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Parents Paper Interview

    Since we cannot interview parents one by one, so we decide to pass the interview form to students and let the parents to fill in the interview form. We ask three question in the interview form, below is the scan picture of our form.

    We pass the form to about 300 parents, the analysis of the feedback of the parents of the Smart School are show as below:-

Question 1
What is the Smart School? Please tell us about your opinion:
a. Using the ICT tools, the students learn to be lifelong and independent learners.
b. Using technology to improve their learning ability and knowledge.
c. Using technology, teachers can improve their teaching technique and quality to make the teaching & Learning process fun and interesting.
d. Others_________________________________________

Question 2
What are the areas/efforts that our Government and Local Community should take to improve and upgrade the schools?
a. Technology b. Financial Support c. Computerized System
d. Others_________________________________________________


Question 3
What are the areas that you would like to contribute in the Choong Wen¡¯s Smart School project?
a. Financial Support/ Charity Activity
b. Skill/Technologies, Eg._______________________
c. Knowledge, Eg.____________________
d. Other Support, Eg._________________________

From this survey, we found that most of the parents are attach importance to use technology, teachers can improve their teaching technique and quality to make the teaching & Learning process fun and interesting.

Most of the parents also feel that our Government and Local Community should take more effort on technology and computerized system in order to improve and upgrade the schools.

At the last question, we found that many parents are willing to donate money to our school.
