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Celebrate the Circle Learning Circles 2003

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January 19: Power of the Word Facilitated by Gryphon. Words are powerful forces. We have all had emotional responses to words—some negative, others positive. We will begin to heal the wounds of the negative and celebrate the positive personal experiences. Then as a group we will bend energy around widely used phrases and words using our own powerful words to counteract their poison. We will be making magic, so be prepared!

January 26: Introduction to the Tarot Facilitated by Lance. The Tarot. Is it a mystical tool for accessing arcane knowledge? Or just a very different way to play gin rummy? I will present a basic introduction to the Tarot and how I use it in my spiritual and magickal practices.

Imbolc. February 2: No Learning Circle. Join CTC for Imbolc. 5:00 p.m. at ERUUF in the Community Room. Facilitated by Gryphon and friends. For more information, click on Wheel of the Year Celebrations above.

February 9: Rites of Passage; The Early Years Facilitated by Dick. What are rites of passage and why bother with them? What rites do we celebrate? Are there Pagan equivalents of those common to the dominant religion? We will consider those passages likely before marriage/handfasting. Bring examples to share.

February 16: Ancestor spirits: The spiritual heritage in our blood Facilitated by Sharon. A man once told me that he believed that our racial heritage related to our spiritual roots, that we tended to reincarnate in the same ethnic groups in different ages. At the time I was furious, and though I do not know if I agree with him, I'm definitely in agreement that there is a spiritual heritage in our blood. In this workshop we will explore our ties to those who genetically contributed to our being who we are and where we are. We will discuss methods to connecting with the vast source power in our blood that is our birthright.

February 23: Animal Spiritual Exploration: The Insect and Arachnid Kingdom Facilitated by Dolphin Moon. From scarabs in Egypt to dancing dragonflies, certain insects have played a spiritual role in cultures. We will discuss the current views on the spiritual connection of these creatures and what possible role they can have as spirit guides. Fleas might not be considered as good a totem as a wolf, but is it possible to have such totems?

March 2: Dream Catchers Facilitated by Lisa.

March 9: Taking Your Spirituality on the Road Facilitated by Becky. Whether running off to a pagan gathering or on a business trip, we often find ourselves trying to celebrate our spirituality in a place that's not home. This week, we will look at hitting the road while still keeping up our spiritual practice. Can you do effective ritual in a hotel room? Just how much stuff do you have to drag along in your suitcase? We will explore easy traveling alters and creating sacred space in a strange environment with what you can find. If you have any small objects to represent the Elements or God/dess, please bring them to share!

March 16: CTC Spiritual Sauna; 1-4 p.m. At Kumasi Hill - contact person – Dolphin Moon A discussion of the purpose and some of the various forms of the Spiritual Sauna/Sweat Lodge Ceremony and how it can be adapted to modern neo-paganism will take place. This will include logistical and safety considerations for running a sauna and a brief, but real sauna based on the teachings of an Elder. Bring two large towels, one to sit on and one to dry yourself with. Wear loose clothing, avoiding spandex.

March 23: No Learning Circle today. Join CTC for Ostara. The Spring Eqinox Ritual will be held at 5:00 p.m. at Kumasi Hill. Facilitated by Amy and Laura. For more information, click on Wheel of the Year above.

March 30: Administrivia Let your voice be heard! What subjects would you like CTC to delve into? What do you desire to teach? The place to share what you want to see taught, what you want to teach, and how the circle is celebrated.

April 6: Setting Sacred Boundaries Facilitated by Sharon. This is a workshop about sacred acts in relationships to protect our selves and treat others with value and respect. We will discuss finding a balance between taking care to be gentle with others and taking care that we not sacrifice our selves in the service of kindness. Healthy relating means having good boundaries, knowing where they are, and having the ability to maintain them. This is a spiritual task and we will explore this sacred rite: boundary setting.

April 13: No Learning Circle today --CSQ Weekend! Step Into the Light with Pagans from near and far! For more information about this wonderfully magical weekend, check out the Carolina Spirit Quest webpage at

April 20: Chakras Facilitated by Laura.

April 27: Totems Facilitated by Gryphon. Totems keep records of important historical events. Family and clan relationships, accomplishments, adventures, rights and stories. It may be a myth or legend, or a story from the life of a person. We will create, carve and paint our individual totems to honor an event or experience in our lives or as a symbol for who we are at this moment. Small pieces of driftwood (easy to carve), carving tools and paint will be provided. If you have any of these items you want to bring, please do. Consider these questions: What makes you special? What is your history and what are your stories? What images remind you of your family or group? What are your special symbols? What are your accomplishments? What makes you proud?

May 4: No Learning Circle Join CTC to celebrate Beltane at 5 PM ay Kumasi Hill. Facilitated by DolphonMoon. For more details, click on Wheel of the Year Celebrations above.

May 11: Tarot Explorations VIII: Justice & The Hanged Man Facilitated by Lance. We continue our journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot with Justice. What do you weigh in the scales of the judge when this card falls in your readings? What cosmic adjustments are coming your way? We will dive into these questions and share stories of how Justice has worked in our lives. We will then climb the tree of The Hanged Man. What does he see hanging their upside with such a peaceful expression on his face? What pause is he taking? Explore these questions with us! Please bring your stories and decks to share!

May 18: Orishas: Introduction to the Spiritual Traditions of the African Diaspora Facilitated by Sharon. (Note - this is a CSQ Board Meeting Weekend)We will discuss the religion, cultural traditions, spirituality that evolved out of the clash of African and Western culture. The surviving, or rather evolving traditions, are informed and impacted by the cultures of origin, the cultures of the lands the people were brought to and through, and the violent means of their confrontation. We will discuss the presence of these powerful spiritual forces today in America.

May 25: Rites of Passage: Later Years Facilitated by Dick. What are rites of passage and why bother with them? What rites do we celebrate? Are there Pagan equivalents of those common to the dominant religion? We will consider marriage/handfasting and those passages in later life. Bring examples to share.

June 1: Coat of Arms Facilitated by Gryphon. From the earliest days of heraldry, only the head of a family had the right to inherit unchanged the entire paternal arms; junior branches of the family made subtle changes. As a way of focusing our energies and intent, we will create our own Coat of Arms. This will consist of: shield (what in your life is the most permanent, stable and unchanging?), motto (what is your “war cry?”), wreath (goals and inspirations), crest (what is “your” symbol?), and maybe some augmentation. Use what you create as a reminder of what is important to you, to gird yourself before battle, and to redefine yourself as you grow.

Saturday, June 7 QuestSpecial Wake Forest: Druids and Chakras 10 AM -- 2:30 PM. Bill Elston will be presenting a Workshop about Druid Basics at 10 AM and Sharon will be presenting a Workshop about Chakras beginning at 12:30 PM at Serenity Oasis Store. For more information, visit

June 8: CTC Spiritual Sauna; 1-4 p.m. At Kumasi Hill - contact person – Dolphin Moon A discussion of the purpose and some of the various forms of the Spiritual Sauna/Sweat Lodge Ceremony and how it can be adapted to modern neo-paganism will take place. This will include logistical and safety considerations for running a sauna and a brief, but real sauna based on the teachings of an Elder. Bring two large towels, one to sit on and one to dry yourself with. Wear loose clothing, avoiding spandex. Please bring water and please RSVP. Opportunities to participate in the construction and work of the sweat lodge abound, so bring your community spirit! Thanks! We need rocks. We got rocks for the last one, but these were used at another event. Anyone with a vehicle that can haul weight please contact me with your availability/interest to obtain rocks. Dolphin Moon

June 15: Administrivia The place to share what you want to see taught, what you want to teach, and how the circle is celebrated. Newsletter Deadline Monday, June 16.

June 22: No Learning Circle today. Join CTC for Midsummer. For more information, click on "Wheel of the Year Celebrations" above.

June 29: Mandala Magick Facilitated by Gryphon Rosemead and Sharon Hill. We will explore our inner wisdom as we explore the allure and artistry of these beautiful circular windows to our own inner mysteries. For centuries, spiritual traditions have used the magick of mandalas to heighten the effects and deepen the insights of meditation, self-discovery, and creativity. Carl Jung used them to view his own internal landscape. Come join us as we create our own mandalas and explore their magick, history, and fun together.

July 6: Witch Bottles Facilitated by Alyse. A little bit of broken glass, rusty nails, hair and fingernail clippings placed inside a container of some sort, usually a jar or a bottle. Sound rather interesting but why would you do that? What purpose does it serve? What symbolism is trying to be conveyed? Join us at this week’s learning circle to learn more and to make your own "witch bottle."

July 13: Ancient Egyptian Magic Facilitated by Amy. The Ancient Egyptians used magic to cure toothaches and make the Nile flood. Historical evidence indicated that the use of amulets and charms to protect against supernatural attacks. Their faith in magic influenced Greco-Roman culture and affected the course of history. We will study on how prevalent their use of magic was. How dependent were they on the Netjer? What can we learn from the Ancient Egyptians on the incorporation of magic in modern life?

July 20: Tarot Explorations IX: Death & Temperance Facilitated by Lance. "Aaaaugghh!!! The Death card! Am I going to Die?!?!" Movies and TV portray the Death card as an omen: "You will soon die and horrible and grisly death!" Come, join us as we continue our exploration of the Major Arcana of the Tarot with Death. What life-changing message does it really bring to us? Explore this and other questions and stories about the Death card! And then Temperance. One foot on land, one in the water, she pours from one cup to another. Temperance is another balance card, but in the aspect of moderation and finding the best combinations of things. Explore these questions and ideas with us! Please bring your stories and decks to share!

July 27: Why I am a Joseph Campbell Pagan Facilitated by Dick. It was the mythologist Joseph Campbell who taught me the connections between myth, metaphor and religion. This understanding makes it easier to accept other people's metaphors. 'May the peace of The Great Metaphor go in your hearts. . .'

August 3: No Learning Circle today. Join CTC for Lammas. Facilitated by Gryphon and friends. To be held at ERUUF in the Commons Room, CARE Building.

August 10: The Hero's Journey: The Myth of Our Lives Facilitated by Sharon. In this workshop, we will begin the process of writing and examining the myth of our lives. Each of us is the hero of our own story. We are the lead character in the drama that is our life. What myth are we living? Do we like the character we portray everyday? Can we rewrite our own script? Come seek the answers to these questions with us.

August 17: Making Incense (Note - this is a CSQ Board Meeting Weekend) Facilitated by Becky. Disconnect the smoke alarm 'cause we're making incense!! Becky will present a beginner's overview of making incense for personal or ritual use. We will explore the reasons for using incense, various ingredients, and magical correspondences to achieve a desired goal. We will be working with resins and herbs - including Frankincense, Sandalwood, and Rose - alone and in various combinations. Each participant will leave with a custom blended personal incense of their own design.

August 24: Tarot Explorations X: Devil & Tower Facilitated by Lance. Come join us as we continue our exploration of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. Our next card is the Devil. He holds his minions in chains, limiting their abilities and controlling their actions. What chains does the Devil hang on you in your readings? From the Devil we turn to the Tower. Lightning bolts rain down on us and we are thrown from our positions on high! What surprises have arisen when the Tower lands in your readings? Expect to be shaken out of your routines when the Tower thunders into your life. Explore these questions and idea with us! Please bring your stories and decks to share!

August 31: Reptiles Facilitated by Dolphin.

September 7: Myth and Metaphor Facilitated by Dick.

Saturday, September 13: Pagan Pride Day The annual Triangle Pagan Pride Day will be held at the Harrill Youth Center at the NC State Fair Grounds. For more information, check out their website.

September 14: TBA

September 21: No Learning Circle. Join CTC for Mabon. Facilitated by Sharon. For more information, click on "Wheel of the Year Celebrations" above

September 28: Administrivia The place to share what you want to see taught, what you want to teach, and how the circle is celebrated.

October 5: Meeting the Goddesses: Inanna Facilitated by Cynthia Campbell. During this series we will go beyond the archetypes of Maiden, Mother, and Crone to meet individual godesses of various cultures, look at the history of each, and learn (to the best of available knowledge) how each was actually worshipped by her first followers. Today we will focus on Inanna, Sumerian goddess of love, fate, and battle.

October 12: TBA

October 19: Tarot Explorations XI: Star & Moon Facilitated by Lance.

October 26: Astrology Facilitated by Amy Brann

November 2: No Learning Circle. Join CTC for Samhain. Failitated by Cynthia Campbell. 5:00 p.m. location TBA. Click on Wheel of the Year above for more details.

November 9: Ancestor Worship Facilitated by Sharon.

November 16: Tarot Explorations XIII: The World Facilitated by Lance. With the World we reach the culmination of cycle of the Major Arcana! The journey is completed and we've reached the pinnacle, the union of all: material, spiritual, divine. Rest awhile and savor the accomplishment before once again beginning the cycle and stepping of the cliff. What can the World tell us about ourselves, our paths, and where we fit in life? Please bring your Tarot decks and stories to share! (Note - this is a CSQ Board Meeting Weekend)

November 23: TBA

November 30: Putting Rituals Together Facilitated by Cynthia Campbell. How do you turn a vague idea into a great ritual? Want to volunteer to do or help with ritual planning but don't think you know where to start? During this circle we'll talk about the basics of ritual planning, from concept, to mapping out actions, to actual performance. We will also talk about tailoring a ritual to fit the group it's intended for, be that ritual for one or ritual for 100.

December 7: Tarot Explorations XII: Sun & Judgement Facilitated by Lance.

December 14: Administrivia The place to share what you want to see taught, what you want to teach, and how the circle is celebrated.

December 21: No Learning Circle; Join CTC for our Yule celebration. Facilitated by Amy Brann. For more information click on Wheel of the Year Celebrations above.

Decemeber 28: Seasonal Bash.
