Chapter Nineteen: The Morning After

~My P.O.V.~

Taylor and I woke up to an impatient knocking at the door. "Who is it?" I asked tiredly.
"It's Jessica, it's past noon and mom was wondering where you were. She asked me to come get you."
"Oh, could you wake up Care too?" She asked.
"Yeah sure." I heard her go back downstairs and i laughed as I kissed Taylor who was still in my bed, his arms still wrapped around me. "At least she doesn't know you're here. I said.
"Yeah, she'd have a blast telling mom and dad." he said.
"No doubt. But I have to go wake up Care." I said as I climbed out of bed. "Oh, honey?" he looked up at me. "Thanks for last night." he smiled and blushed.
"Anytime. We'll have to do it again soon."
"Yeah we will." I said as I went into the bathroom and knocked on the other door. Softly at first then a little louder.
I then heard a muffled "What?" from Zac.
"Zac, is Care in there with you?" I asked.
"Of course." he said obviously annoyed that I woke him up.
"Well could you wake her up? Jess just came to our room to wake us up for mom."
"Yeah Amy, I'm up." Care said. "I'll be over in a minute."
"Ok, but make it a quick minute." I then went back into our room where I found Taylor fast asleep again. "Oh honey, come on you have to get up." I said quietly as I sat down on the bed next to him.
"Ok, ok I'm up." he said as he turned and kissed me. "You know you really wear out a guy." he laughed.
"Really? Does that mean that you won't want it again?" I asked smiling in a challenge type of way.
"Oh no," he said quickly. "In fact I want it again right now." He pulled me back on the bed as we kissed.
"Well we can't now lover boy so settle down." I said as I climbed out of bed and Care walked in.
"Hey guys." She said.
"Y'know Taylor I'm never going to be able to listen to your songs the same way ever again after last night." Care said as she made her way to us and sat down in my bay window. i couldn't help but smile. I knew exactly what she was talking about. I felt the same way. I guess Tay didn't catch on that quick.
"Why?" He asked confused. Care then started moaning and we both cracked up. Taylor just blushed. "Oh I get it." he said quietly.
"We weren't THAT loud were we?" I asked.
"You guys were so loud that Zac and I thought you were still in their room." And she laughed. "But don't worry we won't say anything to anyone."
"Thanks." I said. "Oh, honey you should really get back to your room in case mom or anyone else comes up here for us." And I climbed onto the bed next to him once more. He kissed me a few more times before he left.
"I love you." He called.
"I love you too." I said. Once he left I laid back on my bed and sighed. "Oh, Care, last night was so magnificant you don't even know."
"Yeah so I heard." she laughed. "Did you guys do what I think you did?"
"What do you think?" I asked smiling. >br> "You did, didn't you?" I nodded. "You used protection right?" She asked concerned.
"Of course." I said.
"I'll tell you more about it later. Now we have to go downstairs so mom doesn't think we died." We made our way downstairs, to the kitchen.
"Well it's about time you got up!" Avie said as she sat with Mackenzie watching cartoons.
"Yeah well it's been a long couple of weeks. Hey if mom comes looking for me will you tell her I'm in the shower?" I asked.
"Yeah" Care said as she joined Mac and Avie on the couch.
I made my way back upstairs and as I walked past the guys' room I vaguely heard Zac asking Taylor about last night. I quickly got my clothes and went into the bathroom where I could hear them better.
"Taylor, I know you did. Come on just tell me."
"No Zac I refuse to tell you what losing your virginity is like!" They did this for a little while longer till Zac said something that gets Tay to do almost anything.
"I'll tell mom." And you could hear Zac getting up.
"No Zac I'll tell you. What do you want to know?"
" did you know you were ready?"
"I'm not sure. Everything just seems so right. Your whole body says 'Yes go for it' But you have to be emotionally ready for it. We almost did it earlier last night but I chickened out. Then I looked at our relationship, how much I wanted it and the consequences."
"And you went for it." Zac interrupted.
"No, I didn't just 'Go for it'" I smiled. "Losing your virginity is a really big deal and you should only give it to the love of your life. The one you want to be with forever."
" Amy."
"Yeah," Taylor said kinda quietly. He must have been remembering last night like I was. "It brings the relationship to a whole different level and you have to be ready for that."
"I understand. But Tay?"
"What Zac?"
"What did it FEEL like?"
"Zac!!?" He said shocked. "Ok, I guess as the big brother it IS my place to tell you, huh?" Another pause. "How far have you gone with Caroline?"
"Um...I haven't seen her COMPLETELY naked but it gets pretty hot. Why?"
"Think about the best it's EVER felt and multiply it by like a hundred and twenty-five milion." I smiled again.
"HOLY SHIT!!!! No wonder you guys were so loud!!" At that I couldn't hold it in any longer. I opened the door almost dying of laughter.
"AMY!!!?" Zac said shocked.
"Honey, how long have you been there?" Taylor asked as he lifted me off the ground.
"Since about, 'No Zac I refuse to tell you what losing your virginity is like.' I can't believe it!" And I busted up laughing again. "ok...I'm over it." I laughed a little more as I made my way back to the bathroom. "If you'll excuse me I'm going to take my shower. Oh, and Zac, I won't say anything to Care." I had been laughing so hard I could barely breath.

~Taylor's P.O.V.~

"I can't believe she heard all that. I am SO beyond embarassed." Zac said sitting down on his bed.
"Don't worry about it. I'm sure she doesn't care. She didn't seem to." I said as I sat down next to him. "Is there anything else you wanted to know?"
"Not right now Tay but thanks."
"Hey, what are big brothers for?" I asked ruffling his hair.

~My P.O.V.~

I got out of the shower and made myself up before going downstairs. I noticed that I had somewhat of a glow. Everyone used to say that you glow "the morning after" but I never believed them. But it's actually true.
To drive Tay a little more crazy I wore my short black shorts and white baby tank top. I also put my hair up. He can barely contain himself when my hair's up, though I don't know why.
"Hey guys." I said once I got downstairs. Taylor almost died when he turned around and saw me. I slowly walked up to him and closed his mouth by kissing him. "So what are we doing today?" I asked as I sat down next to Tay.
"We're going roller blading to the mall." Zac said as he grabbed his blades and Care's hand.
"Well wait, let me grab my blades." I said as I got up and ran upstairs. "Get Beth too!" Isaac called.

Chapter Twenty: "Isaac's Problem" HOME!