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Aftermath Reports

March 3, 2003
Operation 1337 Force Aftermath:

Operation 1337 Force was a huge success!  At the peak of the day, roughly 16 airsofters were present for practice.  The day begun with several rounds of classic elimination that proved to be very productive.  Although outnumbered, the experienced TACT members were able to implement some badly needed strategies resulting in exceptional outcomes.  As the day progressed, game play was switched to several matches of smoothly run CTF.  As a team, we are making great progress... yet more practice is always needed!  I hope that now you all realize strategies DO work and don't just brush them off.  Expect more insquad practices soon, and possibly a skirm with the Irken Invaders
in the not too distant future.  If you are intrested in seeing what airsofting is really all about, ask if you can join in one of our upcoming skirms (but space is limited, so ask soon if you want a gaurnteed spot in)!

February 17, 2003
Operation First Light  Aftermath:
Operation First Light was a overall success!  Members from J Crew, Miburo Wolves, and Team C joined forces with us to make this the largest skirm ever hosted by TACT.  Overwhelmed by the shear volume of players totaling to over 30 AEGs, action proved to be fierce and highly competitive.  Despite occasional periods of confusion and chaos, the majority of the rounds passed smoothly with out problems.  Operation First Light was a great learning experience for TACT in the sense that we were able to see what's out there in the airsoft community.  It exposed us to larger scale gameplay and introduced us to new challenges, such as friendly fire, that we have never experienced before.  As most of you probably saw, TACT still has a long way to go in order to even begin competing with the best.  However, I believe with some training and good advice, TACT has great potential in becoming one of the most fearsome airsoft squads around.  Sorry for the lack of pics, I was occupied for most of the skirm, but there are a couple.  We will be having some insquad training sessions/skirms to hone our skills, and as always, newcomers are welcome.
February 10, 2003
Operation  Silent Valley Aftermath:
Operation Silent Valley was a success!  After a slow start with members from Team C, the action picked up resulting into an intense day of fierce combat and excitement.  Highlights included  numerous rounds of team deathmatch.  We remembered to take pics too, so check them out!  Unfortunately, this server wont let me post all of them and I had to crop / reduce the size of the images to save bandwidth.  We will most likely have a skirm next weekend, and as always n0obs are always welcome!  (and ppl, remember to fix up your guns so we wont have as many technical difficulties :-p!!)

January 31, 2003
Operation No0bie Hunt 2  Aftermath:
No0b Hunt 2 was a success.  At the peak of the day, we had roughly 12 players and many new first timers.  Highlights included several intense matches of team deathmatch and CTF.  Congrats to Raven who practically owned the whole show.  We are hoping to see some many new faces in the future, among other returning players!  I'll try and remember to take some pics next time... 

September 2, 2002
Operation Sundown  Aftermath:
The fifth official skirmish of TACT was a success.  Players from Team Counter joined forces with us in the last skirmish of this summer- proving to be the largest and most intense match hosted by TACT so far.  At the peak of the day, approximately 16 players were present totaling to roughly 14  AEGs in all.  Although space was greatly restricted due to the unexpected show up of players, TACT vs. Team Counter still enjoyed several rounds of elimination and CTF.  The action continued even past Team Counter's departure where teams were split evenly in several rounds of classic team death match.  It was an exciting day all around.  Although the summer is over, the skirmishes are not.  We will be hosting games year round, and as always, newcomers are welcome to participate.

August 23, 2002
Operation Crimson Canyon  Aftermath:
The fourth official skirmish of TACT was a relative success.  Although many regular participants  were occupied with  vacation and the skirmish began behind schedule, we still enjoyed an exceptional day of airsofting.  We were able to locate a dried out creek bed out of public sight to substitute for the regular combat zone resulting in mixed feelings.  The trench-like creek bed had higher ground on both sides perfect for a convoy style combat scenario, yet the terrain proved to be more than unforgiving to the unwary.  Overall it was a good day, players experienced new terrain, different combat scenarios, and located potential playing fields.  Look for another skirmish soon, and newcomers are always welcome to participate.

August 3, 2002
Operation Somebodysetusupthebomb  Aftermath:
The third official skirmish of TACT was a success!  This was the largest skirmish yet with teams splitting evenly down to 5v5 at the peak of the day.  Although our skirmish space was restricted  we experimented with defend/bomb scenarios  that resulted in great outcomes.  By midday we reverted back to classic CTF and continued the action until it was time to pack up and head on home.  In addition due to our increase of numbers at TACT events, we are in the process of locating a new, larger field of play to enable the maximum amount of liberty and enjoyment to players.  If you know of any such place, please contact a TACT member and as always, newcomers are welcome to participate.

July 20, 2002
Operation No0bie Hunt  Aftermath:

The skirmish was a huge success for our second official match!  Teams were evenly split 4v4 between springers and  AEGs.  The greater part of the skirmish  was spent playing capture the flag, but as soon as day gave way to night, the  AEGs lit their flashlights and went springer hunting in a point based game of search and destroy.  Highlights included strategic rounds of CTF, snipage from springers in the trees, and scouring the moonlit streets for Excom and Kickurass.  By the way, Kickurass- You weren't a very good log.  The skirmish couldn't have been as much fun without all of you.  Look for updated news in the near future to find out when the next event will be, and as of always, newcomers are welcome to join.

June 22, 2002
Operation Beta  Aftermath:

The skirmish was a relative success for our first official match!  The majority of the action took place during the first day with 3v3 teams facing off in a classic game of capture the flag. Rules and gameplay styles are still being defined but nevertheless the action was nonstop and intense.  If you were unlucky and had to miss both the days, don't worry!   Hopefully we will be hosting more skirmishes in the near future so check for updated news often.  Newcomers are always welcome as well.