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Kitty's Commentary
Kitty's Commentary

Here you can find my rants, ramblings, updates, and whatever else I choose to post. View at your own discretion, this is just pretty much about anything I choose and although it maybe related to the Hardyz at times it will not be solely dedicated to them as opposed to the rest of the site.

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Thursday, March 15, 2001
Commentary No. 15

I'm drugged up on cold & flu medicine, I've got a fever, an english paper due tomorrow that is only half done, my roommate is mad at me, and I'm running on barely two hours of sleep, but I did update. I guess being whiny isn't the best way to start this off but if I don't get it out of my system I think my head'll explode. So, if you don't think you can stomach my bitching you probably shouldn't read the rest of this commentary.

Am I the only person pissed over the XFL? I think it's ten times better than the NFL and yet, they're completely being trashed by critics. Is it really so hard to believe that these men can play football even though the league is run by Vince McMahon? I know one of the dj's on a radio station here where I live was talking about how he thought it was great football, but some of the people who called in thought the plays were scripted and that the guys weren't actually playing. I'm insulted that some of the most prominent football critics and sports casters are dissing the XFL because it's run by the same person who runs the World Wrestling Federation, and that they won't even give the league a chance.

You know what also pisses me off? The fact that the WWF is bumping current talent to make room for some of the guys coming over from ECW. Now anyone who knows me very well knows I'm a diehard ECW fan. It's a great fed and they have some extremely talented people over there. (when they're operating)I'm sorry but Rhino and Justin Credible do NOT belong in the WWF. When it comes down to it they just aren't cut for it. They were great in ECW but I don't think they can bring that same element to WWF tv. And now that Justin's on Raw and Smackdown! they aren't even using him properly as I feel they aren't with Raven. And why the hell does Vince keep hiring the less than desirable former ECWers? I think RVD would be the obvious first choice. He'd be amazing if put in the right angle and given a fair amount of air time.

And since I brought up Raven I'm going to get into why I think he's being misused just because I feel like whining about it. He's one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, he's a hardcore legend, and he's stellar on the mic. And for whatever reason he's been thrown in with the mid-carders. Personally, I think it's a fucking injustice. He's worked so damn hard for so long and he's jobbing on HeAt because the WWF creative team seems to have their heads stuck up their asses. I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone but it seems like as of late the WWF has been badly misusing almost all of their talent.

If I keep on like this I'm going to make myself sicker than I already am. I have an english paper to finsh so I'm gonna end this. Hopefully next time I write I won't be in such a foul mood.

Quoth the Kitty, Nevermore

Tuesday, March 13, 2001
Commentary No. 14

First of all I'd like to apologize for leaving the site for two months without an update. Due to some problems at home I decided to move into an apartment with a friend and I had no regular internet access for awhile. My aunt gave me her old computer though, and now I'm back for good.

Secondly, I intended to update last Monday, but my internet provider was having problems with their router (?I think?) all last week. So, of course, I was offline as a result.

On to better things, the Boyz won the tag belts!!! Hell Yeah!! They've worked so hard and they definitly deserve to be the Champs more than any other tag team in the WWF!

Other than that, the WWF has been boring me as of late. They really need to get Trish off tv. She's a ho and if I wanted to look at ho's I'd turn to the Playboy channel. Actually, I don't even have the Playboy channel, but that's not the point. The point is Trish = bad ratings + naseous viewers. Please Vince, get her plastic ass off the air!

Is it just me, or does anyone else think there's more to the Kat/Lawler story that we don't know about? They just don't up & fire you for having a bad attitude. They warn you first and let you know it's a problem I'm just guessing, but she probably pissed off Stephie Mac.

On the brighter side, Paulie (Paul Heyman) has a job with the WWF. Woohoo! I've been a Paulie fan forever and I think he'll do a great job at color commentary. He's a great addition to the roster, in my personal opinion.

Does anyone know what the WWF might be planning for Shawn Michaels? I've heard rumors he'll wrestler at 'Mania which I'm pretty sure is untrue. They would've announced the match weeks ago so they could hype it up to sell more of the ppv. I know he sold his Academy not too long ago and he resigned with the company, but I haven't heard of any plans for his return if you've heard anything and wouldn't mind letting me know, please email me at: .

Personally, I think Steven Regal is the WORST commissioner to ever set foot anywhere. Be it in the ring, onstage, or in another company, bottom line is that he sucks! He's not getting any heat, and the reason the fans hate him is because he's about as interesting as week old oatmeal. I don't love to hate him, I hate him, and I want him off of my television screen.

And it seems to me that this RTC bull is getting really old. just don't care anymore. I can't believe that anyone would get excited about the Ivory/Chyna match at 'Mania. Chyna's too talented to be competing against Ivory, who in my opinion, has a whiny, nasal voice and no talent.

I'm going to end this before I go any further. Ya'll don't even want to hear me bitch about how Raven is being misused. He does not belong with the jobbers on HeAt damnit!!!

Well I'm off to finsh my english paper. Until next time Girlz!


Friday, December 22, 2000
Commentary No. 13

Ick. I think I'm starting to remember why I hate snow so much. The roads out where I live are too slick to drive on and I've become prisoner to my house. I haven't been to town for a week and a half and I have major cabin fever. The inches of treacherous ice coating the roads will however by no means prevent my relatives from visiting come Christmas. This is an injustice.

Speaking of injustices, how many of you saw Armageddon? Don't get me wrong, I do love Kurt, but why the hell is he still the WWF champ?!? To top that off Ivory retained her title as well and my sweet Billy G. lost his! This is one of the worst pay-per-views I've seen in awhile.

Armageddon may have sucked but I was pleased with this weeks Smackdown. I nearly cried Monday when Edgie & Chrissy lost their belts. (I know some of you don't like E & C but I do ) I was boucing up and down when they got them back at the end of Smackdown even if Kurt helped them a little. If Matt and Jeff can't have the titles then they belong with Edgie & Chrissy.

I'm trying to remember what happened in Raven's match. Nevermind he lost. Umm okay well Matt, Jeff, and Chris Jericho picked up a victory so that was good. Too bad I can't remember much about the match.

I don't know, but wrestling hasn't been keeping me interested lately. I think it's because Trips (HHH) has been away since the ppv. My poor baby has a herniated (sp?) disk! *sniffle sniffle* Besides the fact he's adorable he really brings a lot to the shows and things just haven't been the same without him. Maybe I'm being selfish since he really, really deserves a vacation, but I just miss 'em so much! lol

Well I'm off to bed. Until next time Girlz!

