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Gryphon's Home Page
Family Photos
Friends Photos
Camping Photos
Voices From The Ridge
Autumn In Boone
Other Stuff
7 of 9: A Women's Spirituality Group
Yule 2004: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Yule Mead Party 2005

Special Moments from My Life...

The following photos represent fond memories and exciting times. They are precise moments in time.

I was once in a high building and it was raining hard and there was thunder and lightening. I have always loved storms...

When the lightening brightened the sky I could actually see individual rain drops for a brief moment. Then darkness would return and I could only see in my mind the bright sparks.

These photos are like those pinpoints of light. They represent the storms, beautiful summer days, crystal clear nights, soft rains and silent snowy days which make my life. They capture some of the best.

My storm continues, filled with the wind wipping through my mind, firey thunder heating me, water crashing around my body, and the earth, strong and steady, helping me to keep my feet firmly planted (most of the time!).

It's been an unbelievably wonderful storm and it just keeps going on and on!


Meet my family from the beginnings to current happenings. There are photos of my Mother, my Father, my sister, Niki and my brother, John.



Voices From The Ridge

Other Photos

(includes FoPAH photos)

Autumn in Boone: Circle of Friends

A few folks come up to the mountains each fall for a visit, my annual "Open House." We do Ritual, eat, hike in the dark, drink hot coco and enjoy each other's company.

7 of 9

I count myself lucky to have been a part of this Women’s Spirituality group for several years. Even now, although I have moved, I get to go to the beach for the annual retreat.