wants to greet you "Froehliche Weihnachten"  in Germany ... ......"Maligayong Pasko at Manigong Bagong Taon"

     Hi lovely barkadas!..another year has flown by  and we are upon the greatest time of the year,  JESUS CHRIST birthday! this is my favorite season .Christmas time! well, I know it is stressful, but everyone knows that  there is no other time of the year like the feeling of Christmas ( gosh! i feel like a kid again! ) we celebrate the birth of Jesus and we give of ourselves and share memories with our families, friends and love ones.And the traditional Christmas is not a single day but a prolonged period, normally from 24th December to 6th January. This included the New Year, thus increasing the festival value of Christmas ..actually for us Filipinos it start as soon as we heard some christmas songs on  the air di ba? ;-).When it comes to celebrating our Savior's birth, i have some things that I´ve compiled from internet and some few simple suggestions that you can also enjoy.....I have here some few bits and pieces to pass along  to all. Please, feel free to implement any of these ideas into your own family traditions ....wishing you all and your family the  best this holiday! so  happy holidays to all!  take care...muahh**

Some Household Tips

  • One of the best ways to deal with any up and coming event is to prepare a list. Start a master "To Do" list and keep it handy. 

  • Look it over every morning; cross out each chore you accomplish and add the new things that come up. 

  • Delegate as much as you can to other family members (even the littlest ones can help out!).

  • Discuss realistic gift expectations with your spouse and children. 

  • Talk openly about how much money can be spent and stick to your budget! You will find that it will be less stressful when everyone is in the picture as to how much is going to be spent.

Things To Do At Christmas


*  Signify that Christ is "the light of the world  and that you have that special touch when it comes to holiday decoration. Make sure your candles burn evenly, some imported ones are good on this.. Four Sundays prior to Christmas, light one candle each Sunday, sing a song of praise and use  "hallelujah" to blow out the candle on the last Sunday! Then you will know it is Christmas!

Candle Decorating

* Candles can work magic on a room and on us, and with creative craftsmanship and thoughtful display, you can do a lot of them presenting them in their best light .
Candles are resurfacing in lighting, with chandeliers and sconces. Combined with lamps, they offer a subtle, more gentle light where appropriate. They’re being incorporated into furnishings such as wall screens and fireplace screens. They’re subbing for art objects. They’re taking on decorative, even architectural roles in tall or small containers. Even the simplest arrangement of three or five pillars of different heights on an attractive wood or metal tray on a coffee table is a powerful design statement, completing a Zen-like setting as effectively as a tray of wheat grass. For  this holiday gathering, you can have the best light from your decorative candle that you made.

Freeze your candles before inserting them into the candle holders, you'll eliminate wax drippings. 

The Christmas Tree

  • Most houses this Christmas will be decorated with Christmas trees. Why not buy one that can be replanted in your garden.If this isn't an option, then at least make sure that your tree is recycled. Most councils organise tree collections in the New Year. Alternatively, use the tree, holly and wreaths in your compost heap. 

  • Buy an artificial tree. They last for years. You will save one tree for every year you have it!

Tree Ornaments

Tree ornaments that are missing hooks or caps can be put together in a glass bowl and used as a centerpiece. 

Ornament Storage

Store your small ornaments in empty egg cartons.

The Decorations    

  • Reduce the number of lights on your Christmas tree. Try to avoid leaving Christmas tree lights on all day - use them at night when they will have maximum effect. Always switch off the tree lights before going to bed.

  • Use edible decorations on the tree. These can be fed to the birds afterwards!

  • Buy good quality decorations that will last. (Choose paper rather than plastic where possible.) Store carefully after Christmas for use the following year.

  • Use plants as part of your decorations. The poinsettia is a favorite at Christmas. Keep it in a warm room and next to a bright window. Instead of discarding this plant once it has faded, prune it back severely and place it in a shady place. Allow it to virtually dry out. Start watering it again in May and the plant should be ready for next winter

    Christmas Tree Safety

  • Keep the tree away from fireplaces, radiators, heaters and stoves, and high traffic areas where it is likely to be knocked over.

  • Make sure that your tree is safely anchored so it doesn't topple over. You can tie fishing line to the top of the tree and attach if to a cup hook in the ceiling or wall.

The Gifts . . . .    

Antiques and Collectibles make excellent gifts and are environmentally friendly because they are recycled! Check out local markets and antique shops for some real bargains which will bring great joy.

Again recycle by buying used items as presents. Check out classified ads for second hand bikes, computers, etc.

*  Plants make excellent presents and help to reduce indoor pollution. Herb growing kits are also a great idea. Gardening equipment encourages the development of 'green fingers'!

Give gifts that reduce environmental impact, i.e. linen napkins, re-usable cloth shopping bags, baskets, etc.

*  Movie tickets, membership to environmental groups, subscriptions to environmental & alternative medicine magazines, and books are just some examples of less materialistic presents which are often appreciated.

*  In general, ensure that any gifts you buy are durable, recycled or recyclable, energy efficient, and use rechargeable batteries.

While Christmas is a time of sharing and caring, a lot of people feel pressurised into buying expensive presents for family members and spending Christmas with family.

*  If you feel that you cannot afford to buy presents for everyone, or you just dislike the whole materialistic attitude to Christmas shopping then tell people. Announce in advance that you won't be buying gifts this year or that you will only be giving small 'token' gifts. Alternatively, why not suggest that your family practices 'Christkindle' - where each family member buys a gift only for one other family member, chosen by drawing lots. You may find that the whole family will be relieved and only too delighted to accept your idea. Everybody will benefit from a much more peaceful and stress-free approach to Christmas.

*  If you cannot face another family Christmas tell people. You should not forsake your happiness for the sake of other people. It will only make you and them more miserable in the long run when those pent-up vibes make themselves known. Why not suggest a visit over New Year instead!

Wrapping Gifts    

  • Wrapping gifts can be a pain at the best of times so set up a gift wrapping station. Keep boxes, wrapping paper, scissors, tape, bows and tags in a box, drawer or closet that is easily accessible. Wrap a few gifts at a time.

  • Make good use of that glue gun by using a dab here and there if you run out of tape for your wrapping paper, or if youi just want to have a quick way for little ones to unwrap the paper.

  • After you wrap the gifts decorate by tying the gifts with long licorice strings that come in different flavors or tacking on candy or flowers.

  • Don't burn wrapping paper in the fireplace. It often contains metallic materials that can be toxic if burned.

Wrapping Paper    

To store wrapping paper on rolls... I cover the tube with a piece of hosiery. Cut the foot and the top off and slip over the entire tube. you can secure the ends with twist ties or bread wrapper tabs. (bettdev) For oversized packages try using a paper tablecloth.

Holiday  Cactus    

Holiday cactus, (Schlumbergera truncata; S. bridgesii; S. russelliana) also known as Christmas cactus or Thanksgiving cactus are often given as gifts for the holidays and received while blooming.

Christmas Tree & Poinsettia    

Christmas decorations would be incomplete without a tree and poinsettias, they have become symbols of the season to many people. Good artificial copies of these two plants are available, but to most people these "fakes" are just not the same.

When all is said and done, let us not forget the very best part of the Season:  Shopping for Friends and special ones.

The Christmas Parties . . . .

If hosting Christmas parties:   

  • Avoid using disposable cups, plates, napkins and cutlery.

  • Recycle all beverage cans and bottles.

  • Compost all leftover food that cannot be reused.

Winter Tips    

 Car Tips ...for travelers

With the weather getting cold finally, here is a tip for you...In case your car breaks down somewhere.. Keep in your trunk, an extra blanket, some gloves, heavy jacket, boots, motor oil, antifreeze, a cellular phone(for emergencies), jug of water, and some snacks. Enough for each person.

Car Locks

To help prevent car locks from freezing, place a small magnet over the lock. Best suited for this job is one of those round "refrigerator" magnets.

Shoveling Snow

Before shoveling snow, spray the shovel with "Pam" or other spray. It will help the snow to "slide off". It will cut your work time because you won't have to stop and remove the now.

Use a curved shovel rather than a flat one. Don't use big heavy shovels as they get heavier when the snow gets on them. Don't twist your back to throw the snow off of the shovel as this will cause backaches. Bend at the knees when lifting the snow or anything heavy.

Slippery Surface

Walk with your feet pointing outwards when walking on a slippery surface to help yourself balance and minimize falls. 


Don't walk on your grass. Frozen grass can break the crowns of the plants.


Be sure to move your houseplants away from the windows so they don't get too chilled.

Icy Steps

Trouble with icy steps??? Get a bucket of hot water and add DAWN (detergent).  Enough to make it sudsy.  Pour solution on the steps. I removes the ice and will not let it refreeze. 

Heating Source Cleaning 

During the heating season, stretch the life of the furnace filter and also help your furnace operate more efficiently.  Once a week or so I take my vacuum cleaner hose and suction off the accumulated dust etc from my furnace filter...you can use an attachment like the dusting brush, the furniture nozzle or just the curved nozzle on the end of the vacuum cleaner hose.  I then take my vacuum cleaner hose and suction out the fireplace ashes (of course, wait several hours after the fireplace was last used and remove any wood chunks first so you don't clog your vacuum cleaner hose!).   I dust out my fireplace this way a couple of times a week and then never have a large/messy ash accumulation to have to shovel out.

In regard to the "Heating Source Cleaning" I would advise the readers to turn off the power source before vacuuming or removing the filter.  We just had our furnace serviced and the service guy made a point of telling me that.  He said around our filter there are electric wires.  I don't know for sure if that applies to all furnaces.

Energy Saver

During a sunny day in the winter,  open your curtains/blinds to help heat your home. During the night or a cloudy day, close your curtains/blinds to help keep the heat from escaping from your home.

Warm Lotion

Before climbing into the shower or bath, fill your bathroom sink with hot water.  Then place your favorite body lotion in the water.  When you get out of your shower/bath, your lotion will be nice and warm...which is great during the winter months!


To keep a child's wrists warm in the winter while playing outside; cut the toe area off old socks and one hole for the thumb to the side.  Then slide them on before their gloves or mittens and it really keeps them dryer and warmer and happier!

Dry Air

You can run a humidifier. Hang up wet clothes to dry. Boil a big pan of hot water for a while. My dad used to do that one.

Sweet Humidity

I had a friend who boiled water too to add humidity to her house... she added potpourri to the water everyday. Her house always smelled so good as well as adding the wanted humidity.


Take advantage of the cold winter and free up fridge space by keeping your canned sodas outside the back door. This is also a good time to defrost your freezer if it is cold enough outside. Don't set the food in the sun though.

Toy Safety Tips for Holiday Shoppers

  • Select toys to suit the age, abilities, skill, and interest level of the intended child. Toys too advanced may pose safety hazards to younger children.

  • For infants, toddlers, and all children who still mouth objects, avoid toys with small parts which could pose a fatal choking hazard

  • For all children under age 8, avoid toys that have sharp edges and points.

  • Do not purchase electric toys with heating elements for children under age 8.

  • Be a label reader. Look for labels that give age recommendations and use that information as a guide.

  • Look for sturdy construction, such as tightly secured eyes, nose, and other potential small parts.

  • Check instructions for clarity. They should be clear to you, and when appropriate, to the child.

  • Discard plastic wrappings on toys immediately, before they become deadly playthings.

  • By using common sense and these safety suggestions, holiday shoppers can make informed decisions when purchasing toys for children.

Holiday Safety

Check the wiring on christmas lights and other holiday decorations for shorts or other malfunctions. If there's doubt, throw them out.

Ways to make a big Christmas with a small family:

  • Go to CHURCH

  • Make COOKIES together... (after you change out of your inaugural clothes). Make the cookies in the shape of your initials!

  • Play Card games or board games together. Keep a running tally of who's winning and at the end of the day, the winner gets a "big box" surprise present!

  • After opening your presents, put together a basket of good stuff you no longer need to give to a charitable organization. Put a bow on it, and put it by the front door to be delivered the day after Christmas.
  • Put on a Christmas show and tape it (either audio or video.) Keep track of your performances each year. If you can't sing or dance, read a poem, or a tell a short story!
  • In the days before Christmas, you can write a short script for a play (1 or 2 pages), either about the Christmas Story or about something you all enjoy. On Christmas day, you can hand out the parts (and costumes, if you have them) and video tape your performance! Each year, you can come back and see how things have changed (and how your performances have improved!)
  • Play Christmas music on the radio (or stereo) in the background

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