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Adam Lee Rosol's
Twenty-Third Month
December 13 2000 - January 12 2001

Christmas was the big event this month, we visited Adams cousins in West Virgina, the Bowmans on Christmas Day. We made a couple of trips to see Christmas lights and animated bears, and generally did the Christmas thing this month.

Len broke down and did what is expected of every father, he bought a new minivan. Never thought I'd ever say that. But the Jeep was getting old (110k miles, and no A/C), so it was time for a change.

Here's some pictures of him during his 23rd month


" Daddy, I like your new car. And you bought it for me!" This is it. The sign that a man has children. The sign that youth is over. The dreaded minivan. It does ride really well, it's very luxurious inside, it's great on long trips, and yet...

big boy seat

" I really like my big boy seat. It's much more dignified than that plastic contraption you belted me into before. " Adam's favorite part of the minivan is the built in child seat, which lets him sit almost like a big boy. He doesn't look like a boy who's not yet two, does he?.


" This is great! Those bears can really play!" One building downtown had this animtronic bear band that played Christmas carols. He loved it, danced to the tunes, and had a good time.


" Wow! Just what I wanted! I needed a tricycle. I can't wait to learn how to pedal!" Christmas 2000. One of his favorite gifts was this blue bicycle. We bought it from a web site that was going out of business for a very nice price, but it came in a box with about 2000 pieces. I think the next bike will be bought assembled.

more gifts

" A wagon and a dog! What more could a boy want? " The wagon (bought to pull his butt around parks and such) and the dog (stuffed), were also big hits this year.


" OHMIGOD! A Vacuum cleaner just like mommies! This is the best Christmas ever! Ok, it's only my 2nd, but still!!!" Giving the tricycle competition was this battery powered vacuum cleaner that really worked. It is incredibly loud, and the batteries may not be replaced when they burn out.


" This is pretty comfy" We went to visit Aunt Andrea and Uncle Paul on Christmas Day. Here, Adam is resting on Cousin Marissa's lap.

Adam and Ethan

" Ethan is almost my age, I hope we're friends. " This is Adam's cousin Ethan, who's about 6 months younger than he is.


" Is this what the little drummer boy song is about? " Adam's cousins had a drum set. Predictably, since it is large and noisy, he loved it.

end of solo

" How was that drum solo?" He really loved the drums.

tire swing

" Let's swing!" Adam's new day care center has a nice tire swing (among many other toys) outside his room. The kids seem to love it.

Click here to see photos from his 24th month of life