"Ye shall know a man by the links he seeketh." - St. Carl of Kalamazoo - Internet Traffic Report ( 24hrs/7days/30days) Gematriculator Shows how Good or Evil a Webpage Is ---------------------------------------------------------------------- o utilities : Search Engines/Zipcodes/IP Adresses/etc o word tools : Dictionaries/Glossaries/etc o news: Real : reality-based Naked : nothing up their sleeve Science : hard-data/grant-trolls/best-guesses Geekish : net kultur/hardware Divine : mostly Catholic Political : cooked and spun to perfection o stuff : People selling stuff o ha-ha-ha : Funny stuff o bittyboxes : Toasters/Smoke-Bombs/Computers o sciences : The Brave New World o heroes : People I Greatly Admire o astronomy : Our Neighborhood o music : Good Vibes o ham radio : For people who take their fun seriously o slipsticks : Guess-o-meters/Sliderules o sports : Baseball/Horse-racing/Lacrosse mostly o catholics : We're go'n to Heaven and you're not o books : You remember them - stuff made out of paper o FTP : Gobs of useful ftp links o Last Page On The Internet : end of the road