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Jane Eyre: The Musical
Book and lyrics by Rebecca Thompson and Kari Skousen Music by Bill Kilpatrick

A new "Jane Eyre" musical is in development as I write this! Here you can learn more about it as it grows.

Updates:The original Rochester is now no longer apart of the show, but the replacement is rumored to be stupendous! Good luck, to all the cast members!

The co-creator of the musical, Rebecca Thompson, has sent me her thoughts and plans for the musical. There was an article in Seattle's newspaper with an interview with Thompson and a short history of this new musical before the "exerpts". Sheyna Watkins, who attended the "exerpts" performance, wrote a review of it. Also, Sherry Schreck of Wenatchee, an English teacher and the producer/director of The Short Shakespeareans, attended the performance and wrote a review with a different view of the musical in process. After it's opening night on August 7, 1999, a review was written by Ian Bishop . If you are curious as to how this musical compares to the Gordon/Caird muiscal, both Watkins and Thompson have provided their thoughts and opinions (also includs more on the Thompson musical). Anxious to hear their beautiful music?

Please keep in mind that this musical is in it's first stages and I've heard it has a lot of potential.
I can't wait to see what happens with it.

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