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Adam Lee Rosol's
Twenty-fifth Month
February 13 - March 12 2001

Adam was a bit sick in his 25th month. He came down with Pink Eye, and also some type of virus that kept him out of daycare for about a week. While at the Doctor, he was weighed in at 35 pounds, and measured at 35 inches.

Here's some pictures of him during his 24th month


" I am just such the fashion plate in this sweater!" Adam had his school pictures taken on March 1st, here he is!

water play

" Are we done yet?" Another picture from the school pictures.


" These are my friends from school." This is the 20 kids who are in Bears/Chipmunks group in Adam's daycare. That's two rooms of kids about the same agePlace.

sprink outfit

" I am a big ham who loves to have his picture taken!" We took a few pictures of him at home in his spring outfit, he looks pretty good in this one.


" I can dance! " Adam is dancing big time! I think the song is "Who let the dogs out?".


" Get your motor running, head out on the highway,..." The Christmas tricycle got a much needed assist with a birthday push handle. He can't pedal yet, but he loves to steer.


" Just born to be a biker, I guess. " Another picture of the biking boy, taking a break from being pushed.

valentines day

" Ballons and hotwheels!!" Valentines day doesn't mean much to Adam yet, but he likes playing with the balloons and such.

I got something

" I got a gift! Adam got a gift for Valentines Day, a book with pop up hearts.


" You can't catch me!" Adam loves to run and play, hide and seek is a favorite game.


" What's under here? " Our driveway has a metal cover over our water meter, and it is endlessly fascinating to Adam.


" I'm going to catch you mommy!" Another picture of Adam running in front of our house.

Click here to see photos from his 26th month of life