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Check In Tips


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Check Out

1 Type .O, then 4, to exempt an item being checked in from overdue charges.
2 Type .O, then 2, to CKI in an item on yesterday's date.
3 Type .O, then 3, to select a CKI date other than yesterday or today.
4 .CB will show who turned in the item just checked in.
5 .D will display the name of the item being checked in.  To turn off display of item being checked in, type .D again.
6 If a patron wants to pay overdue charges on items checked out on more than one card, type .SL before checking in the items.  Once all the items are checked in, type .EL
7 .USI allows the status of an item to be updated from the CKI screen.
TIP: Use this to set an item to Trace or Quick Pick-up.
8 If a patron brings in a damaged item, type .DM before checking it in.  This will add the amount charged for the item to the patron's record.
TIP: This function does not automatically set the item status to "Damaged/Billing."  If the item is not going back on the shelf, be sure to update the item status manually.