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  • Allianced with Wyrd Angles

    Here are my rules for open Vox raids, these are what I work to during raids, even if I forget to mention something - these are the raid rules!

    Firsly read the tactics I use before going: Tactics

    Need 36 people minimum - I wont do it on less especially since the caster changes have likely made vox a little tougher. Bring as much CR and MR as you can - also an insta right click buff item if you can get one (buy a telescope from tinkerers only about 100pp - its what i use to protect buffs). I also want a min of 3 enchanters and a good selection of the healing classes.

    However I will only take 42 people with me, I we are full then we are full - I run precision raids not "zerg em to death hope for the best and if not we'll get it on the retry". Dont be offended but i will ask you to leave if you come late and all spots are already filled.

    My plan for the future is to reduce the number I take, but to do so I need the right classes all with experiance so it will have to waitr a while.

    Entry Fee To pay for buffs I expect all to bring 2 peridots or if you cant easily get 2 dots then 25pp. This is not to make a profit simply to cover the cost of the raid. Clerics, chanters and 48 plus wizards and mages do not have to pay.

    Levels: 46 -52 are welcome. Level 45-52 chanters and clerics are also welcome.


    Book: Paladins level 52 will get double chance on book, this is due to them being unable to go to vox raids unless they level. As raid leader I also get 1 extra draw in the pot (so paladins 46-51 get one chance, paladins level 52 get 2 chances, I get 3 chances)

    Scale: Bards level 52 get double chance on scale compared to lower level bards

    Hide: The scale is no longer needed for the whitedragonscale cloak this hide is used instead - it goes to casters only int and wis, no hybrids.

    RBB: Melee classes only, that includes hybrids and bards

    Bracer: Monks only - as better is hard to get for a monk due to weight limit at this level.

    Bag: Will be traded for a tink bag (or another 10 slot GIANT 100%WR bag or box) by any monks that wish to. The traded bag will then be lotto'd for all.

    Eyepatch: Casters only - int and wis, no hybrids

    Res Stick: Will go open to all as which not equipable by all the resses are nice - or I am sure many would most likely sell this to a high level guild who wants it for PoM entry.

    Rare drop Gems: will be lotto'd between classes that dont get much stuff themselves.

    Spear: Considered a twink items so open to all (unless any there can show that they have worse weapons and can and will use it) Duplicates: In the rare event that 2 or more of a particular item that I would be eligable for under the NBG rules drop, I am able to claim that as my win. I must however do so before any items are rolled on, and if i do so I may not roll on or win by default any other items.

    Rolling: Epic items that uses a shares in the draw type system I will allocate numbers to those interested and do the roll, all other items will be rolled for by that person. Usually /random 0 600. I will tell you what to use. I you do not use exactly what i have told you then sorry, but you just rolled a ZERO. Rolling for something twice, or if you already have one and are planning to pass yours over to a friend on the sly, will lose you loot rights and get you banned from my raids. I know many people find rolling repeatedly amusing or making silly rolls funny, but there is no way for me to tell if you were making a joke or trying to cheat all on the raid, so please do not do it.

    All loot is NBG only, I dont run raids for people to run to EC and sell it. If you are found to do that I will make it known and ban you from any of my furture raids. There are certain items that are considered cash/twink items - such as the spear vox drops - these I dont mind, its the likes of the RBB eyepatch and scale i mean. I am not objecting you you selling or trading these in 5 levels time when you have better, I am saying my raids are not a point for cash farming, thats what Rath Mountains are for.

    Depending on the drops I may limit the cash/twink items to certain classes to make things fairer.

    You can roll on as many items as elegable for, but only win 1 thing (i generally lotto the best stuff first, however if you win something and decide to roll on and win a later item you may exchange for that later item by handing back the original item, if this occurs the original will be RE LOTTO'd, ie all will roll again regardless of who came in 2nd place on the original roll).

    Anti Dumbass policy. I dont like fools on my raids, I have a list of those i wont allow and alas i tends to grow with each raid. You get 1 warning about your conduct.. If you dont stop you wont be informed until just prior to rolling that you have lost your loot rights. If you dont want this to be you here are some simple pointers.

    Only assist the MA (or SA if MA is dead)
    Dont assist until called to by the MA (or SA as above)
    Dont stand any further forward than you are told to
    Dont whine about loots
    Dont whine about how long things take - raids take time
    Dont pester the RL with silly tells, ask your group leader or someone else there they will normally be able to help you
    Dont be stupid or childish in the public channels
    Go to enjoy yourelves and have a good time - its a game - its for fun (and there is nothing more fun than watching them dragons die)

    One last point: when getting TLs out, Bind point, Gfay, NK, Toxx and DL dont cost the wizzies a component, if you want anywhere else give the wizzie 5pp to cover the cost of the port

    Remember to read the tactics before coming to one of my raids.

    Berevon CaelumVectoris, 52nc Paladin of Tunare, Raid officer of HomeGrown Heroes on Antonius Bayle