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Hello to all you fellow Backstreet Fans! I'm really sorry that it has taken me so long to update my site, but school has been keeping me extremely busy! I will be trying to update it as often as possible from now on! I want to say thank you to all of the concerned fans for e-mailing, messaging, and just plain getting on my case about it! :o)
Check out the news section for the hottest news stories, newly updated!
Those sweet smiles are hiding something, click on the pic to find out what!
Here Are Some Links To Help You Get Around My Site:
Backstreet News- This is just getting started, but there is some great news here! Check it out! Backstreet E-Mail- Want an e-mail address that shows people that you're a total BSB fan? Get it here! ICQ Pals- Here's the page to go to if you would like to find some more Backstreet Boy fans for your ICQ list. Backstreet Bedrooms- Check out how your room compares to other fans! Biographies- Short biographies about how each member of the group was able to get in. Contest!- Try and win a cool prize for your Backstreet knowledge! Make sure you read the rules before you fill out the form! TV Appearances- Find out, when and what channel to tune into to find the fabulous five. Webrings- Check out the awesome 'webrings' this site is in. AOL Instant Messenger Pal's- Need some more friends for your buddy list? Visit this page! Backstreet Boys Picture's- Hot picture's of the five spectacular guys! Be sure to visit this gallery! Pic Of The Moment- Check out what picture I chose and tell me if you like it or not! Win My Award- Come sign up to win the coolest Backstreet Boys award there is! Awards- Check out the awards people have given me for either my site or my Backstreet Knowledge! Voting Booth- Check where to vote for your 5 favorite men. My Backstreet Polls- Go take some awesome polls and see what other people think! Exclusive Stories- Great stories that you can't find anywhere else! If you have a story, click here to find out how to put it on my site! Backstreet Horosopes- Go see which BSB you match up with best! Message Board- Go here and ask questions, answer questions, give your point of view and read other's! Backstreet Buttons- Cool Backstreet Buttons that I got off of other people's BSB websites. Chat Transcripts- All of the transcripts to the Backstret Boys online chat sessions. Tour Schedule- Check to see if they'll be visiting your town on their World Tour. Backstreet Merchandise- Looking for some rare Backstreet merchandise? Go here to try and locate it! Links- Go here to visit some other cool Backstreet Boy sites. Charities- These are the charities that the Backstreet Boys support and are involved with.
I Support...- Things that I support.
Feedback- Send me some feedback!

I Support BSB Girlfriends

E-mail me if you have any questions about my website.
**REMEMBER: I am in no way connected to the Backstreet Boys or anyone associated with them. Please do not e-mail me with personal messages to the group; they will not be read by them.

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