By Angel_Rules_99, Lydia, Bree, Angelica, Sionell, Lestat, Beauty, Mike, & the Duchess

1* You go to California, and stand outside David Boreanaz's house, screming,"I LOVE YOU, ANGEL!"
2* You buy a Clahdah ring, and say Angel gave it to you.
3* You hide in the bushes in front of David's house w/ a pair of Binoculars.
4* You fall asleep in class, and wake up calling out,"No, Angel!"
5* You devote at least one wall in your room to David Boreanaz.
6* You tell people that you are dating a 242 yr old Vampire.
7* Someone asks you to sum of your thoughts on David with one word you say "Mine"
8* You Force Your Boyfriend to appear Shirtless all the Time....Then NEVER have Sex with him, Poor Guy.
9* You tell Your Girfriend you love her exact Buffy Dialogue....Then Hope Like Hell she doesn't catch on.
10* You've actually see the god Awful movie "Best of the Best 2"
11* You have all David's Beer Commercials on Tape.
12* You've ever referred to David's Wife as "That Other Woman"
13* His wife Ingrid has to put a restraining order against you
14* David has to put a restraining order against you
15* You are asked to identify the most traumatic moment of your life, and you reply "When I saw the end Becoming II"
16* You are asked your religion and you reply "Angelism"
17* You bought yourslef a claddagh ring, a cross like the one in Welcome to the Hellmouth and a leather jacket so you can pretend to be Buffy.
18* You start rejecting guys because they don't look and act like Angel
19* You have a collection of things with David B. on it or in it and its about 4 feet tall
20* You hate the eppies when he's only on for 30 seconds
21* You (sigh, groan, hoot) when he's on the screen
22* You have plans to anialate Ingrid/SMG
23* You scream at the TV when Buffy breaks up with the sweetest most gorgeous guy
24* You constantly talk about Angel as if he exists
25* Your on screen name is a form of Angel
26* Your room, locker and notebooks are covered in his pictures
27* You swore you were going to kill Buffy if she beat up Angel one more time
28* You find yourself writing I love Angel in a little heart whenever you doodle
29* You were happy in Enemies because Angel FINALLY gave Xander what he deserved.
30* You don't care if if he has a soul or not (probably not...think leather pants)
31* You decide to learn how to do Tai Chi…just in case you ever get the chance to join him
32* You get inspired to write fan fiction so you can justify watching the tapes over and over and over (after all, you HAVE to know the character)
33* You warn your husband that he's going to get REALLY lucky on Tuesday nights in the fall
34* You read all the books and are mad because angel doesn't play a bigger part
35* You have a picture of angel by your bed so he is the first one you see when you wake up
36* You have his face in a heart in your room
37* Whenever you see Ingrid you curse at her
38* Your notes always talk about him
39* You dream 'bout him
40* You get excited if he shows some skin.
41* You think everyone ought to wear Red black and occasionally white... with leather everywhere because he does.
42* You're counting down the nanoseconds till the Spinoff airs.
43* You get annoyed when he kisses buffy
44* You start walking around cemetaries saying "Angel are you there?"
45* You make your significant other wear leather pants and say "Buffy there's trouble" to put you in the mood
46* You spend hours every day faithfully looking on the internet for sites devoted purly to Angel
47* You write to all the magazines and complain that they don't do enough articles on David
48* You have wonderful dreams about killing Ingrid and marrying David (please do not go out and do this!)
49* You swear that you saw David walk through the mall just yesterday
50* Every song on the radio reminds you of him
51* You went out and bought tapes to tape the spinoff series, even though its still 4 months away
52* You've worn out the Sarah Malachan CD with Angel on it
53* You realize that Mr. Showbiz has painfully outdated information.
54* You run out at 11 PM looking for a convenience store because a friend just told you DB made People's issue of the 50 Most Beautiful People
55* You shout "Ah, D**n" at the top of your lungsin your car when you read the article and find out DB's married
56* Your next thought is "Thank God, he's straight."
57* The thought after that is "Well, ok, I'm married too. Besides married men are sexier."
58* You can't sleep after 3 min and you surf the net for stuff on Angel even though you just got off the computer 3 minutes ago
59* You get you'r boyfriend to dress in leather and bit your neck.
60* You try to make your boyfriend taller by making him stand on milk cartons so that when you kiss you have the same height problem as Buffy and Angel
61* You make your significant other cut his hair like David's
62* You write countless fan fic stories about him and you with a NC17 rating
63* You get red satin sheets for your bed so you can feel like your there with him when you watch the show
64* You use you know when you're obsessed with lists as a to do list
65* You fell off the couch when he came back from Hell.
66* You wear out your 4th Sarah M CD and the 5th is starting to wear out too
67* You call yourself Mrs. Boreanaz
68* Your name on everything is --------- Boreanaz
69* You kiss his pic good night and good morning
70* You swear to everyone you will marry him no matter what happens
71* You tape all his shows
72* You have replayed the eppy were Angel falls from the sky nude a million times.
73* You've freeze framed it every time so you have longer to drool
74* You use special equipment to make the freeze frame photo into a life size iron on which you put on your bed
75* You hate the girl who got to interview him on FANatic...
76* You're hatred for Hanson climaxed when the got more camera time then him for the interview
77* After the show was over you thought "Hey I'm more obssed...I mean Inspired than her.
78* You called everyone you ever knew when Angel got out of hell
79* You ask your mom to give lend you money because your in debt from buying so much stuff involving DB
80* ou read obsession lists and realize you've done some of the things that other people did
81* You start counting backwards to realize that DB just might have gone to college in the same town where you lived at the same time
82* You start fantasizing that maybe that guy you bumped into on the Commons just might have been a young DB during his 'DeadHead" phase
83* You throw a hissy fit when angel kisses buffy and you yell at the screen "not her me!"
84* when your channel surfing and you come across married with children (the one he's in) and write an angry letter to the producers wanting to know why David didn't get more camera time and who's bright idea was it to hit him!
85* You make your significant other act out Buffy/Angel scenes with you
86* You're planning on naming one of your kids Angel or David
87* You accidentally call your best guy friend Angel, and give him an odd look when he asks you who Angel is
88* You already HAVE named one of your kids Angel or David
89* Every sentance starts with either David or Angel
90* You read these lists and can't imagine why people who do these things are called obsessed
91* You tell everyone you meet that BtVS has the absolute BEST eye candy on TV
92* You start thinking about which roles DB had is "Cowboy Mouth" and "Italian-American Reconcilation"
93* You start hoping that DB does more theatre, so you can see him act LIVE
94* One of the first PB discussions was around what role DB would play in your favorite novels
95* You tell your Bouyfriend to wear leather when he's in a bad mood.
96* You swear you saw DB parking his car next to yours
97* You can honestly say that everything in this list fits you perfectly
98* You can add to "I'm obsessed with Angel" lists ad nauseum and get little duplication
99* You make plans to watch the evening weather report when you are in the Philadelphia area just to see how much DB looks like his father
100* You wear a dopey smile from knowing that DB likes redheads (and that you're one!)
101* You start thinking it'd be cool to have a younger man (oh about say 28)
102* You start deciding its time to date older men
103* You start thinking that the Dixie Chics had it right when they wrote:
I can love you better than that,
I can make you forget her,
All I'm asking is for one little chance,
I know I can, Baby I can love you better…"
104* You risk excommunication by adopting this sentiment which essentially betrays the highest tennet of the unspoken sisterhood among married women—HANDS OFF MY MAN
105* You realize that all your married friends are lusting just as badly after DB and wish they had remembered the song first
106* You HAVE to write fan fiction to correct Joss' celibacy mistake
107* You tell your husband he needs to watch BtVS to learn how you want to be held, caressed and kissed
108* You gain a new found appreciation for brown eyed men
109* You're jealous that the so-called friend who hooked you on BtVS has a boyfriend who would look so much better in leather pants than your husband
110* You start getting "rough" with your husband…and you find out he likes it
