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Kitty's Commentary
Past Commentarys

Here you can find my rants, ramblings, updates, and whatever else I choose to post. View at your own discretion, this is just pretty much about anything I choose and although it maybe related to the Hardyz at times it will not be solely dedicated to them as opposed to the rest of the site.

Click here to view the latest commentary.

Sunday, December 3, 2000
Commentary No. 12

I've missed Raw and Smackdown for the past two weeks so I have no idea as to what is going on in the wrestling world. My lack of knowledge on the current state of pro-wrestling sort of limits what I can ramble about in this commentary. So I'm going to warn you now, this is going to be an incredibily boring recap of my by all means pathetic and uneventful life.

For some odd reason this year I'm actually excited about the upcoming Holidays. (but only slightly excited =P) Over the past couple years Christmas and New Years have been starting to lose their appeal untill now. I'm guessing that's because this will be the last time I spend them with my family as a member of the actual household. Next year I'll begin college and I probably won't even bother coming home for Christmas.

Christmas shopping. These two harmless words become very nasty when put in the same sentence. Or at least they do in my world. And I guess since this is my commentary and I'm talking about my life, right now my world is the only one that counts. =P I hate Christmas shopping with a passion. Although, I think that may be because I always do it last minute . Which by the way, I don't suggest to anyone.Every year I've told myself that this year I won't wait and I'll go sometime much earlier than the last 3 days before Christmas. And it seems the more I lie to myself the worse my holiday procrastination becomes. For example last year instead of going a couple days before Christmas I went the day before. I would be inclined to label that one of the worst days of my entire life. Why am I telling you all of this you ask? Because I'm proud to say I'm done with my shopping already this year.(and I'm thrilled about it !!!!) I went to the mall today and ended up just getting my gifts taken care of. But here's the great part, I just got everyone gift certificates. I'm not sure why it never ocurred to me to do that before but I guess better late than never. I never know what to by everyone and I always wait too long to shop. My problems are solved , all hail the genious who thought up gift certificates.

Moving on now.... What does everyone think of the new layout? I haven't been online in like a week and when I was thinking about all the updates I need to make I just decided that for some reason we needed a new look. Hopefully all of you will like it as much as I do. It's slightly different from the past layouts which all had a lot in common, but I think I've decided that I prefer this one over the other 5 layouts we've used before.

Well I'm off to bed. Untill next time Girlz!

Love, Skittles, and WWF Gold,
* Kat *

Wednesday, November 15, 2000
Commentary No. 11

Once again I've failed at what I'm always promising to do.Update the site. I really have meant (and wanted) to but I haven't had the opportunity to. I was sick for like three days and had to miss school. I thought maybe I'd be able to work on the site since I was home, but I wasn't really capable of getting out of bed and sitting here at the computer desk. I also lost a cousin this week in a traumatic car accident. So I missed another three days of school to go to Texas for the funeral and I stay with his sister Stephanie for an extra two days . She's one of my favorite people in the entire world and her heart is just broken into millions of pieces and I felt like I needed to be with her even though I didn't need to miss school.

So because of that I have 3 days of Saturday school! Can we say eeewww? EEEWWWW! I hate Saturday school! I had it twice my freshman year and it sucked. I think I'll go once and skip the other two and hope no one notices. "(they usually don't) And they'll count me as present too. They can be idiots sometimes. I have plans for Friday & Saturday so I'll definitely miss on that particular Saturday,

I was really upset Monday when the boys didn't get their titles back on Raw. They've worked so hard and the WWF writers give RTC the belts? What the hell is with that? They've been around just a couple months and they can't even wrestle. They shouldn't even be contenders for the belts, they couldn't be less qualified for the position.

I was glad to see Tazz turn on Raven. Although I hated to watch my baby being pummeled into a table I think he can do sooooo much better without Brooklyn Ghetto Boy as his partner.I also really like Raven's hair with his blonde highlights. It really looks great on him! I'm hoping he wins his first WWF belt soon. I'd really like to see Scottie with the European belt around his waist.

I'd also like to see HHH with his Heavyweight Championship again. Kurt's a cutie but WWF champ? No. I know Hunter is a "bad guy" now and I really don't like him around Riki (Rikishi) but he's the hardest worker in the sport and I could just watch him wrestle for hours. He really deserves some gold to show just how Damn Good he is!

I've heard from various people on the web that the WWF is talking about buying out WCW. Am I the only person mortified at the thought? Ugh! That would be completely unfair to the current WWF talent and more importantly, the fans. I truly hope this falls through because I'm not sure how much longer I would be a loyal WWF fan if they did infact merge.

Is it just me or does The One Billy Gunn look better and better everytime you see him with that new haircut? I know some fans have stated they think the hair cut "ruined" him but I think it makes him look even better than he did before. Who knows, maybe I'm crazy.

I'm watching WCW Thunder for the first time in months and I'm genuinely impressed with parts of it. The Powers that Be in WCW were smart to push Jindrak and O'Hare. Those boys really have some talent and possibly an incredible future in wrestling. Although I suggest they jump ship & find a new fed , WCW can only take them so far. That is, of course unless the WWF buys them out. Then Jindrak and O'Hare could be ditched or turned into major stars. We'll just have to wait and let the chips fall as they may.

Whoa, Team Canada? When did they fuck up and put Team Canada together? I guess this is just a reminder that WCW is going downhill and if they keep coming up with angles like this it's going to be very fast.

I've got to say I've suprised myself. Usually I don't have this much to say about what's current in the Pro-Wrestling world. And I hope in giving my opinions on storylines and etc. I haven't bored you all, or in pissed you off

I'm such a happy bunny. I'm getting to go to Raw is War (my third WWF live event) in Memphis, Tennesse at the Pyramid on December 11th! I'm overly excited about it already. Although I have a but of a dillemma. I made a past with my friend Ashley (who I went to my other WWF shows with) that whenever we went to WWF shows it would always be together. But my friend Stormy wants to go with me and she's upset we've never gone together before. But I only have two tickets and I can't decide who to take! I'll feel guilty about not taking one of them no matter what.In the words of Edge & Christian this situation" scrapes the bowels of suckitude".

Well I'm going to go now before I use up all my webspace on this commentary. lol

Love, Skittles, and WWF Gold,
*Kitty Kat*

Friday, November 10, 2000

Commentary No. 10

Raise your hand if you're tired of hearing about the elections. I know for sure I can't bear to hear another word about it. Sure I care who the next president of my country is but this situation is really starting to press my nerves. The Home Shopping Channel is even selling momentos so you can remember the election that was "Too Close Too Call". I swear if I hear that phrase again I'll scream! Who knows, I may do worse than scream. I'll just up and move to Canada where I'm sure not to have to hear about it anymore.

Another thing that has me madder than a wet hen is the Hardyz losing the tag titles. What a f*cking injustice! Need I say more? I didn't think so.......

Has Vince McMahon lost his damn mind? Ivory the Women's Champ? Puh-lease! She hasn't the sense God gave a baby bird. And she certainly doesn't have enough talent to beat Lita in a wrestling match!!!!

If you haven't noticed (and I'm sure you have) I'm in a rather bitchy mood . So I'll spare you anymore whining on my behalf. I've collected some wrestling news (my opinion free) that I thought my be of some interest to end this commentary.


Stephanie McMahon will be in an upcoming movie by Dark Horizons called "On Angels Wings" directed by Robert A. Masciantonio. She will be playing "Amanda, a hardened ex-classical dancer turned bartender who is the love interest and voice of sanity for the lead character." The movie will be filming next year in Philadelphia.

Droz is now writing his own column for . If you would like to read that go to .

The Rock's book has made Amazon'com list of the worst celebrity book covers. The cover was rated the fifth worst out of 12.

The World Wrestling Federation issued a press release regarding the settlement between the company and the Hart Family in the Owen Hart case. WWFE will receive a full release from any further liability in the case as outlined in the terms of the agreement. "It has always been our intention to settle this case and we tried to do what we felt was in the best interest for all those involved, particularly for the family of Owen Hart," said Linda McMahon, CEO of the WWF. The company will take a charge of $7 million which is net of its insurance recoveries and will be recorded as administrative expenses for the quarter ended October 27, 2000.

A few days after Burger King pulled ads from WWF Smackdown!, WWF chairman Vince McMahon said to the NY Post that a lawsuit against the PTC will most likely be filed as early as this week. McMahon told the Post that out of the 35 plus advertisers that the PTC advertise as they pulled from Smackdown, around 25 of them never bought national advertising with the WWF. "It's the Big Lie Theory and that's what they're doing, they're lying their way through this thing," said McMahon. Vince McMahon is planning to go 'all out' on L Brent Bozell, head of the Parents TV Council. The WWF chairman also made a brief comment about the possible WCW buyout when asked by the NY Post. "As a public company, I need to be careful what I say, but we have had conversations with them," he said.

Bob Ryder reports problems with the WWF/TNN deal. TNN seems to have lied to the WWF about TNN statistics. They apparently increased the number of homes TNN is available in. Also, the WWF is upset that no WWF superstars are in Viacom advertisements.

After announcing his retirement last week, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart discusses WWF President Vince McMahon, his brother Owen's tragic death in the ring and the current state of professional wrestling during The Last Word With Jim Rome 6:30 and 11:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3 on Fox Sports Net. Rome's interview with Hart was taped Monday, Oct. 30. Here are some excerpts from the interview.

Hart on Vince McMahon: "He's a man that will do anything for a dollar. The World's Greatest Car Salesman, Vince McMahon."

"It's amazing what kind of devious, sick, psychopath this guy really is. I wake up every day in the morning and feel totally fine with who I am as a person, but I can't imagine what it would be like to wake up every day and look in the mirror and be Vince McMahon."

Hart on the tragic night his brother Owen died: "Owen left the house saying he definitely would not do [the stunt], to sort of let [his wife] Martha's worst fears come to rest. She was really uncomfortable with him doing it, but wrestling is one of those things where they can put such pressure on you so they can put a title on you.''

``[Owen] was going to win the Intercontinental Title on [the day he died]. It would have been a big boom to his career. I don't really know what made him change his mind, but I know there is a lot of subtle force put on [wrestlers] all the time. You can go back a few years earlier to what happened to me in Montreal when you don't play by their rules they will do everything they can to destroy you."

"Owen would not have wanted this show to go on. I don't think if you look at anyone with any common sense in their family, no one would have wanted the show to go on. If Vince McMahon would have dropped [his son] Shane McMahon from the ceiling and he splattered on the mat I don't think he would have scraped him off the mat and sent the next match out.''

``I actually know first hand from the wrestlers involved, they wheeled my dead brother right past all the wrestlers and actually pushed wrestlers out the door and said, 'Go, go, go, you're on.' That is really insensitive and really cold. Of all the people on this planet, Vince McMahon has no right to speak for my dead brother Owen."

"There's not a day I don't think about [Owen] 100 times a day. My whole life was tied in with wrestling. The death was tied in with wrestling. I sometimes fear I'll always be tied in with it myself. It's sort of why I came back within the last year to the WCW. To try to write one more chapter, rather than always be remembered as the brother of the guy who got killed in the ring."

Hart on the current state of professional wrestling: "The wrestlers are out there hurting themselves for real now and beating themselves to death almost."

"I don't know if there's any art form in bashing somebody over the head with a chair. If you got big boobs and you can drop your pants in the wrestling ring, you get high ratings. That's not what I loved about wrestling.''


Well untill next time Girlz.

Quote the Kitty , Nevermore.

Wednesday, November 1, 2000
Commentary No. 9

I know it's been forever since I last updated (as there always seems to be big gaps in between my updates) but I've been incredibly busy as usual. I've by all means missed working on the site over the last couple weeks and at the risk of sounding like a computer geek, I'm already anxcious for summer to come so that I have the extra time to do so.

Am I the only one who thinks these past couple months have just absoulutely flown by? It still astounds me that I'm now a junior but what floors me even more is the fact it's already November and the end of the 2nd semester isn't that far away. I swear, the older I get the faster time seems to pass me by.

Oh well, on to less depressing things. I hope all of you had a great Halloween! Last night I took my little cousin trick or treating and as pathetic as this sounds, I had fun. It's so neat to watch little children get excited about dressing up in itchy costumes and asking strangers for candy. And this past Saturday I went to a Halloween party to celebrate. (if you can classify that as celebrating) Which I also enjoyed.

I'm so thrilled because on December 11, I'm getting to go to my third WWF live event! It's going to be Raw at the Pyramid in Memphis, Tennesse. I'm ecstatic about it already and it's over a month away. I don't know where my seats are at just yet since my Dad hasn't told me yet and he ordered the tickets.(wasn't that sweet of him?) Hopefully I'll get to meet some wrestlers like last time and get some more autographs. I'm going to start working on my signs so they'll be perfect and I'll have enough time. Last time I didn't have time to make any decent ones and the time before it took 12 hours (yes I said 12 hours) to get them just perfect.

Well I have homework to finish and various other things to do so I'm going to wrap this up.

Well untill next time Girlz.

Quote the Kitty , Nevermore.

Tuesday, October 15, 2000
Commentary No. 8

Ok I know it's been way too long since I've last updated the site but my free time is becoming increasingly scarce. Lately it seems that there just aren't enough hours in the day. I've spent the last few weeks working on the every last detail as stage manager for a play my high school is putting on and then the great (cough cough) honor of helping decorate and come up with ideas for Homecoming floats was bestowed on me. Not to mention I also was selected to help decorate the Civic Center for the Homecoming Dance. And of course there's that pesky thing called homework. So all things considered updating the site hasn't been an option. But hopefully ya'll will be lenient amd forgive me? lol

So as of late like I said I've been busy so I've missed way too much wrestling. I caught the last 20 minutes of Raw and the first 15 minutes and the last 45 or so minutes of Smackdown. And of course I missed Superstars, Jakked, and HeAt as I usually do. So I am very behind in the world of wrestling. ::sniff sniff:: And to make matters worse I missed my baby HBK on Raw!!! I swear I almost cried when Branwen called and told me . I haven't seen him on tv in way too long and he picked a time when I couldn't watch to make an appearence!!!

It's 9:15 and I have homework to finish, emails to check, and my dog needs a bath, and I need to get up early in the morning to go to Stormy's house so I'm going to have to cut this short.I have to try and get some sleep.As for the like two of you who actually read this, I promise to write more next time!

Well untill next time Girlz.

Quote the Kitty , Nevermore.

Tuesday, October 03, 2000
Commentary No. 7

First of all I'd like to apologize for all the chaos surrounding the site lately. First being that I didn't update because I need a co-webmistress to help, second being that I had to choose a different co-webmistress after I realized that the first one I had chosen turned out to be unsuitable.

Some of you may have known Meredith as "RingRatJessica" who used to run the fake "official site" of the Mean Street Posse and the current T & A fake "official fan club". I knew only a portion of her background before I hired her and it ended up being a BIG mistake. She's made up some very disgusting things about various people I know and of course her websites reflected badly on this fanclub and myself. So for the above reasons and various others I decided to fire her.

Although I'm feeling better now that Kaylan (webmistress of our affiliate "Control Me...") has taken over as co-webmistress. I'd also like to thank her for making the new awards and member banners! They're great!

Oh and yes I finally fixed the Matt Gallery that was down! Sorry it took so long to get around to re-doing that! For those of you who emailed me and let me know, thank you!

So am I the only who is excited about Raven in the WWF? Maybe I'm just too much of a diehard fan but I think the fact he has an active role know is great.
And I'm even happier for our boyz! And Jeffy's dancing on Raw the other night was hilarious!!! (By the way I added a picture of it to his 5th gallery if you want to take a look) And his shirt and his hair were wild. Neon yellow and bright blue. I swear it hurt my eyes!!! lol

Well untill next time Girlz.

Quote the Kitty , Nevermore.

Friday, September 29, 2000
Commentary No. 6

Hey chickas! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've last updated. I went to Kentucky to see Smackdown and the profiles and work needed to be done on the site sort of built up. But now I have a wonderful co-webmistress named Meredith to help out with the site.( Thanks Mere! ) Now for the things that have been taking place while the site was in limbo......

1st like I said I went to Kentucky for Smackdown and I met Crash Holly and Kurt Angle! You can read about how that happened by going to Knocked On My Door! And I saw Jeffy! He was like 3 whole feet away from me and I froze. I wanted to talk to him but I couldn't even move. It was terrible! I nearly cried afterwards because I was sooooo stupid. ::sigh::

I finally got the Raw mag with the Hardyz and the WWF mag with Undertaker as well. Both great magazines. I even bought 2 Raw mags with our Boyz. One to read and cut the pics out of and one to keep holy and not touch. lol Yes, ::bows:: I AM a fruit cake. But if you've read very many of my commentary's you oughta know that. By the way, why are you reading my commentarys ??? Am I really that interesting?

School lately has been okay. With the exception of one thing. I have another sports injury. I was playing football (er well trying to learn ) after school with some guy friends and my evil friend David tripped me thinking it would be funny and I landed on my feet but I twisted my foot and screwed up ankle!!! So now I have to sit out during track practice. Yes, we do practice for track during fall. It's to stay in shape and keep up our pace.

WHHHOOOO HOOOOO!!! My babies won the Belts!!!!!! And I am SOOOO proud of them! It's about time they get the credit they deserve. I screamed my little head off when I heard they beat E & C at Unforgiven. They did wonderful in their return title match on Raw and once again defeated those ditzy (but hilarious) blondes! My week has been perfect since. ::begins singing:: * Mattie and Jeffie are tag champs,Mattie and Jeffie are tag champs,Mattie and Jeffie are tag champs,Mattie and Jeffie are tag champs.......................*

Okay now on to even more exciting news. Raven finally debuted!!! Yahoo! I know I'm like 1 of his 4 fans but he so totally rocks in my book! And now that he's back I can relaunch my Raven site. Which you can expect me to plug as soon as I get some work done. lol Did anyone pay attention to the theme music when he came out? It was so cool. It was like birds cawing in the background and you could hear them flapping their wings. Although I was surprised that the arena didn't black out. It seems like that would complete the setting. But hey, what do I know? Nevermind, don't answer that.

Well that's all for now but I'll be (hopefully) putting up another commentary soon.

Quote the Kitty , Nevermore.

Wednesday, August 30, 2000
Commentary No. 5

First of all I must say I was so upset about SummerSlam. Had I known that Edge & Christian were going to win I would NOT have ordered it. I mean come on, who wants to pay thirty bucks to watch the Hardyz lose the TLC match?!? Ugh!

On to more exciting things. I'm going to see Smackdown!!! On September 4th I have to leave to drive 9 hours to Louisville, Kentucky for it. I'm going with my friends Ashley and Natasha and I'm really excited already. We have 10th row seats on the floor so we are extremely close to the ring. Hopefully I'll get some good shots of the Boyz to put up here on the site!

Also I have found a girl to do a column for the site althought neither of us can think up a name for it. So if you have any ideas email them to . We'd really appreciate it!

Well untill next time Girlz.

Love & Skittles,

Friday, August 25, 2000
Commentary No. 4

As I'm sure you've noticed I haven't updated in several days which I just hate. But I've been busy and haven't had time to do anything much so there isn't any way around that. Even worse , I won't be home untill Monday so you'll have to wait for more updates untill then. Although after that I hope to get to update every other day. Maybe I'll be able to manage that. Let's hope so anyways.

I'm going to leave it at that for now. I'm soooooo very tired and I don't think I can type much longer.

Well untill next time Girlz.

Love & Skittles,

Tuesday,August 22, 2000

Commentary No. 3

Although I hate to say it but the site is not going to updated as much from now on unlike it has been lately. I start school tomorrow and I'll be busier of course. I have to worry about my grades before anything else but I'll do my best to keep this site going smoothly.

Also, has anyone else had an extremely hard time finding the September issue of Raw magazine? I've looked everywhere and none of the stores have it! Ahh! :p.
Well untill next time Girlz.

Love & Skittles,

Monday, August 21, 2000

Commentary No. 2

All I can say after Raw tonight is, Lita finally got what she deserved. The Women's Championship!!! And it's about time! The Women's Title match completely reeked of awesomeness. I mean seriously, Stephanie was even impressive to a degree. She's no Amy Dumas but she did well considering she isn't an actual wrestler. But what I think makes this all even more exciting is the fact it was the Main Event! And if I'm correct the first Women's Match ever to be the Main Event for Raw. Or any WWF show for that matter. And no that intergender tag match with Lita/The Rock vs. HHH/Trish doesn't count. Unless there's something I don't know about Hunter and Rock. Lol Anyway I thought I'd share the excitment with everyone!

Something else that made my day today (altough it has nothing to do with wrestling ) was that my sister and I were driving to St.Louis today to go shopping for school clothes (I go back to school Wed. and she'll go back to college the 28th) and on the radio they played "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana . I was so excited because I swear I haven't heard that song on the radio or on tv in like 4 years and then about 30 minutes later they played "Last Kiss" by Pearl Jam! And I was completely shocked since this station never plays grunge. It's mostly an indie rock station and the mainstream alternative and Seattle grunge sound is pretty much forbidden to be played. Now I know that none of you care about this but I considered it a crucial part of my otherwise boring day. So there ya go. :p.
Well untill next time Girlz.

Love & Skittles,
