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Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men

The Miracle
Claire S. Boyer

Into each man's life comes the miracle
The wonder of manger and star;
But 'tis only the wise men who see the light,
And the shepherds who watch afar;

And only the wise men follow its gleam
Through a desert of dusty days,
And the purple murk of appalling nights,
And the terror of Herod-ways;

And only the shepherds hear the song
Of "Glory to God on High;"
For their hearts are rich with humility,
And tuned to the heavenly cry.

Yet His star is hung for all to see,
And each has the right to bring
The gift of his soul in the palm of his hand
To the manger that cradles the King.

For to all of the people of East and West
Come the tidings of joy each year,
But few are the shepherds and wise men
With faith to see and hear.

Into each man's life comes the miracle
The joy of the Christ Child's birth
But human love alone can bring
A second Peace to the earth.



Southern Ways © Copyright 2000-2001
Miz Dixie Belle
All Rights Reserved