Introduction A "truism" is a statement or principle that over time comes to be accepted as fact. If, at some point, proven data should arise that contradicts that accepted truth, then we are left with a "fallacy." But old truisms die-hard and many times those who challenge them are ridiculed. For hundreds of years it was an accepted truth that the earth was the center of the universe and all the heavenly bodies rotated around it. Galileo, the scientist who invented the telescope, published his findings, which proved that actually the earth revolved around the sun. The scientific community was so upset with his departure from accepted theories that they threatened to bring Galileo before the court on charges if he did not retract what they considered irresponsible statements. Over the years, the art of hitting a baseball has developed its own list of truisms.
Transfer Your Weight To A Stiff Front Leg Stride With The Front Toe Closed Swing Down At The Ball Let Go Of The Top Hand Keep Back Elbow Down You're Pulling Your Head Off The Ball Swing For The Fence - Ruin Your Mechanics
info acquired from www.batspeed.com
Your top hand should roll over at contact. Your stride goes to where the ball is pitched. The lead arm is more important than the rear arm. A hitch in your swing is always bad. Don't move until you see the ball. You get better rotation with your hips when you push off your rear leg. You should get "100%" of your body into the swing. A long swing will generate more power. Hit with your weight on your back leg. Hit with your weight on your front leg. A long stride generates more power. An aluminum bat is the best bat with which to practice. Extension is reached just before contact.
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