Welcome to Greysteel Maynor.
[The owner shakes the teens hands.]
It is a pleasure to have you here!!
Your home and vineyard are beautiful, sir.
[Ezel turns and focuses on one of the vineyard keepers when she hears the sound of a blade slidng into place as the man reaches under his unseasonably warm coat. Quickly before Ezel was even sure of the sound the man strikes out in a fast knife wheeling run toward Union and Polo who are facing away as are the four security guards at the moment. Crystal and Anoki too far away to do anything see that knife and yell out as the man gets close to Polo and Union. Ezel reacts quickly and pushes the man out of Polo and Union's path and the man runs into the rail so hard he tips over and falls off the roof, down four stories and onto a brick patio below landing on his head and breaking his neck.]
Union(to owner)
Did you call for an ambulance?
[The owner nods. The peacekeepers gather around the body and watch. Equinox and Rhythm become soaked in blood.]
Will he live?
Equinox (looking to Rhythm)
It was an aweful high fall...I don't know!
He is hurt very badly!
He'll be very lucky to live that fall.
Don't condem the man, he isn't dead....
Ezel(becoming teary eyed)
He was about to stab Polo and Union.
[Crystal looks back to Ezel and feels paralyzed to do anything for her sister but soon manages to break free and holds her.]
[Emergency personnel come immediately and the man is rushed to a near by hospital in critical condition but dies in transport.] *****************
[When the peacekeepers learn back at the hotel that the man has died they become somber. Only thirty or so minutes later a call comes over the Television Phone from the N.A.E. head, General Dera Domnique, he is a normally friendly older man but, is very stern at this moment.]
General Domnique
I received word several minutes ago that Ezekiel of P.E.A.C.E. pushed a man off the rooftop of Peirre De Frences Mansion and he died. Is this correct?
[Ezel rises and asks to speak.]
I only pushed him to keep him from killing Union and Polo. I never intended him to fall!
[The General is silent for a moment]
General Domnique
....While it may have been in defense the N.A.E. is shocked by this action. How do you expect to prove to the World Court that his intention was to kill?
Why must she prove intent, the intent was obvious. The man, Jean Ralph McMillian intented to kill someone, or else he wouldn't have pulled out a large knife and raced at Union and Polo with it
Well, don't worry about any of that, The N.A.E. has put into motion a silence order to all that witnessed the attack. No one will know that this incident ever happened and you may resume your tour...I understand that your next stop is Mexico City.
[Polo is ready to say something but the General speaks first]
(booms loudly) ...Say nothing more about this to anyone, not even amoung yourselves, IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!!(with a vein throbbing on his forhead.)
[The teens all back down and nod. The General ends the transmission. The peacekeepers get up and look to each other shocked by what they were just told. Ezel, who is already a very sensitive person gets tears in her eyes. Fire reaches for her hand and holds it tightly in his own. He looks into her teary, glowing dark green eyes with his soft, deep blue eyes and reaches forward to give her a hug. Fire whispers to Ezel that it will be okay.]
** Chapter Two **
This goes on for three days then it becomes to much for Ezel to take and she stands up in court council and blurts but to the lawyers embarrassment to the whole truth.
"I am sorry, I cannot be apart of the N.A.E.'s attempt at conceling the truth anylonger. Not allowing me to tell the truth of what happened by not having me speak on the subject at all is tearing me apart inside..... I confess that I pushed Jean Ralph McNair out of the way of Union and Polo as he was running at them with a knife raised. My reaction of pushing him unfortunately resulted in his falling from the roof top and perishing in route to a hospital from his injuries...I killed a man in defense of the lives of two others and shall accept whatever punishment the world would have me bare for my crime!", she says boldly with sadness and tears in her eyes.
The council and media in the courtroom look shocked as do the N.A.E. Representatives and a few of te Peace Keepers. Fire smiles from releif as does Polo, Crystal, Union, Anoki, and Equinox. Crystal starts clapping, stands up and hugs her sister for her courage. The clapping is quickly picked up by the other Peace Keepers and then members of the media. Lastly the council as a whole and the lawyers on both sides begin to clap loudly with the crowd. Ezel cracks a small smile of gratitude. The head of the council turns to the other four members and they whisper amoungst themselves for a few moments then call for a break to consider the new evidence given by Ezel's testimony. Half an hour later the council comes back and dismisses Ezel from Liability in the death of Jean Ralph McNair. It was decided that Ezel's pushing McNair was justified as a way of defending the lives of Polo and Union from harm by the distraught and misguided man, McNair.
Ezel is later commended as a hero for her quick action against McNair and bravery in the courtroom by the South African government and N.A.E. in seperate ceremonies.