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  • Allianced with Wyrd Angles

    Here are my tactics for Vox raids, these are what I work to during raids.

    Firsly read the rules I use before going: Rules

    The Gathering
    After announcing the raid on the message boards, usually AB Boards and SCARAB Boards I get online normally atleast 1 hour priot to the raid start. At this point I create the raid channel and normally log to my druid, Donsonnil who hops around zones giving an announcement for the raid.
    Once you are online send me a tell, I normally just have an AFK message giving the current status. Aim to have started to journey to permafrost 1 hour before the raid is due to begin and head to the king room. If you dont know the way dont worry, either follow people down as they go or ask in channel for a guild. Alternativly here is a link to a map of the zone - I suggest you print it off before coming. Once there start pestering the mages for summoned resist and focus items.

    The Grouping
    Once all are there I will begin to make groups. I use the /list 1 command to get the names in the raid channel and then /who to get class and level. Therefore you muct be in the raid channel and must be off anon and role. This takes some time and tells are likely to go unanswered. When I announce the groups the first name will be the leader, I will also note who is main assist (MA), second assist (SA) and main puller (MP). Not all groups will have a healer - it depends on who we get. Also Paladins remember you can be healers - until level 51 you have the same heal spell as a druid or a shaman. Once groups are formed I will moderate the chat channel and voice the group leaders, MA, SA, MP and main cleric. Once groups are made you are to give your entry fee to your group leader, they in turn are to give the collected fees to me. A note at this point: I do not want to see any pets up during the raid, familiars are to be in hidden form. I am aware of the changes to the agro code with pets however until I have more chance to experiment with it I keep the old rules for vox: NO PETS. Vox is not the place to test it out, if a pet is feared, somehow pulls agro from the pit onto the owner it will totally wipe the raid and leave a VERY ugly CR.

    The Clearing
    At this point 1 of 2 things will happen, either the MP will start clearing, pulling 1 at a time (where possible) they will also have 1 or more puller assists to help them get singles - these are normally monks or SKs. Alternativly if there are several experianced people there clearing was likely begun while I was making groups, I will get the progress and go from there. While doing this remember the following points:-
  • Stand behind the flag.
  • The INC message does NOT mean attack - this is just a warnign that something is coming
  • Do NOT rush the mob. Stand still. The only ones infront of the flag should be the MA and the pullers
  • When andonly when the MA calls for assist you move to where the MA is fighitng and engage the mob

  • The leader of the experiance group on each kill is to loot all items from the corpse - usually destroying junk drops. If anything of value drops it is to be handed to myself. If something no drop of value drops it is to be rolled on there. I will call classes. If epic items like prickley pear drop I will hand them out at the end or roll if more than one need. If you loot something and are unsure what it is for ask your group - odds are someone knows, if not ask in channel.
    Clearing continues until all the mobs between king room and buff spot are cleared AND the mobs in the lair are pulled (where possible)

    The Move
    After this is done I will give the instruction to move to the buffing area. Gather around the stone and do not go around the corner. Once we reach this point all classes that are able to bind are to do so. This way if you die you can come back in quickly.

    The Buffing
    At this point everyone is to click off ALL their buffs. I dont care if you have some uber buffs from before you came you are to click them off. The only exception to this is any casters that have C3 on, you may keep this till it drops then get a refresh on clarity. It is nessecary that buffs last until the fight that is why we buff at this point. Buffing is the most crucial stage for a single MOB target. Mess this up and you are facing CR.
    I will ask clerics to come to the front and collect peridots for symbols, I will also allocate a cleric buffer for those grops that are without a cleric.
    You are ONLY to buff what I say when I say it.
    The first buffs are the "Junk" buffs. 4 buffs that have no purpose other than to be the first ones that are debuffed by vox. These make your better buffs last longer. A good thing to have is an insta right click buff item. A telescope is cheaply available from PC tinkers though there are other items around. When your junk buffs start going in battle the insta right click item refreshes one leaving your good buffs protected. Do not worry if your junk buffs start dropping during the buffing phase simply recast them. Its their location in the buff icon order, not the order in which they were casted that matters. Suitable "junk" buffs for vox include: poison resist, disease resist, fire resist/circle of winter, see invis, enduring breathe etc.
    After this is done on all groups (groups should aim to do "junk" buffs themselves) druids and shamen are to start casting STR on the melee classes. If we only have 1 or 2 shamen then STA and AGI are only to be cast on the MA and SA, if there are 3 or more shamen then just cast on any melee classes you see. Self buffs can also be done at this time - eg weapon proc buff like divine might. Lastly anyone needing clarity is to send a tell to one of the chanters to get it (using tells allows buffers to use /rtarget to target and buff you). Clerics are to begin casting their HP/AC line of spells on their groups - hopefully this will be the group version Heroic Bond. The AC only spells are to be cast on the MA and SA only. Paladins are to cast their divine glory line of spells on their group and any others they see. They can also cast AC line if they have mana spare. Next is a short break to let the clerics med to full again.
    Then the clerics will buff everyone with symbol. Once your group has symbol the group leader is to send a tell to a chanter for GMR. After your group has GMR you are to send a tell to a druid for Circle of summer. If it is the case where we have no druids with this spell then clerics, shamen and druids are to use the Resist Cold spell on each member of the group. then we have another med break to allow the clerics to reach FM. During this breakk Shamen and chanters are to buff haste on any melee classes, but are to stay above 80% mana at all times.
    During this med break I will normally go through the charge details again.

    Lastly the MA and SA will both quickly disband and join a group with a chanter in. They will each be given Boon of the Garou then rejoin their normal groups (space in the chanter group may have to be made for a moment) If someone wants to put a damage shield on the MA at this point they are welcome.

    during buffing there may be some repops in the area we are buffing at. Kill these where they are but doe NOT use AoE spells. Also the only group buff bards are to sing at this time is mana song. This prevents agroing vox.

    The Charge
    NOTE: Look at the map before charging - there are 3 entries into vox's lair - 2 or them are traps. We run up the middle path. Also once up you go through to movable rock - you may have to click it to move it out of the way - it acts like a door. If you run too far there is also another pit to fall into. Again I suggest you atleast look at the map at the above link before coming to the raid. It may be there is 1 mob left in the lair that cannot be pulled without geting vox. If this is the case I will assign a bard to deal with it. Normally the group 3 or 4 bard. They are to go in with groups 1 and 2, pull the mob - charm it and pull it outside the lair and to KEEP it there, just sing away to it until vox is dead then shout an inc and pull it inside the lair for us all to kill. Just prior to charging all melee classes that can are to use the /resistant disc.
    I call the charge in 3 stages, always using the shout channel.The first charge:
    GROUPS 1 AND 2 CHARGE!!!!!
    GROUPS 1 AND 2 CHARGE!!!!!
    GROUPS 1 AND 2 CHARGE!!!!!
    Groups 1 and 2 are to run into the lair, engage Vox and the MA to get the agro. ONLY the MA and the SA are to use taunt, all others - if you cant help clicking it move it to another page! The Paladin in group 1 (usually me) is to use their LoH on the MA when he hits 20%. The cleric is not to use CH until after this - Celestial healing is ok. This is to prevent the cleric getting main agro and dieing fast. There is no set spot to enage vox, usually her pedestool or just infront of it is fine - generally aim for the middle of the lair as there is a ramp to the pit with mobs at the base on one side of the lair. Next stage of the charge once the MA has build up suitable agro: OTHER MELEE AND HEALERS CHARGE!!!!!
    All other melee groups and the healers in them are to charge. Chanters and Shamen are also to charge at this point. Vox is to be Tashed, slowed, debuffed and then malo'd then chanters are to chain cast mana seive/mana tap. Also Paladins that have the Thunder of Karana spell are to chain cast this as it is also a mana sieve.
    At 50% hp ono Vox I will call the last stage: CASTERS CHARGE - NUKE HER TO DEATH!!!!
    Everyone left is to charge. Where possible you are to use fire based nukes. Dont ever waste time with cold based - they wont hit her. Any casters, if you die, you are to mem a choice nuke/heal/mana seive and go back in firing - this allows us to easily kill Vox. Healers, if your group is dead then target vox, type /assist and then cast small fast heals (GH/SH) on whoever vox is hitting at the time.
    If for some reason I die or go LD then I will have nominated someone else to take over in my place - listen to them as you would to me!

    The Death
    When Vox dies I want EVERYONE away from the corpse. Failure to do so will get you banned from my raids. There are only going to be 2 people nearby they will be me and the leader of the XP group. If your corpse is under vox then you are to have it dragged away before ressing or looting. The leader of the xp group is to lock the corpse and stay there but not to loot any items. I will be keeping an eye on the timer and when 3 minutes have passed I will tell them to let go of the corpse and I will loot the items. The person locking the corpse is not to announce loot at all nor are they to loot any items. They are especially not to try and disband from their group - if you do so the GMs will be called immediatly.
    Once I have looted the items I will list what has dropped. If the book has droped I will say so immediatly and any paladins that died are to be ressed. I will conduct the roll from the list of paladins I have from grouping, by assignig numbers and rolling. I will release the corpse for the winner to loot the book. If the hide dropped which is also no drop I will lotto that to casters after the book. Paladins looting the book are NOT to loot the hide if it is there!

    The Ressing
    Clerics will now res any that died, if you want to be ressed quicker ask a paladin to res you but it wont be as much xp. If anyone fell down the pits they will have their corpse retrieved by monks/rogs and then ressed. Be patient this may take time.

    The Rolling
    After all are ressed and back from LD I will begin the rolling. If any are LD for a long time then their groups are to inform me and I will roll on their behalf and hand the items to them later. I will declare what items are going to which classes prior to rolling. I do this as fair as possible. If you wish to send a tell complaining about how I am awarding the items or to complain about the raid, preface it with "I do not wish to roll on any item". If you wish to give feed back on the raid positive or negative you are welcome to on the message boards, upon reading I will either listen and ammend my methods, tell you why what I do is what I consider the best way or add you to the list of people I dont want on my raids depending on what you say and how you say it. No person may win more than one item. For a rought guide as to how I divide the items see the rules page. I normally use /random 0 600, however I will tell you exactly what to roll, if you do not do as I say then you have suceeded in rolling a ZERO.

    The Exodus
    Once all rolling is done I will ask wizards to start TLing out, druids please offer to port people out as your leave. Chanters please clarity any porters incase it was debuffed during raid. If you are getting a TL to somewhere that requires a compnent (ie other than bind, NK, DL, Toxx or GFay) then pay the wizard 5pp to cover their costs.

    I am not saying this is the only way to run a Vox raid, but this is the way I run them. It works: Vox dies, we dont! My History is in the events section of the AB Boards and in the Raid feedback section of the SCARAB Boards. You are welcome to read up on it. I may make minor changes to these methods, even during the raid is circumstances warrant, though these have been honed over at least a dozen vox raids, all but one suceeded on first charge.

    Happy Dragon Slaying all, See you in the Lair

    Remember to read the rules before coming one of my raids.

    Berevon CaelumVectoris, 52nc Paladin of Tunare, Raid officer of HomeGrown Heroes on Antonius Bayle