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Camping Photographs

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Ever since I was an infant my family camped out. How could I do differently? I have the wonderful opportunity to camp many places, from car camping to tent camping to backpack camping. Being a lazy individual, I kind of like being able to drive to a place, then pitch my tent.

Lookout Island

Okefenokee Swamp

Waccama Swamp

Okefenokee Swamp

Lookout Island

In early spring 1996 I went on a solitary camping trip to Lookout Island on the coast of NC. It was a very moving experience that I will never forget.

I was the only one on the island and as the ferry that brought me across puttered away I felt wonderfully free.

The coast was just far enough away that I was able to watch the sun set over the ocean. Later on that night, I sat on the eastern side of the island, staring at the incrediably bright stars. The full moon rose (picture at left) and the sand glowed with its light.

In the morning I went back to that side of the island and watched the sun rise over the foaming waves.

On one of my walks along the beach I came across the body of a dolphin (part of it is at right). It had been cut into several large pieces and I felt a sense of hopelessness and regret.

I continued my walk and meditations. I drummed late into the night and finally slept.

The ferry came back for me the next afternoon and dropped off a small family (woman, man, 2 kids). I knew, watching them walk off down the beach with little sacks to hold their found things, that there is hope for our future as humans living in harmony with Earth. But it will take sacrifices.

I was glad that I had had so much time alone with the ocean, wind, sand and the spirit of the dolphin.

Okefenokee Swamp

In 1998 I got to make a trip to the Okefenokee Swamp with a very good friend. What a magical place!

There were trails all through it, but they were trails in the water. We took a canoe out one day and just paddled and lounged. Another day we took a speed boat and went so fast it seemed like we were flying over the water. One day when we were out in the canoe, we were able to get real close to this guy before he got nervous and flew off.

Yes, there are alligators in the swamp. Strangely enough, I saw more of them taking it easy in the road side ditches than in the swamp itself!

Waccama Swamp

Don’t know what it is about swamps, but they do fascinate me. In the early 2000’s (might have been late 1990’s—I forget…) I got to go to Lake Waccama, which includes a swamp. Tammie and Danny were there, as well as Wendy, Roger and Ken. We went canoeing several times, but there was a big tree down across the main part of the swamp, so we couldn’t go in as far as we wanted. There is no other place on the Goddess’s green Earth like a swamp. Trees grow right out of the water, turtles and birds lounge around and just look at the unique growth habits of the plants…