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Profile Name: Karisa Lane Werdon Date of Birth: 6-18-1981 Began Oboe: 1994 Why she likes the oboe: "The oboe has a unique voice. It is especially effective in expressing emotion. Playing the oboe has given me a new way to communicate with others and an outlet for emotions." Favorite Activities: "I like sitting in sunny windows and writing random thoughts in notebooks. I like traveling, making snow angels and dressing up for concerts." Favorite ice cream: "hum, mint chocolate chip or maybe chocolate chip cookie dough." Favorite food: "Mom's rice pudding, mmmm." Organized vs. messy: "My messiness is proportionate to the business of my life...the busier, the messier." Plans for future: "Grad schools, degrees, many performances and continual growth-as a person, an oboist, a thinker, and a friend." Additional Comments: "The Now is all I have, so I ty not to waste it with worrying or bitterness or self-preoccupation. I take to heart the words of Elwood P. Dowd ("Harvey") when he says, 'I have a wonderful time wherever I am, whoever I'm with'."
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