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Seeing is Believing

"....a picture is worth
a thousand words...."

This photo was taken when I was 17 years old. Man, was I excited!! This is a 22lb. bluefish that I caught in Masonboro Inlet, Wrightsville Beach. That fish still hangs in the pierhouse at Johnny Mercer's Fishing Pier, Wrightsville Beach. Below is a copy of the write-up that accompanied my picture in the paper.

"Labor of Love"

This picture was taken on Labor Day of 1998. I was fishing for flounder at the Wrightsville Beach jettywall. I used a six inch mullet for bait and caught a nine pound flounder.


This catch show two of my favorites to fish for....puppy drum and blues. I caught these last year, also at the Wrightsville Beach jettywall.

"You Go Girl !!"

This is my daughter, Heather. She caught these flounders off the coast of Wrightsville Beach in the spring of 1999. Now is she a "chip off the old block" or what???

"My Dream"

The title says it all !!

"My Home Away From Home"

This is a picture of the jetty wall at Wrightsville Beach, NC. The jetty separates the Atlantic from the Masonboro Inlet. I have caught many a blue and flounder here!!

"Thar She Blows !!"

This was Johnnie Mercer's Fishing Pier, Wrightsville Beach, least until Hurricane Fran got a hold of it. I have fished on this pier for as long as I can remember. My bluefish still hangs in the pier house.

"Ebbing Shore ??"

This photo is of Shell Island, off of Wrightsville Beach, NC. As you can see from the sandbags, storms like Bertha, Fran, and Bonnie are literally taking our coastline. One more hurricane, and I'm afraid Shell Island will be come Shell Inlet.

"Blue Heaven"

This photo was taken in the fall of '99. I love to do some night fishing for bulls off the jetty at Wrightsville Beach. This baby weighed in at 18 pounds.

Wanna take a peek at some of my catches??
Click here on Susie the Seahorse

Click for Surf City, North Carolina Forecast

Click here for youreye-candy award!

"Percy" you want to swap some ‘fish tales’ ?? about that big one that got away ??........if so, click on PERCY, the talking fish, and he will take you to "JETTY JUMPER'S NC SURFISHING CLUB" Yahoo club for just us fishermen....................SEE YA THERE !!!!!!!