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a little bit about me, Nikki
March 11 2002. 11:50am

   I just scanned in two photos at the college's new HUB computer lab of my February trip (2/23) to Pittsburgh with my sister. That was an interesting experience. We got lost so many times, we lost count. We forgot our city map in the car, a bus dropped us off on the wrong side of the river, I ran out of cash for entrance fees to the gallery, my sister proved to be a good liar, and we got whiny before the day was finished. I talked to some crazies on the bus later that night about Frankenstein watching a football game with a beer in hand. (long story). There were some trippy exhibits at the galleries we visited. We managed to visit the Andy Warhol Museum and the Mattress Factory gallery, among others.

      Mattress Factory mannequins 2/23/02                 a Pittsburgh bridge 2/23/02

   I work full time and go to school part time. My third year at . I still have only Sophomore standing, partially due to the semester I had to take off.  I have a network of friends that I don't spend enough time with mainly because I have a limited amount of friendliness after putting in eight hours at a hell hole convenience store/gas station that pays me too well to leave, but not well enough to stop thinking about leaving it every day. Luckily- I have friends who also work at this hell-hole and together we muddle through the shifts, often finding things to smile about. Even if we have to laugh at our own lives. There was a power outage the other night (3/08) and I spent the first two hours of my ten hour shift in the dark, sitting on the cold floor, learning more about my co-workers than I ever needed to know. 

   Computers, poetry, books, good conversation, and friends, are my passion. But not in that order. The Patron Saint of Computer Science Majors abandoned me, so I will never be one of the programmers or hackers that my buddies are. Like Brian, for example, he's not your typical dork. He's a fraternity brother, for pete's sake. And Jess- well, she almost made it, if it hadn't been for the "big bad black man from Nigeria". One too many classes with him was what killed her zest for programming. She didn't need a stomach ulcer. She's Indiana Ashbrook now, she just needs the trademark hat to make her archaeology persona complete.

   I was sixteen when I first started building this web presentation. I am FINALLY twenty! (2/19) god. Innocent dreams have crashed and burned along the way, and I'm not sure that I am the better person for all of that. January 14th marked one full year that I have lived on my own, surviving despite my parent's large doubts about my ability to support myself. The weekend I moved out, I remember my dad admonishing that life "isn't like one of the books you read". No kidding. This past month and 1/2 have been a large disaster. I hurt a person I never wanted to hurt and there isn't any easy way to fix that situation. My friends have really been supportive with hugs and mad crazy nights of vodka-pong.   nikki


(dorky picture of me from 2000)

(pics of my bearhug)   

as of January 2001, I am...:
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