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Mr. Yeoh San Choy Opinion About Smart School

Interviewee: Mr. Yeoh San Choy
Interviewer: Lee See Yan, Tan Chun Hui 

Mr. Yeoh San Choy is one of the member of Choong Wen Alumni Society. He is very warm-hearted in helping our school. He donate about Twenty Five Thousand Ringgit.

Students: What's your opinion about Smart Schools Project?
Mr. Yeoh: Smart School should have complete facilities, equipment and various type of technology like Internet access, computer, scanner, printer, projector and so on.
Students: Why you are so enthusiastic in helping and donate money to Choong Wen School?
Mr. Yeoh: I graduate from Choong Wen school and I feel that I should repay to my school. This is everyone responsible.

Students: How do you contribute yourself to help ChoongWen school to become Smart School?
Mr.Yeoh: In my opinion, Choong Wen school can become to Smart School is not the most important thing, but I will contribute my strength and financial support to my school. 

Students: Are there any other communities that give us help?
Mr. Yeoh: What I think is if my school need the help and fund, all the organisation, residents, committee, temple and others will donate money to school.
