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Adam Lee Rosol's
Fifth Month
June 13-July 12, 1999

Adam's fifth month was pretty eventful. The big event of this month was that Adam underwent surgery on Thursday June 17th. He had a problem with a hydrocele, which had to be surgically corrected. We worried, but the little guy came through like a champ. Len's mom was here to help out for a week after the surgery, we wanted her mainly to be there to tell us that everything would be OK. Other major events for this month were a trip to Carol's parents home for the 4th of July weekend, and eating in a high chair for the first time!

Here's some pictures of him during the fifth month


This is the first known picture of Adam eating in a high chair. At this point, he's not really sure that he likes the idea, but mom will find a way to make it work!

Adam Bomb

"Wow! The world is a neat place!" - Boom-ba-da-boom-ba-boom-ba, Adam is the Adam Bomb.

"Daddy says beer is good. I don't know about that, but the cans are fun to bat around" - Daddy and Adam were sitting at the Schwartz family house when this photo op arose. .


"OK, I'll pose with grandpa, but no tickling with the moustache!" - Grandpa Schwartz holds little Adam.


"I'm still quite the swinger " - We installed this swing underneath our deck, little Adam gets to go out with daddy when he grills, and he loves his swing!


Click here to see photos from his 6th month of life