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(a careful selection of current world events, subject to frequent update)

June 9: Eight Children Die in Osaka School Stabbing

Rollercoaster Relations Between the Koreas

Hong Kong Educators Flunk English Reading and Writing Tests

Tension Between Thailand and Burma

Hindu and Jewish Groups Unite in Anti-Islam Bond

June 8: Tragic Stabbing inJapan

Nepal's New King

Controversial Japanese History Textbook Sells Well

Nepal's People and Their Questions

Torrential Rains in Southern China

June 7: US To Resume Talks With North Korea

Japanese Justification For Full-Scale Whale Hunting

India's Reaction to the Nepalese Tragedy

The Problem of Burma's International Sanctions

New Information on the US Reaction to Tiananmen '89

June 6: Asian Youths Clash With Police in Leeds

A-Bomb Victims Plan Tribunal on Nuclear Weapons

China Urges US to Rethink Global Warning Pact

Contradictions in The Chinese Communist Party

More on China's Unrest With the Party

June 5: Tiananmen Mothers Speak

Bejing Admits it Fears Popular Protest

Nepal's King Orders Massacre Probe Amid Riots

China Still Cracking Down on Dissent

Controversial Japan History Textbook Hits Stores

June 4: Nepal's Royal Family Killed in Palace Bloodbath

Casting China as America's Enemy is a Bad Idea

The Spectre of Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Mothers Demand an Apology

June 3: Capital Leaps Forward in China (New York Times website, requires registration)

Philippines Rebels Evade Military

Violence in Japanese Subways

Doctor Warns of North Korea's Hidden Horrors

French Philosopher Derrida Awarded Adorno Prize

June 2: Philippines Hostage Crisis Deepens

China's Dust Storms

The Shanghai Five: A New Asian Alliance

China Gives Taiwan A Military Warning

Chen Shui-bian Rejects "One China, Two Systems" Model

June 1: Democrat-Led Senate to Scrutinize Bush on Asia

China's Dark Secret: AIDS and Corruption in a Poor Province

China Masses Troops for Drills Near Taiwan








Updated daily...




Diary: Index: Writings: Inner Pages: Research:Teachings:

Happenings: April Archive: March Archive: Feb. Archive:

Passions: Link Archive