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    Parents And Teachers Association (PTAs)  is an organisation that organize by parents and teachers from every individual school in order to help in the development and activities of the school. The Malaysia Government set that every school must have the PTAs in order to help the school to develop.
    PTAs will help the school to organize some fund raising activity in order to collect money to develop the facilities of school.
    Since there are many school in Malaysia, government cannot take care so many schools, so normally the PTAs need to help government to develop the school.
    In our school, SJK(C) Choong Wen, we feel that we are very lucky because we have the PTAs that very warm-hearted to develop and support our school.


Mr. Shum Yew Chong
Mr. Tan Men Choon
Madam Pang Mooi
Madam Tan Swee Neo
Madam Ng Chew Leng
Madam Lim Kit Hong
Madam Chong Paik Choo
Madam Ng Mei Kuan
Mr. Lim Kwee Chai
Mr. Yeoh San Choy

Students take picture with PTA president, Mr. Shum Yew Chong, and vice precident Mr. Tan Men Choon after interviewing them.

Students take picture with teachers after interviewing them.
The teachers are Madam Tan Swee Neo, Madam Lim Kwee , Madam Chong Paik Choo and Madam Ng Mei Kuan