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Welcome to
Boni's Site for Students (and Friends)

This site was originally set up to give beginning students a 'quick start' on the internet. It is designed to provide helpful information and make browsing cool places easier for first time users.  Check out the 'Cool Links' to find some pretty nifty, neato places to visit (and, yes, all this 'stuff' is my personal tribute to George Carlin).

In the other areas there are tips, tutorials, and downloads that I first added for the benefit of or at the request of students, but that even non-students may find helpful. Check back often, new stuff is added whenever I get the chance.


This should be a required click for everyone on the web:
NetM@nners (Netiquette guide)


Also available:
Lots of stuff about Philip Scot Johnson's video:
500 Years of Women in Western Art


How world wide is the WWW?  Check this out!