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Visiting Al in Greensboro
Mother, son and demon spawn from the earth!


Ninian's Visit, August 2005
Banjos and beer.


Textbook Evaluations
I make a trip to Raleigh in the summer of 2004 to evaluate textbooks, but get to stop on the way in Greensboro to visit Alyse and Al and drop by a club to listen to The Pole Barn Poets and see Wendy. I have dinner with Pagan friends and stop by the museum.


Pat and Lois come for a visit
We see the touristy places in Boone and eat ice cream at a beautiful stream.


High School Friends
I am lucky enough to still be in touch with a few of my friends from High School.


Robert, Robert, Robert. We were young crazy swinging singles together and still hold on to our frindship as we reach the calmnness of maturity--HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN??????


Pagan Leadership Fairy Ball, 2005.
Good friends, loud music and lots of laughter!


School Daze
So now I am a school marm. Leading a quiet, introspective, routine life... ;-)


Other Stuff
This and that, bits and pieces.

Visiting Al in Greensboro

Went to Greensboro to check out the TRIAD CUUPS Harvest Festival and catch up with friends. One of the highlights I look forward to is visiting one of my best friends, Al. She is the only person on earth that has actually read all three of the Changer novels I’ve written as well as Footsteps of a Shadow and the short story Kali and Kwan Yin. And she still likes me! We watched the SCA folks do battle then went to see Derailed where we ate popcorn with so much butter it was more like popcorn soup and discussed the developing plot. She had it figured out way before they revealed the “startling twists.”

A couple of months later her son, Sean, came for a visit from Germany and we had lunch then dragged him to see Brokeback Mountain. He is such a good sport! It was just the sort of movie I like a lot. And why has this movie received so much attention? The story line? Nope… it’s a plot that’s been done over and over since Romeo and Juliet; the real appeal of this movie is simply that it involves a romantic and physical relationship between two men that lasts over years.

I treasure being around Al and Sean because of the laughter and love. It’s so clear they love and respect each other very much. They’ll argue about anything with each other; even argue about arguing; and trust me, do NOT get them into the debate of "does G/god have knees." One of the experiences she related that was just hilarious was finding an article in a religious magazine that warned about women being kidnapped and impregnated by demons. One way to tell if your offspring was a product of this nefarious coupling was their size; the child was much larger than either parents. As you can see from the photo, Sean is very tall; much taller than his mother or father... Al let this observation hang questioningly in the air as Sean blinked innocently…

You really have to get some popcorn to enjoy the show they put on. But at the end of it, underlying all the teasing and good natured ribbing is the deep and abiding love of mother and son.

Ninian's Visit August, 2005

He stopped by on his way to yet another banjo gathering somewhere in Tennessee this time. We grabbed a bite at Coyote’s Kitchen, a place I had passed by but never before gone in. I somehow knew it would have sprouts and twigs on the menu; Ninian likes that kind of healthy eating. Personally, I like food with lots of chemicals in it I can’t pronounce.

We talked about the similarities of retirement and unemployment. Both are difficult in that there is no longer an outside force imposing a daily schedule. Kind of makes me feel unattached, floating, waiting for… something. Had to try a couple of bottles of their “Old Peculiar” brew. Not bad at all. Here’s your beer. Here’s your beer on… beer?

He showed me on a map where he was going and we took a quick look at Watauga Lake; I was concerned that it wasn’t big enough for my sail boat, but we figured it was—just barely.

“Text book evaluations? Sure, I’ll do that…”

So I kept getting these emails asking me to be the representative from Region 7 to the Textbook Adoption Committee. I did not wonder why they had such a hard time getting volunteers, maybe I should have. But I finally agreed. Then I had to register through something called e-procurement to get paid and that was so convoluted and difficult that I almost just gave up. Finally had to get someone else to go in and register for me. Took them about 5 minutes.

Not wanting to waste any opportunity, when I found out that the infamous Pole Barn Poets were playing at New York Pizza in Greensboro, I decided to stop by. After all, it was on my way and Alyse let me stay at her place. I got a hold of a good friend of mine, Al and talked her into going as well. I had not seen her since last fall when she came up for Autumn in Boone, my annual open house. And Wendy was there, too, who I had not seen in even longer, I think. She leads an absolutely fascinating life, filled with adventure and romance. *sigh* I am a public school teacher.

The band was great, especially after a couple of beers (pitchers). I know the keyboardist, Chuck. That’s Drax on the drums and on something of his own making which I think does not have a name yet, but includes a mouse pad. The guitarist is actually a musician and was very good. They did one of my favorites, “I’m doubly dead,” but skipped the one about blue haired drivers in Florida… They have a CD out now—check them out.

When I told Al that she, being a teacher in the public school system as I was, should take the opportunity to represent her region in text book evaluations, she spoke to me using sign language. Although my sister has a degree in sign language, I have no idea what she meant…

Then it was off to the Sheraton Imperial on Sunday and Monday was a day of meetings about how to evaluate the books, then an opportunity to fill out some evaluation forms for real and have our Regional Commissioners look them over and give us feedback.

In the evening I was treated to dinner at Pat’s. Spicy pork chops, mashed potatoes, beans, croissants, fried okra (yech!—but I ate some anyway—it was the way Mom raised us) and a load of other foods. She went all out and I ate till I was stuffed. I had not had a chance to talk to her husband, Wayne for at least a year. We discussed why gays and lesbians want the legal right to marry. Mostly legal issues that are automatically granted in a legal marriage, but abbreviated in “domestic partnerships,” and similar contracts. And the right to be seen and accepted as a couple, sharing their path together in a family unit. These are my thoughts and do not represent anyone else’s!

Then we watched the first part of Finding Nemo. I had not seen it and now I am going to have to rent it so I can watch the rest of it. Will the dentist’s little girl inadvertently kill little Nemo? And what about Martin? Will he continue to escape the desire for blood by his shark friend? Will that other fish remember her name for more than a few seconds? I must know…

After dinner Pat showed me some of the plants she had gotten from me during her visit to Boone. All were doing well, except the Citronella, which had died.

Later still we had ice cream and cake. As they started to doze off in their chairs, I got up and went back to the Sheraton. I am so lucky to have such good friends.

Tuesday was a full day of looking at book after book, filling out evaluation forms and drinking coffee so my head would not fall on the table. Next time when they are looking for volunteers, I will change my email address, my phone number and move into an unaddressed trailer deep in the woods—they’ll NEVER find me—never I tell you! And if they do somehow, they’ll never take me alive!!

But—Tuesday night was my own and I had set up a dinner at Kyoto’s with some Pagan friends. It was so good to be immersed in a group of my own kind. Believe it or not, I am just a normal person in the group—I do not stick out at all.

So we stayed at the bar until we figured everyone that was coming had gotten there. Kira had photos of her new Grandson, Spenser. Looking at the photos, then looking at Jag, we all agreed that he looked suspiciously like this less one month old boy… But we decided that most newborns would resemble Jag, at least a little.

We finally went into the dinning area and had a MOUNTAIN of food. No one got pierced with a knife or had a shrimp flipped into their lap, so we did OK. We stayed very late and they were beginning to fold up the rice paper room dividers before we got the message to leave. Maddy did have a chance to prove her claim that she was ambidextrous and could handle two men at once—massaging!! I think they preferred the individual treatment, though.

So then Wednesday. The LAST day of the textbook evaluations where we had to present our findings to the Department of Public Instruction Commission. It did feel good to be a professional among other professionals, presenting our findings and being heard.

At least there may be some really good Agriculture textbooks next year. You see, for a teacher to be able to order a textbook for her students, it must be on the “textbook list,” which means it must have been adopted by the Commission, which depends on folks like me doing the grunt work. So I don’t resent it totally. And I did get to fit in some fun along the way.

The last thing I did before leaving Raleigh was to visit the NC Museum of Art. I like the museum; it seems to have lots of eye pleasing objects for a small place. Like this. These are parrots. Yellow and green parrots with just a touch of red.. They symbolize… parrots, I think.

I was intrigued at the placement of this handsome naked youth across from an ancient bible and crucifix…

The best find was this guy in the African exhibit. It is a healing and oath taking doll. Made of wood, he had a little round pottery container on his stomach, filled with medicinal herbs and other objects of power. The container is sealed with a mirror (his eyes are made from mirrors, too) to represent the water where spirits live. Nails and other metal objects are driven into his body when an oath is made. Woe be it, I think, to those foolish enough to break an oath so taken. I am already figuring out how to create my own healing and oath taking doll.

My very favorite exhibit has always been the Egyptian area. And among all the displays, it is Sekmut that pulls me, draws me, demands that I attend her. I stand in front of her, I look at her profile from the side and marvel at her strength, grace and beauty. Couldn’t get a photo of her, though—no photography is allowed. But here is a mummy covering. I like mummies—ever since seeing Boris Karlof in the black and white “Revenge of the Mummy.”

Pat and Lois come for a visit!

Pat and Lois came up to Boone for a visit in early June, 2004. Here are some photos. They are teachers I worked with at the last school where I taught, SG. I miss the school, the teachers and especially my kids like crazy, even while I am slowly settling into my life in the mountains.

Pat’s sister, Jackie lives here so we hooked up with her, went to eat at the Daniel Boone Inn (tourists like it a lot; I think it’s OK.). According to one of the plaques out side the building, Boone was named Boone because he might have walked through here on his travels…

No trip to Boone is complete without a trip to the Mast General Store, where you can load up on everything from Carhart clothes to candy. We chose the candy. And here’s Lois being silly with a hat.

Out back was an ice cream store next to a stream. We ate ice cream then played in the stream for a bit. We went back to my house, took a couple of photos in the back yard, put Pat’s cutting in a zip lock baggie with a wet paper towel, then they left. It was so great to see them again.

Two of my best friends are here. I have known Tammy (left, visiting me at my UGA dorm room, fall 1982) since 3rd or 4th grade.

Here we are graduating 7th grade--we were both releaved to get out of C. T. Walker and go on to Tubman Jr. High School.

Sammy (right, helping out with a "flaming volcano" in 1988) I met in 6th or 7th and we walked all the way to school every morning in Jr High and High School (well, till we got our cars, then we rode!). We sat together during 7th grade graduation (left). They made us sing embarrassing "cute" songs, like "Learn Safty Rules; they're good for you," sung to the tune of "Three Blind Mice." Ugh!!!.

We got to go on a trip together that include brief stops in Aftrica and Morocco. It was one of those opportunites that happened suddenly and if you can't make it, it will never happen again. We were able to make it! Well, we either went on that trip or to Disney World... I forget which...

I love them both dearly and treasure the precious gift of friendship they give to me!

Visit to Robert and Tim’s

Near the end of May, 2004 I paid a visit to my friends Robert and Tim, who had just bought a new house in Sky Valley near Highlands. Nice place and Robert got to rebuild the kitchen. He’s really proud of the new bamboo flooring they put in. Seemed like just wood to my uneducated eye. Nice neighborhood, though.

We played cards with Tim’s son who was there for the summer and Robert made his world famous hu sin ribs just for me!

The rest of them had a chicken meal made in the wok, which was very good as well, but not quite so good as the ribs. Tim wasn’t even allowed to taste.

Robert and I went on a couple of “hikes” while I was there. The most rigorous was one about 1/8 of a mile down a paved path to a water fall called “Dry Falls.”

It was really cool, because you could walk behind the falls, between the rock and water and look out through it. It wasn’t completely dry, we got a little wet, but neither of us melted.

We also visited Tim at the hotel where he works. It’s very old, built in the 1880’s and has a very mysterious air about it.

When I saw this miniature of the building it reminded me instantly of the miniature hedge maze in The Shining. Wonderfully creepy! The model does not show all the back hallways and hidden stairs.

Tim showed me the things most folks don’t get a chance to see and it was way cool! Here is one of the haunted rooms where an apparition lady appears at the window. She wasn’t around when we were, though.

These are the gardens that are a part of the hotel. Very neat and beautiful.

Before I left we went to a place called “Blue Valley” where you could see for miles, ridge after ridge after ridge. So beautiful and tranquil. It exemplifies why I moved to the mountains. It is this quiet majesty that makes me feel both tiny and an intricate part of the magnificence of creation.

Robert used to throw the very best Halloween parties. This is from the one in...1988? 1989, maybe?

We had a great time at our mutual friend, Bill's, garden party in 1993.

When Robert and Tim came to visit in 2002 they did not realize that I was working the football game with the FFA to help raise money for our annual trip to the National Convention. When they found out, they served up fries with us! What good friends.

1/8/2003: NCPLC (North Carolina Pagan Leadership Conference) in Greensboro.

Pagans representing organizations came from all over to discuss matters that affect us all, such as what the Pagan Community’s highest priorities were and how to work on these as a wide spread group. We had Workshops on topics such as legal matters, public relations and education. It was a wonderful melting together of many different Paths and opinions. We left with the mission to carry on these “bubbles” of Pagan community in our own smaller regions.

The Pagan Masquerade Ball was great, too! The first row shows my sister and I, Kenny, some of us dancing, and on the bottom row Al getting down and Sam and Alyse.

Roger and I investigated several
different private potteries when we
toured Seagroves near Greensboro in 2001.

As a high school Agriculture Teacher I get to do lots of fun stuff! One of my students snapped this photo of me at the State Fair, 1999.

Phil was my teaching partner for three years. He is one of the best partners I have ever had, as well as one of the best people I have ever known. He made me rethink my feelings towards Christians. Although we differed widely about our views on Pagans and Christians, our actual Paths are quite similar. He and I walked together in harmony--most of the time!

As I look back at it, I wonder how he put up with me. We would be planning our classes for an event the next day, a butterfly would fly by and he would have to get my attention back on the subject. He was usually very patient and gentle.

I enjoyed batting heads with him, teaching kids with him and watching children grow strong and healthy because he took the time and energy to share his knowledge and love with them.

This photo was taken during "International Day;"
we didn't usually dress like this for school!

Another plus to teaching is getting to go to the prom every year. Chip escorted me in 1999.

Believe it or not, that is the dress my Father made for me for the Military Ball when I was attending HS at Richmond Academy in Georgia! Some places had shrunk over the years and it was hard to breath, but I did get into it!

Lance was my escort in 2002 (I think). We had lots of fun and he even said he enjoyed it more than his own prom. I think this photo makes him look like an enforcer, or some other secret service man.

Here's the crazy crew from Gwinnette County Vocational Center (my first teaching job). We all dressed as mobsters for Halloween 1994. I'm the one with the veil. It was great to be "in the gang!"

I love to white water raft,
but have not done so in several years.

Here I am in front with Brad in... 1985 maybe?