“Honey, babe, come on get up.” Taylor said anxiously. I opened my eyes to see Taylor’s ice blue eyes looking back at me. I smiled lovingly up at him.

“Hey.” I said as he kissed me.

“We have to shower if we’re gonna catch our flight to New York.”

“Oh really?” I flirted as I reached my lips up to his again.

“Yep.” And he pulled me out of bed and into the bathroom. I smiled as he locked Zac’s and our doors. He came back to me, running his hands down my sides. He grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. Leaving my blonde hair to cascade over my tan shoulders. He held me close as he kissed my shoulder. “I love you so much.” ~Oh the guilt!!~ I cried to myself.

“I love you too.” I said as he kissed down my chest, then navel, gently pulling my underwear to my ankles leaving me in total nudity. He came back and kissed me passionately as his hands rested on my hips. I pulled his shirt over his head and he stepped out of his boxers as we continued to kiss. We broke apart so he could start our shower. ~God I love him so much.~

~Taylor’s P.O.V.~

It was hard being intimate with Amy again, knowing that she slept with Zac. But I couldn’t help myself. I just loved her too much, y’know? And I couldn’t let her depression get so bad that she wanted to die. Amazingly enough we didn’t make love in the shower that morning, just intimate touches and kisses. Which was perfectly fine with me. It confused me though…how well she could cover her guilt so well.

We all got dressed and ready to appear on Rosie and I must say Amy Lee looked absolutely magnificent. She must have bought the outfit when she went shopping on soccer day. It was a little black skirt with a burgundy sweater and a sterling silver necklace I bought her for an anniversary her hair was up in little twists and clips. I had to resist ever urge to attack her right then and I knew Zac would feel the same way.

The flight there was quite uneventful. But I caught Zac giving Amy not-so-secret glances. But Amy shot him down each and every time. ~That’s my baby~ I smiled to myself.

~Zac’s P.OV.~

Care looked great that day. She wore her black stretch; flare pants with her baby blue top. She had her hair pulled back in little clips and smiled at me ~She’s so beautiful.~ I thought to myself as I kissed her. Amy looked just as beautiful. I couldn’t believe she said it was actually over, like forever. I desperately needed to talk to her, to hold her. I decided I’d try to talk to her on the flight to New York, everyone would more than likely fall asleep anyway.

I was wrong about the flight to New York. The only people that fell asleep were Mac, Avie, and Jessica. I continued to give Amy pleading looks. The first one her eyes softened but she looked away. I figured I had a chance then. Not so, the following glances were shot down fiercefully. It hurt but I accepted it. It was definitely over. So I took Care’s hand. Maybe it was just me but it seemed like she was holding on for dear life. “I love you.” I whispered into her ear as I kissed her neck.

“I love you too.” She replied as she turned to kiss me.

~Care’s P.O.V.~

It was hard to spend last night with Zachary knowing he slept with Amy—my best friend. But I loved him. I wasn’t sure if he loved me though. He constantly told me he did but…y’know, how can he say it truthfully after he gave his virginity to my best friend? That was supposed to be special—a very meaningful and emotional experience for us—US DAMMIT!

So as I sat there on the flight to New York watching Zac plead with Amy I wondered how everyone was going to react when it all got into the open. I think Amy really regretted it—being how she was shooting Zac the death glare. But I was still going to be angry at her. How could I not be? And mad as Hell at Zac. I could tell he didn’t want it to be over. It’s like I was so angry but I didn’t want to be. I knew once it came out my anger was going to get the best of me. And I was SO scared that I was going to lose my best friend and the love of my life. So when Zac took my hand I held on for dear life. I didn’t want to lose him—or Amy Lee. Even if the DID sleep together.

“I love you.” He whispered as his soft kisses sent shivers up my spine.

“I love you too.” I said as I turned to kiss him. He returned it sensuously. That kiss, him holding me close, his hands running through my hair, his tongue playing skillfully with mine, almost felt like the kisses we have shared before all of this happened and I tried my hardest not to cry.

~Beth’s P.O.V.~

The flight to New York had been pretty quiet. None of us talking much. “Say, honey,” He started slowly. I looked over at him. “How did everything go with Amy?”

“Isaac!” I said shocked though in a hushed tone.


“We can’t talk about that now!” I said still in shock that he’d even bring it up.

“Sure we can, he’s like five rows back.” He said reassuringly. “So what happened?”

“Oh, Ike, honey, she feels so beyond guilty. And she’s so depressed. I don’t know how long she’s going to be able to deal with this. She’s dealt with her depression pretty well before, but she’s never faced anything so difficult, y’know? And her pregnancy doesn’t make it any easier. God, I’m so worried.” I said looking deeply into his eyes, mine welling up with tears, asking him silently what to do.

“God, baby I didn’t know.” He said pulling me into a hug. “What do you think we should do?”

”I don’t know. I really don’t know.” I said as the pilot announced that we’d be landing in New York in five minutes. The Rosie Show was taped at noon, and it was now ten. That gave us like and hour and a half to get to our hotel and then to the studio. I just hoped we could pull it together. Especially Amy. I mean today was when we were telling the world that she was pregnant. I hoped she could handle it.

~My P.O.V.~

The studio was crawling with Hanson fans…inside and out. I was so worried about how they were going to take the news I was down-right trembling. But I figured they had a right to know.

Beth, Care and I got seats in the audience even though I’d be going down there. When guys first came out they played “Speechless” I almost cried, the song hit too close to home. It made me wonder who picked to play that song. If it was Tay, did he know? And if it was Zac, was he trying to tell Tay? And it didn’t make sense if Ike picked it out…

Then they had the interview. Ike and Taylor sitting on the love seat type thing, and Zac in the chair next to Rosie’s desk. It was the basic interview at first. But then I dreaded each question to come. “Now, guys, you’re all dating now right?” ~Dammit~

“Yes, quite seriously actually.” Ike said looking up at us.

“I believe I saw you with them at the American Caner Society Charity Ball in Miami.” They all nodded. “Same girls?” Rosie asked with a raise of her eyebrows.

“Oh definitely.” Taylor said smiling up at me.

“Now Taylor, I’ve heard that you bought a VERY expensive Christmas present for someone…” Both Tay and I started to blush.

“Yes I did.” He paused and smiled up at me again. “I bought my girlfriend, Amy Lee, a diamond ring and asked her to marry me.” I could sense all of the Hanson fans in the audience get restless, looking around to find this “Amy Lee”, ready to pounce and kill her—me ASAP. I was honestly scared.

“Well, could we meet her? And see this infamous ring?” Rosie asked, surprise leaking through her words.

“It’s up to her.” Taylor said. I blushed some more as I got out of me seat, letting Care’s hand slip out of mine, and made it down to the stage.

Rosie met me with a smile and a handshake. “Hi Amy.” Then she looked down at my hand. “Holy crap that’s a big rock!” She exclaimed.

“Oh I know. I almost died when I got it.” I sighed.

“You must really love each other.” She said motioning me to sit next to Taylor.

“Yes we do.” Tay said taking my hand. “Which brings us to our next surprise. For you and the fans.” He paused. I knew he was just as nervous as I was. But as I looked around I caught sight of Dad, nodding his approval and encouragement.

“We want you to know that we’ll still tour and record new cd’s though.” Isaac said.

“God Taylor! What is it!?” Rosie asked excitedly, but I also think a little annoyed.

“We’re having a baby.” Taylor finally said. Rosie’s jay dropped just a FEW feet and I think all the Hanson fans died. Except for Care and Beth of course.

Rosie took a deep breath. “Wow. So Isaac, Zac, what do you think about all of this?” Zac and Ike smiled.

“Well all of us were pretty shocked when the first told us. But we’re very happy for them and very excited.” Isaac said.

“Yeah, it’s definitely different being an uncle instead of a big brother y’know?” Zac added. We all laughed a little at that. ~Thanks Zac, for lightening the mood.~

“So knowing that you’re family is very religious, which brother is the Godfather?” Isaac and Zac looked at each other and then me and Tay. We had yet to reveal who would be the Godparents.

“Actually it’s neither. We chose a close friend.” I said.

“And the Godmother?” Rosie pressed.

I smiled. “She’s my best friend, up in the audience in the baby blue shirt. Her name is Caroline. Wave for the camera Care!” I said pointing her out. She smiled at me and waved.

“She’s actually Zac’s girlfriend.” Taylor said.

“Really?” Rosie asked. Zac just blushed and nodded. “So Isaac, where’s your girlfriend?”

“Oh, well my fiancé Beth is sitting next to Care. She’s wearing the white shirt and has short brown hair.” Beth smiled and waved a little to the camera that was quickly put in her direction.

“Another fiancé?!!” Rosie exclaimed quickly. The guys just laughed.

“Yeah well…”

“So are you guys still planning on your summer tour?”

“Actually we’re gonna change it to a spring tour.” Zac said.

“Seeing how Amy’s due in September we don’t want to be touring that close to her tour date.” Taylor said giving my hand a squeeze and smiling at me.

“Well I can understand that. So when are you planning on starting?”

“Probably April to July. We aren’t sure though.” Isaac said.

“Well ok guys. Thanks for stopping by. Come back anytime. You’re going to play another song for us before you leave right?” She asked with a smile.

“For you Rosie? Of course.” Zac said flashing one of his ever-so-famous smiles. Rosie then went to a commercial break and Beth and Care came down…along with some Hanson fans. Beth, Care, Rosie and I stood to the right…next to Taylor, with Jason standing between us and the fans. We could all tell that they weren’t too happy with me. The guys played “Good Lovin”, met some fans and then we left.

“Well that went ok, don’t ya think?” Taylor asked as I rested my head on his shoulder in the van.

“Yeah if you call 100 girls giving me the death glare ok. I didn’t feel comfortable at all.” I mumbled not looking at him.

“Amy, you knew that wasn’t going to make them love you.” Beth said.

“All things considered it went ok. They didn’t get up and leave, they didn’t try to kill you and they didn’t try to kill Tay.” Zac said.

“I suppose.” I said as I nestled my face further into Tay’s shoulder, inhaling the sweet scent of Ckbe, sweat and love.

Chapter Seven: "Confrontation"a> HOME!