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An Intro to My Poetry:

I am currently filling the blank pages of a book with my newest poems. This is the third blank book that I have filled with poems.


Robert Frost liked to distinguish between grievances (complaints) and griefs (sorrows). He even suggested that grievances, which are propagandistic, should be restricted to prose, "leaving poetry free to go its way in tears." Implicit in poetry is the notion that we are deepened by heartbreaks, that we are not so much diminished as enlarged by grief, by our refusal to vanish--to let others vanish--without leaving a verbal record. Poetry is a stubborn art. The poet is one who will not be reconciled, who is determined to leave a trace in words, to transform oceanic depths of feeling into the faithful nuances of art.

- Edward Hirsch

* (many graphics in these pages were "borrowed" from )

Bubble Worlds

Gingerbread Moments

Sun and Fire

copyright july 2000