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The Wellington Web Guest Book

Last updated: February 2004 ..... For the latest additions, you'll need to check the uncut version.

Any questions that ex-Wellingtonians are looking for answers to are in red.

If you haven't signed the guestbook yet, WHY NOT ??????

Home Sign the guestbook View the uncut version
Name E-mail/Home Page Comments
John Filder (cyril) Does anyone know what happened to Mark (Buzz) Burrows?
Why isn't there a picture of Foggy's daughter on the staff list didn't she teach French, and what about Kenny Jones?

MH - you send a photo and I'll upload it





David Arkell Great site Mike! Only found it by accident yesterday after going onto the friends reunited site out of sheer boredom!
Glad I did, it brought back many happy memories seeing old names and faces!
Keep it up and Hi to all ex-Wellingtonians!

Wellington certainly did me proud, because after 9 years working in Liverpool, some of that time with Brad Schernerock, I am now MD of my very own tour operating company! Who'd of beleived that was possible!

Ian Strettle Still a great site? Please note a new email address. Anyone who was at the school 1969-74 whilst I was there and think it would be a good to have reunion get in touch.
Richard Paul Davies 1965 to 1970 Mr Fogg, second in comand Mr Bristow, Mr Capper always brown steel healed shoes, Mr Hartley always in blue track suit, Mr Lloyd, Mr Entwistle, Mr Louis Gieomar (spelt wrong I think,)Mr Hughes (what happened to him?)and the others who I can't remember at this moment. What a school there are things that we all remember about Welli the good and the bad the bad been flogged by Mr Hartley with a jim pump and the prefect's been able to flogg you in the 6th form attic, does anyone remember the missing plaster above your head knocked out by ones head on inpact yes Mr Story I remember you. I remember it all 2B in the attic main block and those bloody stairs. Micheal Baker, Dave Bonham are you out there?????. Well done Mike a brill job with the web site brought back so many memories hope it stays together.
Heyward Boyette Mike, Thanks for making this website. I was surprised & saddened to learn that Wellington had closed. I was the American kid (Yank) in the class. I may have some photos/yearbook - I'll check. I would love to hear from anyone who may remember me. If anyone knows how to contact Stephen Bradshaw, please let me know.

I returned to the states & I am now a veterinarian in Lexington, South Carolina, USA. I am married (Tiffany) & have two daughters (Audrey & Kyra)

Ian Banks Spent many years in Kenya. then moved to Singapore,now living in Thailand with my current wife Anna. love to hear from anyone fron 54 to 62 especially if you are in Asia. run my own crane companies in Singapor, Hongkong, vietnam and Thailand.
Neil McLauglin After reading some comments from Richard Allen Williams and Charlie Higgins (AKA Rupert Higgins) i'd like to clear up a few matters and let everyone know what they are really doing. It came out in the open not so long ago that Rich's middle name is not actually Allen, in fact he does not have a middle name. His mum just made this name up in the heat of the moment when rich got very upset and started crying when he found out that his brother had a middle name but he did not -- what a sad bastard!!! I still see Rich, tim, jody, charlie. Tim works for the DSS, Jody is attempting university again and Charlie - well he gets high alot!
charlie higgins i was at wellie until the end , i saw miss mac about 3 weeks ago , mr johns about 2 weeks ago on a train but decided not to speak to him his nickname was elvis i have no idea why but i was the only one who called him it , mr mckie went on to teach at mostyn house and is still there now he was the only teacher who tought me throughout secondary school and was nicknamed chicken pie amoung many,many other things ,dr scott was my favorite teacher although he never taught me for any lessons but he would smile alot - i think he is a headmaster somewhere on the wirral , i still see rich ,oll ,neil ,tim ,jody ,carlie and occasionaly kevin .

the end of wellington came quite fast being that we were all only given 11 weeks notice , i remember the last day - things were getting smashed everywhere , i myself came home with a desk lid which i still have somewhere - its a piece of art with years and years of graffiti on it and possibly the only surviving one to date , i hated school .

Richard Williams How do I join in on the chat room option Mike? MH - The chat room is defunct through lack of interest and participation - Sorry.  If there's enough interest I have no objection to setting up another.

I went to Caldy when the school closed and noticed that Mr Stalker was there. I didn't really know him though and only got onto the fact he was from Welly. Hope everyone is well.I want to say hi to all who remember me and that it is a mad site and brings back some good memories.

I am studying to be an accountant or pornstar at the moment(last one was a joke!). If you remember Rupert Higgins- he has now changed gender and is called 'Charlie'. (That was also a joke).

Ian Hunt Old lags nostalgia time!(circa 1960)
Dear old Bill Sykes encouraging us to run a lot, with "high knee raising"
Mr Harding who told us to "keep our tools in the well of the bench"!
Mr Hiles "You won't like me!"
Mr MacLennan "would you like to see museums or brothels on a school trip to Spain.
Dear old Eric Mallet, who died tragically on a second trip to Guernsey,but actually managed to teach us French.
Mr Warren, who ate my relief plan of South America, made out of dough.
The late "Jame"Freymouth, of Vietnam fame, asking to come back into class,having been sent out, everytime Mr Hiles appeared at the top of those stairs.
Mr Elton who taught me more about the Norfolk Broads than basic maths.
Finally I would like to apologise to all those old chaps playing bowls below Spital Station, who were on the end of a rain of drained frozen jubblies, as we left the station on the way home.
Oh happy days!!
Elaine Ward I am looking for two persons. 1/ Marc Williams. 2/ Richard. both were best friends at wellington. they both graduated in 93-94. i cant remember richards last name. marc lived in heswall with brother charlie (who went to wellington to) richard lived out side chester. please if any one konws how i can contact these persons please e-mail me. its hard for me to call around as i know live in the nick name used to be lenny.

great web site as i said i live in the caymans so its hard for me to try and find old class mates. i loved remined me of so much. does any one have any photos of the holland trip in 92. know that must of been the best school trip thier was as we were drunk most of the time. i loved sports at wellington due to the fact of haveing to get the bus to the fields every thurday. whith the shed to get dressed in how dam cold it was in the winter and haveing to run endless laps around to get warmed up (hated mr.stalker)

Ian Robinson


I taught P.E. to a few of you over the 18 years I was there. My only regre is that JPFogg did NOT PAY the employers contribution to the pension fund for any of those years, making early retirement an impossibility for me and I guess some others. I enjoyed the majority of my time there, but not the last couple under Kirch. The athletics/rugby standard was amazing for a small school. Well done to all those that worked so hard to make it so. Drop in and see me or email. Directions are on the web site. Ian
Chris ALLMAN Hi Mike, One of the old boys here, really old boys like Ian Hunt !!!. 1958 to 1963 I was at Wellington. Great time, great mates. Started in same class as Ian, with babe Jone, Paul Fisher, Julian Thompson, John Wright etc

Great site keep it up. Poor old school, when I was there the house was the only bit of the school except for an outside Chemistry Lab. Mr Botting and Dave McClennan ruled inside .

Well after 6 years at sea travelling the globe and 30 yrs in the Police, I am now semi retired.Grandfather Deputy Launching Authority for the New Brighton Lifeboat and part time storeman

steve maddalena best wishes to all survivors
dave formston (formo) nice site mike can`t say i remember much about the old place think i might have an old photo of myself looking very 1988 if u want more pics for your site? what happened to mr mckie?

to anyone who`s interested i`m married and have been since the age of 20 after travelling settled down in bolton and work for tnt express in bury, manchester would love to hear from any of the helraisers from 5th yr 1990

Ian Strettle Great site keep the good work up
Lee Sinden Anyone remember Mr Stalkers' (excellent games teacher) quote "Pick up the ball you idle little wretch"!!!
On the subject of nicknames, anyone remember the names we used to give teachers? Check out the teachers section of the site for nicknames (Mike H)

 I really do miss "The good old days"

What a great site!!!
I been sat here for nearly an hour crying with laughter about some of the stories. For those who don't know / remember me, I was at Wellington 1988 to the bitter end. I was in upper sixth when the school closed.

Gained 1st in Engineering degree in Birmingham. Working for a company who build trains, well on the way to chartered engineer status with the IMechE.

Jason Paffas What happened to Darrel Thompson and Simon Farrell

Hey there,
found the website here in Australia, gee what a spin, to see it up, Been back in my home country Australia now 18 years and really stoked, Hell hate to say it but being an Aussie in the UK in the Eighties did not go down to well, have not been back since i left, some good memories, especially Athletics, and also Mark Cowie who seemed to get a piece of dowl cracked over his backside by Chippy every time we had woodwork
Living in Sydney Australia

Masters in Visual Communication design
and also National awards for design

john dodd Great site for a real trip down memory lane. Sorry to hear the old school is no more. Look forward to future contact with old chums.
Kev Gorry It's so nice to see so many familar names on this site. I saw Neil Lomax a couple of weeks ago at the Village Hotel and he told me about this site so i thought id try it out.

After school i went to wirral met with Mike Fayle,Mike Smith and Kariann Thomas for 2 years. Basically it was like Welly all over again. We just had a laugth.
Four years ago i met Louise and we are now engaged (i popped the question in Paris on top of the Eiffel Tower last year) and we are getting married in the summer of 2005.  That's where I got engaged too (Mike H)
I now work as a supervisor for JJB Sports on the croft in bromborough. I have worked for them for 3 years now and it has just gone so quick

Kevin Chase Whatever happened to Steve Fildes?

I can't believe it was that long ago

Richard Cushing Fantastic web site, keep up the good work
Gordon Hartley As Gordon now works abroad,I, his father,D.G.Hartley would love to renew contacts, and contribute if possible via this Wellington site. I live 100 yds from the Gates as shown on site.
David Cox Great work in creating this web-site, brings back many happy memories, in particular:

- The hair inspections.
- The 2B classroom in the attic (and those stairs!).
- The upstairs woodwork room where we mass produced pencil cross-bows (until getting caught and getting '6 of the best' from Mr Bristow).
- Getting constantly flicked on the ear by the Chemistry teacher (can not remember his name).
- The hair inspections.
- Playing tag in the gym.
- Bus trips for Rugby and cricket games (mighty,mighty, wellies).
- Beating Wirral Grammar.
- The dash to the lunchroom to get in the queue.
- playground football, kicking the ball over the back-wall and having the courage to knock on the Foggs front door to get the ball back.
- Skidding along the frozen playground in winter, trying not to smack into the front wall.
- The hair inspections.

I'd love to here from anyone who shares these memories, particularly those from 1-Alpha (1977), 2B (1978) or 3B (1979).

I left Wellington School in late 1979, when my family moved to Australia. I'm now living in Melbourne and working with Melbourne Water as Land Development manager (]

What Achievements (about you or someone else) have you to share

Playing Hooker in the year's rugby team.
Playing opening bat in the year'scricket team.
Swimming for the school at Wirrar Champs.
Most of all enjoyed the friendship with classmates, all of whom I'velost touch with.

Michael Byrne arrolmjb@arrolejm.

I often wonder what happened to Peter Street,Roger Pinnington, Chris Dodd and the rest of the class there are the odd names that I recognise from my year but most seem not to have moved upto computers
graham beattie gbteey@aol nice to see some old names fromthe past ie andy humphreys,martin mulholland. i left in 1966 and now live in the west of england regards to anyone who remembers my name
Paul Vickers Why did the school close?

Is Mike Story Leader of the Liverpool council the same person who admistered floggings! YES

I went around a woodwork class at an open day for my daughters new school and swear I smelt cig smoke from Bucklys 'Numbo's'

Now Operations Director for Hospitality at Warwich University

John Filder (Cyril) Contact through

Friends Reunited

Nice to see the photos, we had some good times. I would be interested in a reunion.
Ian Hunt Congrats Mike from all the old boys one year on. It cheers the heart to still be able to see dear old Welly, and see familiar names appearing quite often on the school list. It's nice to know that despite the fact that the old place is no longer there, it's now saved forever on your site.I bet it's very dodgy on dark nights for the residents of those nice new houses,some of us older boys will be doing 'orrible things in their gardens soon!!
Philip Youle-Grayling
A year on and what a Great Web Site! Have found some ITV footage of the “Mr Kirch and the Bleeping Watches”, incident! Can this be turned into a MPEG file? Let me know if this is possible and how it is done!

Still in contact with Matt Silas (Now a Chartered Surveyor and one of my customers)and Mark Ashley who has a daughter and as of this week a baby son. Good Effort!

John Wilkie 1964-69, Age 11 - 16

Bloody prefects 500 words about the insides of a ping pong ball--and the wack from prefects can you imagine that now!!

66/67 used to play rugby for the school---all those trips on the bus to far away schools--most memorable were the eats afterwards---
Any one remember the small bottles of milk at playtime--frozen in winter and gone off in summer.

Robin Newby I was one of three pupils who started on the First Day the School opened,two names spring to mind, Alan Coventry and Neil Davies, from just opposite the School, would you know if this was true?. A good sporting pal of mine was Graham Beacroft.
It was an ambition to play that Organ, before I left to live in Africa, but later in life I learnt to play that instrument. I had a good time over the 3/4 years there, I don't think Mr Fog thought a lot of me, but I became frindly with his family. Where did my panoramic School photo go to?, called round to friends houses only to see theirs!

Motto: (in English) Manners Maketh Man, I believe in answer to a question posted.

Moved from an academic stream to a hands on to a Mechanical Career, forty years later I am still there helping Britain, propping up Unilever on Merseyside.

Christopher Bilsbury is listed in Canadian Who's Who
RODGER BOLTON rodger.bolton2

What happened to Mrs Boulton????

Could Wellington have remained open.

Was it under investergation by Merseyside Police?????
Ian Hunt Did the same person who "acquired" the crest over the front door, get their hands on that ruddy great organ (musical variety!!)which used to sit in the music room,or did it finally fall into the basement? How about next reunion in Mike Holehouses'hotel in Thailand? Hi Mike, do you need a hall porter?
Vicki Humphreys

What about a chat room mike? or even a forum, so we can again bully, skit at and laugh at each other.


Can you remember what you used to call me? (MH - NOPE !!)

Mike, its looking good. any problems give a shout

Working from home, developing own web hosting and web design company with husband. Living in Neston. Start open uni feb, to get the degree.

Bradleigh Scheonerock

Whatever happened to Karen Ecshaw (The gorgeous french girl who was in our first year)? And, how did Paul Prescott manage to keep the conversation going with Natalie Keenan, must have been a monologue.  What a great website. Must admit i thought it would not be the same Wellington School that i went to.


Mike you have done us proud.  I am a Chartered Shipbroker currently working on the Isle of Man.

Glenn Collings glenncollings@manorparkgate.

Alan Bright's note with the first line of the school song brought to mind the version that was used in the form of a "drinking song" one Speech Day at Gladstone Hall Port Sunlight - anyone remember?
Alan Bright (59-66) I was expecting to brush up on my history (Wellington) via the Interet but had a fantastic surprise ! I will dig out some photos. Names from the past - Bladon, Hunt, Gill, Sykes, Capper. Science Masters: Hilton, Johns, Heron, Prosser - what happened to them ?

This site represents a fantastic link with the past enabling old friendships to be re-newed and keeping the spirit of the School alive:
"In our work and in our leisure..." -
Come on some one complete the verse !

(MH - The School song can be found in the Memorabilia section of the site, and there's even some downloadable music !!)

I have kept in contact with Chris Bilsbury and Bryan Webster over the past 40 years (currently, Chris in Canada, Bryan in Bristol and I'm near Cambridge)

Andy Humphreys Yes it was a mad place, but none madder than the day, circa March 1968, when Mr. Fogg called a meeting of prefects in his study. All, or most, of us trooped in. I stayed at the rear to pull faces at Ian Gibson to make him giggle but then I heard a quiet click behind me. Shortly we came to leave and I went to open the door. It was locked! Mr. Fogg had the habit of leaving the key in the lock when he was inside and, at this most opportune of moments, some brave sole crept up and locked the door. Did he (they) know there was no spare key? Unfortunately there is no photographic record of the headmaster and his frontline troops climbing down a ladder into the garden. But I remember who was not at that meeting…….

Great site

Martin Proctor Excellent site that I have spent the last few years trying to find. Nice to see some one has made the effort and brought back all those great memories. I played in the footy team with X, Stevo, Aubs, Macca and run by John McKie who took us on a drunken excuse for a football tour early 90's. Any memories of Holland?

Some one told me Mr Ogbourne is in Germany...don't know if it's true. Sad to see the place now but the memories are great. Too many to share now...e mail me soon all.

Stuart Hancock Blimey. Great site Mike. That photo of the teachers circa 1989 makes it all seem like yesterday. Some great times at Welly, such a shame it's no more. One thing baffles me though, how come Lenny Ledger is still in teaching?!?
Richard Davidson Just stopped laughing at the wonderful photos. Brought back far too many things long forgotten. Great site Mike carry on the work!!
Martin Atherton
What happened to School house , I am sure I was in it ! , perhaps I wasn't paying attention at the time. I was crap at sport anyway!

(MH - opps, sorry. I was fiddling with the guestbook settings and deleted it, so yes you probably were)

It felt really wierd looking back , and really sad about Yosser Hughes. Does anyone know where Dave Hale is? Tim Swift, Graham Edwards, Nigel Surman and I all went walking in the Lakes with him after O levels and have got together since but we have not been able to trace him.

Glenn Collings glenncollings@manorparkgate

Good start, have you any long term plans or objectives ?

(MH- No...I've never viewed this as my web site, it's for the use of everyone who had some contact with the Wellington, maybe a place to reminise and store their memories??   Some people use web sites to eventually try to make money out of links to other places .... I don't intend to ever do this, I just give free links to other sites who help us)

Emma Dakin
Fantastic site Mr Hopwood!! I must confess tho'- we were there the day Welly closed (sad day indeed!) and Rachael & I probably have a great deal of - ahem - souveniers hanging about somewhere!! Great days!!
Roy Ozelton Mr Hopwood I think this is a great idea, long live Wellington. We may have hated wearing the green blazers until you got the the 4th yr when you could suddely wear BLACK, thus have less abuse hurled at you by our friendly Beb Comp pupils around the corner. So Mike do you still listen to Huey Lewis and the News? (MH - "NO, I DON'T")

Nice too see all the old teachers photos. My favourite teacher had to ne Mr O aka Oggy. We all thought he was gods gift to the ladies, wether he was or not is another discussion.

Philip Kendrick Mike, really well done for shocking a lot of people into considering the impact of Welly on their formative years.

I was joint head boy and first fifteen captain in 1982 with my dear chum Carl Vincent, though I have not really thought about this much in recent years -until your site came along, that is!

Just some of my personal recollections; the prefectual slipperings- both receiving, and later administering; the bottle fight between Mulloch and Hughes outside of the canteen; Mark Chance, who was our Deputy Head Boy and I believe is now unfortunately deceased, breaking some Rock Ferry heads whilst defending the open back door of the Welly school double-decker bus; playing rugger against Whitby in a fog so thick that they all huddled around the centre of the pitch whilst we ran in try after try. I was prop and ran in three tries down the wing! Carl and I still fondly recall the blue language from their coach at half time emanating through the mist.

Anyone who can face re-living the past, please give me a shout.
Aubrey Morrison Good work Mike!!
I was there from 1987-1994, and loved playing sports throughout the year (esp. being the short-arse in rugby tackling everyone!!).
Went to Liverpool John Moores to get my Masters degree and am now in the I.T. sector. Keep fit playing footy, and snowboarding around the world.
Be interesting to see how many teachers show up on here..... (MH - 3½ SO FAR)
Carl Vincent Think the web site is great. Brought back a few too distant memories of friends and teachers (the two being mutually exclusive of course). I have tried to help with the rugby team for 1978 (main source of education while at Welly) and would like to snottily point out that the captains entry for 1981-2 should read C J Vincent (i.e. me) and not G J Vincent -the entry was never made while I was there - can see why now. My dear friend Philip Kendrick and myself actually shared honours for Head Boy and rugby captain that year and have remained firm friends ever since. I have forwarded your web address to him and we will hopefully assist you further. I am living in Singapore and do not have any memorabilia with me but he might.
Alex Harrison alex.harrison@

Thanks Mike for a great site - I've nothing but good memories of Wellington.

I can't believe it's gone. I remember taking a girlfriend (not the most romantic thing to do, but hey!!) out to see my old school in the 90's and finding a housing estate in progess - I was really quite sad.

My thanks to Mr Brown who gave my some good and prescient advice in my last year at the school (1987/8)!
Craig Richman craig_richman@

Would it be possible to have name and email address page so we can get incontact with one another.

(MH - maybe Friendsreunited should have thought of that !!!!)

John Gidman I was at Wellington from 1977 to 1979. Just found out that it closed. Shock was an understatement! I've been living in Lincoln since 1994, so had no idea...

I remember Mr MacNally (Geography). he had a wicked sense of humour, once threatening to sit on me when I couldn't get a question right.

I was in the same form as Messrs McCabe, Fairclough, Axom, etc...

Seem to recall John? Axom was a very good runner (800m, 1500m). Noticed he became Head Boy. Good on him!

Nick Cowle Great Site, great memories. Must be getting old. Have moved around since those carefree days running for buses and dodging the odd car or two, presently living in Cheltenham. Nice not to be called “green fly” and have to put on that multicolored school cap any more. Anyway Mike keep it up
Andrew Gould Great to see the memories live on. Mr Hughes is a sad loss, he was one of the few I understood.It would be good to hear from any who remember me, I've lost contact with all bar one.
By the way I know someone who lives on the site of Entwhistle's Lab. Reckons he's found various dodgy substances buried in the back garden. Form an orderly queue please!
Keep up the good work.
Richard Hosker Cracking site Mike, you must have too much time on your hands :-) I loved looking through the pictures, brought back loads of memories I was trying very hard to repress! Gutted about Jim(Woodcock).
Nicholas Hewitt This wonderful site brought many very happy memories back. I am deeply shocked and saddened to read of Mr Hughes death - I still remember with great joy his lessons - what a fun and inspirational teacher he was. I left and moved away in 1978 at the end of my 5th form and had no idea that the school had since closed.
Darren Wilson darren.wilson@

I have been living away from the Wirral for some time and did not realise that Wellington School has became a housing development area. I hope the builders did not demolish the school with the teachers inside it !!. I also heard a rumour that Mr Brown was a taxi driver. If he is a cabby I wonder whether he offers reduced rates for ex-students.
Steve Evans
I remember Wellington quite well. Was there from 1967 to 1972 (1st to 5th). remember Fogg, Bristow, Capper, Hartley and Haig by there particular methods of punishment! Someone told me Haig went to jail, is this true? I was in the ACF under Hartley (He once commented that he was trying to train officers for the British Army not the Waffen SS when we failed to get a prisoner across the Gym using only the ropes and decided to shoot him instead! I remember Parsons, Vickers, Caveen, Gamble, Harkness, Yelland, Coombes, Waters, sod it I'll try and find the photos and send them! I for one am glad the school is gone but sad as well, I hated it when I was there, the cap inspections, hair inspections, floggings and cross country were endless! It must have improved after Fogg left 'cos so many on the site seemed to enjoy it! Maybe it was just me who was constantly in trouble! Great site anyway Mike, good luck with it, I'll send you what I can.
Peter Hartley Teacher at the School from 1961-73 and from 1992 until closure.Left the School in 73 to work as Squash Professional. National Squash |Coach England 1974-79
National Squash Coach Hong Kong 79-86 Sport development Manager HK Sports Institute 86 -88Now retired and living in the Wirral playing regular golf and
regular supporter of New Brighton RFC
Ian Kennedy Great site. Brought back loads of memories. Hopefully the site will encourage more to register on Friendsreunited
Ian Strettle ian.strettle@

I was at Welliington 1969 to 1974, left and joined the Army after 24 years I am back on the Wirral. Any one know the whereabouts of Tony Cowle, Simon Rayner, Jon Wilks, Mick Jones, John Hair and many more of that era. If anyone recognises my name then get in touch please.
Rob Lambert Does anyone remember a portrait of Wellingon on the left of the main entrance hall (coming in from outside) - or know where it went? It's not in the photo on the website,but it's probably a late picture as the school honours board has swapped walls and there's a notice board on the right. Or am I imagining things?
Also anyone hear any more of of Dave Heywood (1976-1981). I think he left to become a priest?
David Henderson dhenders@

I thought it was all a bad dream, but then I woke up and found this web site. Perhaps I really was there in the 60's.
Did you guys enjoy going to school? I only recognise teachers by their particular method of torture, or the year in which they were carted away by the police. Mr Capper told me to be an artist so I did. He also told me to move far away so I did. Is California far enough Terry?
Luke Windsor It's all flooding back now. I never realised how much i had forgotten. I couldn't see Miss Burman on the teachers list (I think she only lasted one year - probably due to the nickname used by Clarkson, Faulkner et all).
michael douglas pointvalaine What happened to Mr Entwistle??????
Good to see so many of you are still alive! What a shock about Mr Hughes! I am very sad about that. Also about the demise of the school premises. I only heard 3 days ago in a pub!


Graeme mc neice helen@hriley90.

Great to here that your still fat and hairy Mike, and long gone are the day's when you picked me up in your yellow Vaxhall to go to school.It's a shame to see the new house's where we had so many old memory's (good and bad),well thank's to you and this fantastic web site we can once again relive our times at Wellington.Nice one MrHopwood.
Norman Stalker What a great site Mike. Well done. I've sat here going through it for about an hour now - I've been crying laughing at some of the memories of the mad things that went on - it wasn't just you and your fellow students who were mad as hatters you know. I'll have a search when I get time - I must have some photos too. For those who are interested I am still on the Wirral - still teaching P.E. at Calday Grammar - have also reached the dizzy heights of Head of U6th for my sins.
Mike, staff photo 1989 - I am on it you know!!

(MH - OOOPS !!)

Martin Mulholland martin.mulholland1@

Really enjoyed browsing through the site.I'm 52 now and have a job remembering......I've forgoten what. Anyway when I've viewed the photos I can remember lots of the names. Seems strange after 35 years.
Andy Short Brings back alot of memories looking at this site, especially the dodgy pictures. Can anyone remember that music teacher who's mum used to drive him to school in the old Maxi? Has he been sectioned?
Tim Rogers
Just come across this site and have found it most entertaining! Left in 1981 and went to Newcastle University. Now living in Great Sutton and still at school - as a teacher in Birkenhead! Married to Marianne also a teacher.
Steve Banks Now living in Bristol. Love to hear from anyone who knew me.

Great site. Had a laugh and recalled being either slippered or caned by most of the teachers in the album, (including Mr Fogg).Also remember going on a skiing holiday with "Ernie", and found that his best manouvers were done at the bar. Thanks for the memories Mike!

Stephen Roberts stephen.roberts@

Does anyone remember the name of the Pakistani Biology teacher we had for a couple of years? Must have been around 1967 or 68.
CHRIS KNIGHT CJKKNIGHT@AOL.COM I didn't go to Wellington but a good friend did Warwick Stafford also had a brother Graham can you remember them ?
I lost touch when I went to South Africa in 1968 WHERE ARE THEY NOW ?
John Tansey J.R.Tansey@

Great web site well done, not sure how many good memories it brings back but certainly had some giggles. Anyone know what happened to Rowley or SG Phillips?
Anyone remember me get in touch be nice to hear from anyone
. Well done again on the Site
Ian Hunt I'm starting to see some familiar names from the 60's but lots of names are still missing. Where is Freymuth who fought in Vietnam,Dave Barber, John Slope, Mike Lee, Babe Jones,John Wright, John Alcock,Widdowson,Esmat. Come on The gang of 1960,lets be hearing from you!If your out there MR Sykes, would love to hear how you are!
Rob Lambert
Fantastic! I'll dig out anything I can from the loft.
Jonathan Poole

Credit to you Mike, a lot of hard work by the looks of it, good fun to remember all the old school days! Skocked to read about Mr Mcloud (too young) Always remember school run, I through a huge potato (don't ask) into a pond in clatterbridge, about 4 fisherman came to the playing fields to complain so I tried to blag it by saying I was an animal rights activist wanting to save the fish (needed a slap). Looking back now it was a little odd there was'nt it? 'but we did have laugh eh' REMEMBER THE 'HACKY SACK' ANYONE???
Peter Evans - Where did Lever House come from? Didn't exist in my day I'm pretty sure. Anyway everybody knows Grenville were the best - despite me being in it! I did do a mean cross country though. Best finish was 5th.
Nick Jones
what a great site seeing the old place again
there are loads of old stories that spring to mind
adrian johnson
just to let Nicky Cash know that I did those charicatures of the 'staff'- and not the aforementioned Mr.Superswot.

Give me your elbow.

Melanie Fenn ( Oakes )

My time @ Welly was short, I did have a few great years there. Please get intouch if you where in 2b in aprox 91 ish.
Neil Sturrock We have many photographs especially of trips to France and Fell-Walks.
Bumped into Tony Maher recently, he's back in Wirral after many years teaching abroad. Also Gareth Gilbert - he's a post-grad student at JMU.
Margaret spends her summers teaching English to French children. She has e-mail but never checks it - so don't expect a reply! (
Geoff Moule geoff@mountpark.

What a great site. I too am saddened by the fact the old place is now a housing estate. Ah well, I now have this site to help bring back the very fond memories. Painful and otherwise!!
Ian Brown

Seriously impressive, Mike. What a great idea. It brought back lots of memories, some of them almost pleasant. I always suspected that the 6th were a drunken rabble, now I know for sure.
By the way, I'm not taxi-ing anymore!
Jonathan Gill
Does anyone know anything about the rumoured Outdoor or Activity Centre that was supposed to be in the Lake District somehere. It was always rumoured to be a tax dodge, and was actually used by Fogg as his private residence or summer retreat.

Very very very very very goooood

Gareth Carins gareth.carins@

Anyone seen or heard from Mark Hayward or Mike Dixon??

(MH - Glen, Mark's brother, is on FR ??)

Great work Mike. Pleased to see you've made such a good job of the site.

Peter (Polo) Evans Does anyone know what happened to Dave Lloyd (Physics/Chemistry). Best teacher I ever had.

Brilliant! Brings back lots of happy memories.

heather seddon one of the few girls at welly! anyone remember diane? where is she now?

mike, you v'e done a great job, photo's of ski trip to romania somewhere!

Lewis Gavin good effort
Ian Wilson Was it all as insane as I remember it?

Just a fantastic memory jogger. Keep adding more to it and I hope it gets more people in touch with old friends. Cheers Mike

Ian Hunt
Did Mr Botting(Science) ever get a new set of false teeth after someone sustituted sulphuric acid for the usual jar of water he always placed his teeth in whilst scribling on the blackboard.

This site stands as a memory to a sadly demolished school, which now thanks to one persons effort will live forever in the memories of all who were lucky enough to have attended those hallowed buidings.

Nick Gill Mike, the purpose of a bobble hat is to keep your head warm. 'Attractiveness' of the hat is of seconday importance! Anyway, you're just jealous.

I've got a year photo of my year which I can send, also a photo of the sixth form on our last day at the school.
Robert Bladon Very good idea and most interesting. I will dig out some additional stuff when I am next in the UK.

Any plans for a reunion
Graham Trevor Did Mr Ledger finally get put away!!!!
Im married, 1 son, live in Chester.

(MH - turns out Graham lives around the corner from me - small world?)
Anyone thought of a reunion yet?

Excellent job. Hopefully it will grow and grow.

Niall Cameron

A real treat. Brings back what I now know to be very fond memories. I don't know what year the featured School Prospectus is from, but I think I might feature in the rugby pic, I recognise one or two from the team I played in. I had heard that the school had closed, but no idea it had been demolished - very sad.
Hope the site goes from strength to strength.
Adrian Meikle http://www.obersdorfpics


I knew most of what has happened to the school and some of the teachers, I'm still in contact with Mike Barclay, Graham Trevor and Simon Lear. Would be interested to hear of others in my year (I finished in 1983)

Well done for putting the site up, if I come across any pictures I'll post them

Geoff Lloyd Anyone got any pics of the school trips, especially Tunisia '81 and Holland and France after that.

Hello to everyone, hope you are all well, and if your reading this dont be shy to add some comments, you big girls blouses, you know who you are!

Good work fella.

Neil Barber
Still in shock as I've just looked through the site! I look forward to hearing more memories from fellow old Wellingtonians

Excellent site Mike, it looks really impressive, thanks for all your work on it. I will try and dig up some photos.

Toby Guest 1. More of an answer really...Hi there Mr Bryant!! Yes I remember dismantling the old brass thermostat switch outside Bristow's office whilst waiting to go in for punishment over something or other - unfortunately it was still 'live' after all those years, resulting in a shock causing my arm to contract and basically clutch hold of the thermo even harder...before luckily throwing me off. I don't actually remember what Bristow wanted, but he must have been puzzled by the dazed stare, spikey hair and slight odour of burned muscle as I strolled into his office looking pale.

How are you anyway - drop me a line!

2. Everyone remember the wonderfully nutricious canteen meals consisting of a hotdog, Mars Bar, Cheesy Puffs and cherryade - it's a wonder we all didn't come down with scurvy or rickets!! And why did the serving lady shave off her eyebrows just to (badly) draw them back on a again with a magic marker...very Royston Vaisy.

Look forward to checking it every week - always something great to drag my memory cells kicking & screaming into life. Good work fella!!

Angus Jones Can anybody remeber the house names used ? I think the blue one was Frobershire, not quite sure of the spelling.Good to find out the old school may be gone, but not forgotten. It was only yesterday I was looking at the old blazer with thoughts of throwing it away. Glad I didn't and the site has given me a new inspiration to find those old faded photographs. Keep up the good work.
Jeremy Bryant Great site, the interest in Welly seems phenomenal!!!!
I to remember the light fitting incident referred to by Toby Guest, does he remember the live switch by Bristows office on the second floor?
Who remembers lending money from Mr Bristow - did he ever get any back?
I can't wait for this web page to expand, I will raid my mum's loft for other bumpf!
Michael Howell (Dennis) michaelsom@

God, the memories came flooding back!! Always been a Bebington lad so I've witnessed at close hand the demise of Welly and subsequent conversion into houses .. never thought I'd say it 20 years ago but VERY SAD! Would be nice to hear from some old class mates if anyone's out there! Still see Simon Lear occasionally and Lenny Ledger called on a mate of mine recently as an enumerator for the Census!!! Got some old school stuff buried in the loft, will try to share it with you all at a later date.
David Jones DavidWMJones@

It was a pity to see the demise of the school. Trips to the site now bring tears to my eyes, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. But we all have our great memories, it was a good (fantasic) school, and lots of gratitude and thanks to Mr Fogg and all the other teachers who made Wellington School Bebington what it will allways be.
Well done Mike for the website so that Wellie school can continue to exist for many of us. Mike, you're a top bloke. I can't believe you still list Kim Wilde as one of your interests. (MH - DAMN RIGHT !!)

How about arranging reunions?

Chris Gill
I'd really like to know when the school was founded and when it closed. I think Chris Williams may have answered the second part of this on Friendsreunited but I still don't know when it was founded. I remember a foudation stone on the wall of the Gym which I seem to remember said 1961 but that may have been for the opening of the Gym. Any ideas? Anyone know what the school motto was, it's on the blazer?

Mike's site is very very good as it stands but will get even better if people send in info and pictures so give him a hand and keep that stuff rolling in! If I may give a brief description of Mike: Father owned Lynwood double glazing (don't know if he still does?), always much bigger and hairier than everyone else. Excellent Prop forward and shot putter and could turn his hand to a bit of goal keeping. Marlborough man through and through which was good for me cos I didn't have to tackle him on the rugby pitch. Very good effort Mr Hopwood!

Barrie Waters barrie.waters@

Great to see the website - brings back some old memories - none as old as mine though! I left in 1974 I think.

Teachers I remember are Headmaster Mr. Fogg, Bristow - Geography, Martin - History.

Will go and search the archives to find more bumff!
Tim Roberts Nice to see other peoples minds were also indelably imprinted with the Wellington days. I left in 1981 & still keep in touch with a number of old boys.
Simon May (Prof) Simon.May@NTLWorld Can't beleive that Mr Hughes died !!!!

Got here via Friend Reunited, and have loads of photos from 79 - 85.

Remember Ian Capper, used to catch the bus with him. We all left just before the selling to Kirsh. Should never have happened. Would liked to have been there when the Girls first came though !!
Nicky Cash Well I'm one of that rare breed...a female old Wellingtonian!
Great to see this site. I have a school 'magazine' from about 1988 - can't be sure if it was the first of it's kind, but could well be the last! Worth keeping solely for the quality caricatures of the teachers in it (by Jason Supersad - or Jason Superswot as we 'fondly' labelled him - I think...)
Am sad to see Mr Capper is no longer with us (MH - NOT SO, CHECK TEACHER LIST) - fond memories of his lessons, can still remember his little whistle...
Ian Hunt Well done Mike,got quite emotional when I saw dear old Wellington again. I've dug out Wellington Prospectus No.1 from the attic - Fees for Middle and Upper School are 30 guineas per term!! Did anyone save the school crest from over the front door before demolition? Best memory of many was the school trip to Mallorca, no airport there then,everyone got the Sh**ts,and dear Mr Sykes (English and sports)got fixed up with a Spanish "lady" in Barcelona on the way back. He then turned up late for term start,with a big daft grin on his face.
Simon Johannessen Nice work Mike. Can't believe you still have a copy of the prospectus.

Be interesting if someone had any photos of that infamous trip to Germany. Remember that?
James Phipps Well in Mr H. Not actually looked around just yet. Have photos and other dross in the loft, will get it scanned in soon.
Jonathan Gill Cracking Mr Hopwood. I can remember reading the prospectus like it was yesterday. Mind you it was old when I first went to Welly in 1981, I'm sure all those teachers didn't have beards when I was there (apart from Golby).
Ian Capper
Well done. I can't stop thinking about my school days and what we used to get up to. I have a photo of myself and the rugby team, maybe 1980/1.Don't have a scanner.
Toby Guest Mike - nice one. Sure I remember you - didn't your Dad work for Linwood Something or other in Eastham? (MH - WASH YA MOUTH OUT, HE OWNED IT - NO LONGER WITH US SADLY)

Anyway - great to see the Prospectus - lost mine ages ago...excellent to see the old classrooms & labs again - can almost smell the wood from the desks & benches and the chemicals in the air - and the light fitting in the Geography room is the one I accidently broke years later and got a slapping from an irrate Lenny. All good fun :)

The teacher in your second class photo is Erny (Mr Entwistle) who allegedly did a runner with the Ski Trip money and was never seen again - used to spend much of his time down the Wellington Arms (good man). But don't quote me!

I've got form photos from my 2/3 & 5th year - but crap at scanning, etc. Will have a go. look forward to the rest of this site filling up - strange how Wellington is one of the most popular schools around, even though it went off the radar years ago. Happy memories for me at least.

Chris Gill Absolutely fantastic! I've just been sitting amazed at all those faces and places I'd completely forgotten about. Good work Mr Hopwood I hope all those with old pictures help Mike by sending them in they certainly make for a very amusing website. Keep up the good work.
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