Chapter 48: Zac

~Two days later~ ~My P.O.V.~

"Well we're almost done." Beth said as she, Care, Leesha and I were downstairs packing.

"Yeah but we're out of boxes." Care said as she closed the last one, looking up at us.

"Well y'know you can get empty ones from Wal-mart." I said.

"Oh and I'd like to get a new outfit or two." Leesha said getting up off the floor.

"Let's go then!" Care said excitedly. "We haven't been out of this house in like a day and a half." I decided that I was going to visit my mom again before we left as the rest of them--except Zac--went to Wal-mart. Zac still wasn't feeling the best from the other night. It was great seeing mom again.

I only visited with mom for about twenty minutes--she had an appointment. So I had her drop me back off at Alicia's. I went inside and found Zac playing Sony Play Station. "Hey Zac, I thought you were sick." I said sitting down next to him.

"I was, I still am, but I wanted to play."

"Oh. So did you talk to Care?" I asked. It was strange, we hadn't been together, alone, since New Year's. It was really strange.

"Um...yeah and she was really understanding about it." He said not taking his eyes off the TV screen. I could tell he felt weird about us being together too.

"That's great." I said unconciously placing my hand on his knee. He looked at my hand then at me. I looked into his deep chocolate eyes then down. I sensed him moving closer and I looked up just in time to meet his lips. I kissed him back eagerly, pulling him closer to me. He pulled away slightly looking at me questionably.

"I don't know it----" He started.

"Shh." I said placing my finger to his lips. I pushed him gently off me and stood up. I took his hand and led him to the bedroom. I closed the door and made my way to him, taking off my shirt. When I reached him I took off his shirt. His chest was toned like Taylor's but more built. I ran my hands up his chest and again pulled him to me. I kissed him passionately and he unclasped my bra. I let it drop to the floor and climbed onto the bed, Zac not far behind. He slowly, unsurely, came up to me. "I've wanted this for a long time." I whispered.

"Me too." And he kissed me while unbuttoning my pants. I slid those over my hips and down my legs quickly as I watched him admire me. "You are so beautiful." He whispered as he kissed my neck. Soon I found his hand on my thigh, reaching up to take off my panties. I moved my hips toward him. I had my arms around his waist and I slid them around to undo his cords as his first finger entered me. I sighed and kissed him. He slid another finger into me and I held him tighter. His fingers began to enter me faster and I felt gasps escape my throat.

"Zac, oh God Zac..." I moaned. He quickened his tempo once more and I came, whimpering his name. He withdrew his hand slowly. I could tell he was unsure as to what he should do next. I leaned up and kissed him softly. He kissed my neck, collarbone, breasts then stomach. I knew he'd never gone down on a girl before and I didn't want to rush him. He looked up at me. I just smiled and nodded. He went down on me and kissed and licked me like he'd been doing it for years. And as he made his tongue go faster I came again, screaming his name. I pulled him up to kiss me. "Zac." I said breathlessly.

"Hmm?" He mumbled kissing my neck.

"Sleep with me. Let me take your virginity." He looked up at me.

"Amy, are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and kissed him again as I unzipped his pants and pulled them over his hips. We rolled over and his pants we gone. I kissed down his neck, his chest, and his stomach as I pulled his boxers off as well. I opened my mouth to him as he gasped and moaned in anticipation. He started to move his hips to meet my relentless tongue. And once he got so excited he couldn't stand it I climbed onto him, having him enter me for the first time.

"Oh God." He moaned loudly. I never liked being on top so I rolled him over on top of me. He kissed my neck and face as he moved unsurely with me.

"Yes Zac, oh yes." I encouraged. He became more sure of himself and he thrusted faster and harder inside of me. My moans became more high pitched and my breathing so shallow I almost couldn't. He moaned with me only deep and gruff. My nails ran up and down his back and he sighed. He sped up again and I felt my final orgasm peaking. My nails dug deeper into his back and pulled him closer to me. He kissed me softly. He held one long thrust and we both came, screaming the other's name. He collapsed on me, almost with a splash we were so hot and sweaty. I rolled on top of him and kissed him repeatedly, over his face, down his neck, and chest then back to his soft lips. Then I just laid on his heaving chest, his hand running through my hair.

"Y'know, this changes everything." He said still out of breath.

"I know but we can't let it change our relationships with everyone else." I said.

"But it will." Zac said, offended.

"We can't let it. We both have something great with Taylor and Care. You know that." I said lifting my head off his chest. He wrapped his strong arm around my wet shoulders and said,

"But we have something great too." I knew he was right but I couldn't let him know that. "Amy?" I looked up at him. "We do right?"

"Zac...." I looked down. "We do but we can't take advantage of that. I have to stay with Taylor...I love him." Zac must have heard the hesitation in my voice.


"I think I love you too." I said quietly.

"Amy....I love you too." He said as I looked up. He leaned forward and kissed me.

"But that still doesn't change the fact that we can't let it affect our relationships with Tay and Care. And you know why. But don't worry," I said as I kissed him again. "We'll still have times like this ok?