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FTCC - It's not just an education, it's your future!

Iron Mike - Fort Bragg, NC

Fort Bragg Center

Serving Fort Bragg & Pope Air Force Base

Fayetteville Technical Community College recognizes the hard work and sacrifice servicemembers and their families make.

As a military friendly college, we have programs offering special benefits to you.   Military personnel, spouses and dependents who want to improve their skills for professional advancement or personal enrichment have many options through Fayetteville Technical Community College.

With low tuition rates, Servicemembers Opportunity College benefits, convenience of multiple locations, online courses, and accelerated eight-week sessions, FTCC is a perfect fit for the mobile and dynamic environment associated with military life.

The FTCC Fort Bragg Center is conveniently located on Fort Bragg and provides counseling, registration, and testing services for the convenience of military personnel and their families.

Fayetteville Technical Community College was selected as one of the first sixteen colleges in the United States to be an educational provider to the Army University Access Online, which has become the GoArmyEd Program. Soldiers interested in the GoArmyEd program should contact their First Sergeants to obtain information and coordinate an appointment with an Army Education Center Counselor. For more information, go to , call us at 678-0150/1053 or email

FTCC also offers traditional and online unit classes - for additional information on these courses, please contact our Recruiter, Victor Robinson at 678-1051or .

Mission Statement

To provide affordable, quality educational programs that meet the lifelong needs, desires, and goals of students and the global community.

Soldier Development Center - Armistead St.

FTCC - Fort Bragg Center
Open 8:00-5:00 M-F
(910) 678-1050/1053

Located in:
Soldier Development Center
Building 2-1728, Room 110
Armistead Street
Ft Bragg, NC  28307   

Counseling - Registrar - Student Services - Testing - Veteran Services