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Fumble Chart - Small Arms
A roll of 98-00 results in a fumble chart.  Results of fumbles can be found on charts like this.
01-05   Weapon malfunction - Lose next attack
06-10   Oops - Hit the magazine release - 2 rounds to recover*
11-15   Lose next 1-2 rounds of activity
16-20   Weapon falls to ground 1-2 rounds to recover
21-25   Weapon jam - Lose next 3-4 attacks - or switch weapons and lose 1-2 attacks
26-30   Panic - Check Coolness Under Fire (CUF) -2
31-35   Fall to ground, lose 2 rounds of activity unless staying prone
36-40   Weapon malfunction / panic - lose next attack and Check CUF at -2
41-45   Vision impaired - 50% to all actions requiring sight for 1-3 rounds
46-50   Vision blocked - blinded for 1-3 rounds
51-55   Hit friend ½ damage
56-60   Hit self ½ damage
61-65   Hit friend full damage
66-70   Hit self full damage - no whining.  Roll!
71-75   Weapon damaged - 1d10 x 10 = percentage damaged**
76-80   Hit friend ½ damage & Weapon damaged 1d10%
81-85   Hit self ½ damage & Weapon damaged 1d10%
86-90   Hit friend full damage & Weapon damaged 1d10%
91-95   Hit self full damage & Weapon damaged 1d10%
96-00   You messed up bad! - Roll twice on this table and everyone laughs at you (except if you hit one of them, but the others only laugh harder.)
*If weapon has an internal magazine bolt locks back - takes 1 round to release.
**Must be fixed with an individual that has Gunsmith skill.  The more damage the more parts and the more
difficult it is to repair.  80% or more, consider it scraps for another weapon.
Optional Rules
Body Combat