The Obsession Series

You Know You're Obsessed with BTVS When...

Mystery Slayer Theater 3000 | Things That Will Never Happen on Buffy | Wouldn't it be funny if... | If the Characters Were Candy, What Kind Would They Be? | Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Oz | Alternate Titles for Angel's New Show | How Angel & Faith Are Alike | Things for Xander to do on a Saturday Night | Different Ways for Buffy to End | Unanswered Questions |

The Obsession Series You Know You're Obsessed with Oz When... | You Know You're Obsessed with Xander When... | You Know You're Obsessed With Angel When... | You Know You're Obsessed With Willow When... |

You Know You're Obsessed With BTVS When...
(1 - 100) | (101 - 200) | (201 - ???) |

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