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first : you must learn how to fail...

.welcome to the whispers.

Societal Whispers - notes from underground : now available, my ramblings via an online journal. get the news, the skinny, the four-one-one, etc.

interested? join the list. e-mail me re: the list.

updates to the site are here.

Josh Neas' goes so-low. Here.

Aslan's got defunct. Here.

Poetic influenza. Here.

Here comes your man. Here.

A chain is only as strong. Here.

e-mail me.

-= politics to follow =-

Join the Blue Trebel Clef Campaign. Support the On-Line Guitar Archive (OLGA) and its court battle to keep by-ear transcriptions a legal part of everyone's aspirations of playing their favorite songs. Click here to learn more about the campaign.

you've come so far..i hate to leave you disapointed..
