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Aslan Lyrics

"Race Riot" why do we think one thing represents, all of us as a whole, get mad, lose control, when what we are is commercialized, one cannot be a million, and we will not repent, just another race riot, just another suck to your solution, just another bully pulpit, full of it, you let the dollar name your life idol, we'll place him in this thimble, buy this, buy that, buy my culture, twat, i've got the shirt so it's my own, so leave my life the fuck alone, just another race riot, just another suck to your solution, just another bully pulpit, full of it, let's make a record, we'll call it their life, they'll buy that record, they'll swallow the tripe. "Sufferage" so you're a hero, 'cause you're liberated, master of your life, and envigorated, do what you feel, say what you think, got the right to do, what's best for you, when I assume the role of my own destiny, have I really earned the right to kill for liberty? breaking on through, the glass ceiling, forego the responsibility, by not feeling, if they can, I will too, and to compromise, end their view, when I assume the role of my own destiny, have I really earned the right to kill for liberty? who is this staring back at me, through distant fog as in a dream, it's past and present could-have-been, hello child, we finally meet. "Die Hard" old habits, old hat, old dog, old age, know nothing, young child, scribbling, thoughts, pardon your colour's showing, no news, is good news, and ignorance, is bliss, try resisting, won't listen, still you're better off, knowing, pardon your colour's showing, old habits like racism, kept under glass, still fester unfettered, and rehashed, old habits, die hard. "James" a star struck entry in a travel log, on the upper south side of the James, the water flows brown and deep in the night, frustrating being that it is, a car that hurries right through a house, a man that worries 'bout the trees, no lightning flashes or drops of rain, a nameless bruise that never heals, and I say call a name, and they'll be there, somewhere hidden on the breeze, and be they dead or gone, or almost there, I can almost guarantee, they'll be on the James, a cemetary on a gravel road, built so many years ago, varied children, half clothed and, diving in the water, the Maury lingers down a path, the Dan muddies up the town, a girl dances, a boy watches, as a century slowly counts down, and I say call a name, and they'll be there, somewhere hidden on the breeze, and be they dead and gone, or almost there, I can almost guarantee, they'll be on the James. "Fear to Tread" crescent, cross, and star, the bell jar, late night headlights of cars, casting shadows, she is so symbolic, her dragon's symbiotic, nevermind anti-biotic, draggie never bleeds, where you fear to tread, she beds down, lying in a muck filled choir loft, where you dare not go, she dines, sitting cross legged on a hill, speaker, son, and being, mulling over meaning, never time for preening, so it goes, where you fear to tread, she beds down, lying in a muck filled choir loft, where you dare not go, she dines, sitting cross legged on a hill, deeper, she urged me, so neitzsche it was for now. "Tone" these tones that i'm receiving, don't bode well for our meaning, and I guess it's just as well, I don't catch on, if it seems to have no bearing, on the countenance i'm wearing, just remember that it does, it just don't show, maybe time will heal our wounds, and maybe time will build the womb, that it'll take to rebuild, ourselves, when you ask if it has hit me, i know it may sound kind of eerie, to hear me say that it hasn't, believe me i'm torn, this time I feel so shaken, no way will I be taken, I think i've lost the part of me that feels, this time I've fallen too far, so we feel that seperation, will be the key to our salvation, nothing's really changing, we implore, so we walk in desperation, towards different destinations, instead of going hand in hand, as we did before, this time I feel so shaken, no way will I be taken, I think I've lost the part of me that feels, this time I've fallen too far, and only time will tell, will I go back to heaven or am I, exiled to hell, the suspense is killing me, I do believe, I can't go on this way, well, I feel the tones vibrating, and I hear your hesitation, have I just not earned enough of your love, this time i've fallen too far.

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